From: John C. [] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 18:43 To: Subject: Ranma The Tenth Hakkkeshu. Chp. 18 Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 18: Neko-Riot. In Contact With Felines, the Orochi Blood Within Ranma Awakens Ranma feels like shit. Iori beat the living crap out of him. Ranma is not the type to just lie around and do nothing. He once again heads to the deck to practice his katas. (More room on the deck than in his cabin). Even though every muscle in his body protests, he continues. Ranma knows he cant slack off in his training now. Hes in a Tournament with people all over the world watching, and he got his ass handed to him by Iori. He just thanks God no one else besides the fighters saw it Yeah right (------) In the Captains quarters, Rugal goes over information about the girl with Mature and Vice. Rugal: Are you sure about what you told me? Vice: Yes sir. We got our information from Kyo Kusanagi. Rugal: And how did HE know of the girl? Mature: He apparently met her when she got on board the ship. Rugal: How did she get on board? There was no way she could have gotten on without me detecting her. Look at all these cameras for crying out loud! Mature: She swam. Thats why she was soaking wet when we saw her fighting her brother. Rugal: Hmm Another Hakkeshu? Maybe I should tell Goenitz about this. Goenitz (From behind Rugal): I already know Rugal, Vice, and Mature let out a scream of shock. Vice: DONT DO THAT! Rugal (Straightens himself out): So, who is that girl? Goenitz (Smiles): Do not concern yourself with her I will deal with her when the time is right. With that a gust of wind picks up and Goenitz disappears again. Mature: I have to learn how he does that (------) In Colognes cabin, she gives Shampoo instructions for her mission. Cologne: Shampoo. If you are to regain your honor, now is the best time. Shampoo: Yes Great-grandmother. Mousse: Why does she have to kill him? Thats my teams job! I can defeat Saotome easily. Cologne: Now is not a time for games lame duck. Ranma is at his weakest now that his cousin has beaten him down. Shampoo, I want you to take this stone. Once you kill him, place it on his body. His power ill go into the stone, and his power will belong to the tribe. Mousse: Is that wise Old Ghoul? I mean, if he is a demon, wouldnt his power destr ! Quack, quack, quack! Shampoo (Holds an empty bucket): Stupid Mousse. If Great-grandmother say, it is good for village, than it is good. Cologne (Smiles): Quite right child. No go! Slay the Hakkeshu, gain his power, and you will regain your honor. Shampoo: Yes Great-grandmother. And after this, Shampoos handsome King will be impressed and ride off with Shampoo into the sunset Cologne just stares at Shampoo as Shampoos eyes turn into little hearts (------) Ranma has finished his katas and some menial exercises. He feels a bit better, but not much. Hes about to head for his cabin when his danger-sense goes off. He turns around in time to catch Shampoos sword. Ranma: So What do you want Shampoo? Shampoo: It time for your end demon! Ranma: Sorry to disappoint you, but I got too much to live for now. So if you leave, Ill let you go with out incident. Shampoo: Ranma, Shampoo KILL! Shampoo takes a kick at Ranma, but he easily catches it and sends her flying back. Shampoo gets up and strikes at him with two swords, (She hide the second sword with the hidden weapons technique). As she strikes, Ranma easily evades the strikes, and he strikes at Shampoos wrists with his palms, forcing her to drop the weapons. Shampoo tries to gain space with a roundhouse kick, but Ranma catches it, and tosses her. Unfortunately, she lands in a bucket of mop water that was used to swab the deck. Shampoo turns into a cat, and lunges at Ranma, getting a grip in his shoulder. She will not let go. Ranma runs around screaming his head off. (------) In the Mess Hall of the ship, the Fatal Fury Team, The Special Team, The Womens Team, The Lots of Spirit Team, The Musk Dynasty Team, and Krauser are sitting at tables eating and talking. Joe: This is some good stuff. Terry: I love hotdogs Mary: Dont you eat anything else besides junk food Ter? Terry: I do. Its just that I LOVE junk food. Give me hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, fries, ice cream, and sodas any day! Mai: Its amazing he stays so well built, considering how he eats Terry: Hey, I may love junk food, but I also train daily, if not hourly. Andy: Thats true King: Mmm I love a good Martini. Krauser chuckles to himself at the fighters stupidity. Lime: Sir, would you like some of these tasty things? Herb: They are called French fries. And no thank you. Mint: Have some of these hamburgers than. Theyre delicious. Billy (Over in the corner): Ah Hamburger (Takes a bite). Ryuji: HEY! THERES NO PICKLES ON THIS SANDWICH! I WANT PICKLES! Akane: Who needs junk food? Here Shingo-kun, have some of the stir-fry I made you. Shingo: Stir-fry? I thought it was Was Well Something green with aquamarine splotches all over it Akane (Battle aura rises): Shingo Shingo: Uh, no worries, Ill eat it! (Thinks: Im doomed) Shingo resigns himself to death by Akanes food. Ranma crashing in through the doors of the Mess Hall saves him at the last second. Ranma screaming bloody murder also provides a nice distraction Ranma (Terrified): GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! Terry: Ranma? Whats wrong? Mai: OH NO, THE PERVERTS ARE NOW ATTACKING MEN! Mary: Thats not one of the shriveled old men on him. Thats a cat! Ryuji: EH HEH HEH HEH HEEEHHHH!!! SCREAM, CRY, MOAN IN TERROR!!! Billy: Cant I eat in peace just once? Krauser: I honestly thought he was a much tougher person than this. Ranma runs around the room 57 times screaming for them to get the cat off. None of them know why hes running. Ranma, trips over a chair and goes flying into a wall, smashing his own face in. As He backs up, Shampoo-cat digs her claws in deeper. Ranma screams in pain as Shampoo-cat does not let up, but digs her claws in deeper. She will kill Ranma. Too bad she for got about one tiny important detail about Ranma Ranma stops running around, screaming, DOING ANYTHING! He stands there, stiff as a corpse Terry: Ranma? Are you all right? Akane knows whats coming, so she grabs Gosunkugi and Shingo, and gets the hell out of there. The others look on as Ranma just stands there, not moving. Shampoo-cat realizes whats going to happen, and lets go and tries to get out. Unfortunately, a cat cannot open a door that needs human strength to push it open. (------) Ranma starts to cough. Blood than streams out of his mouth. His hair takes on violet highlight, his skin pales, the pupils disappear from his eyes, and his teeth become noticeably sharper. The fighters that recognize the Riot of Blood look on with sheer horror. Unfortunately, theres much more to it this time than they realize. Terry (Afraid): Ranma? Ranma doesnt respond. Mary: Oh Jesus Ranma, can you hear me? Once again Ranma doesnt respond. He doesnt even move. Mai: What now? Terry: We may have to fight. Joe (Screams in Terror): I DONT WANNA FIGHT A RIOT OF BLOOD OROCHI! ITS SUICIDE! Billy (Thinks): SHIT! I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE! Herb: Ranma What happened to you? Ranma looks up at them. He turns his head around to get a good look at all of them. He stops when he sees Shampoo-cat. He lets one word escape his lips. Ranma: Rwoooooooorrrr Kasumi Todoh: Did he just yowl? Before they can react further, violet ki blades, each a foot long, appear on each of his fingers like claws. Andy (Afraid): Were going to die, arent we? To answer his question, Ranma lunges towards them, or, more precisely, OVER THEM! Ranma strikes at Shampoo-cat, missing her because of her size, but destroying the doors to the Mess Hall. Using the opening, Shampoo-cat runs the hell out of there, while Ranma follows suit. Joe: I think Im going to lie down (He faints). Billy: This sucks King: What happened? Ryuji: You mean besides the obvious? HE WENT RIOT! HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!!! Mary: Weve got to stop him. Herb: Ill stop him. Mai: You? What can you do? Herb: Whatever I can. Ranma saved my life a while ago. I owe him a life-debt. I will pay it. Even if the price is my own. As the fighters turn to follow Ranma, Krauser stands there and contemplates the turn of events. Krauser (Thinks): Hmm That was the Riot of Blood. But, those were definitely symptoms of Neko-Ken. This Ranma Saotome is getting more interesting by the minute As Krauser goes deeper into thought, a spark of life returns to his eyes that has not been seen in years. It is a spark of impatience to battle a worthy opponent. A smile spreads across his face as the thought of battle consumes his mind. (------) There are some more fighters on deck now. They are surprised when they see Akane with Gosunkugi and Shingo in tow and a little pink and purple cat is following them. Athena: What a cute kitty. Akane (Out of breath): Dad we need Help Soun: Whats wrong Akane? Akane: Ranma went into Neko-Ken. Soun and Genma tense at this. Kensou: Neko-Ken? Chizuru (Knows what it is): NEKO-KEN!? HE KNOWS NEKO-KEN!? Soun: Yes Chizuru: HOW DID HE LEARN IT!?!? Before Genma can weasel his way out of the talk with Chizuru, someone breaks through the deck. More precisely, its Ranma. Ranma: Hiss Genma: GAH! BOY, CALM DONW! Good kitty, nice kitty. Soun: Was his hair always purple? Chizuru: Wait Thats not Neko-Ken. Thats the Riot of Blood. Oh no Ranma spots Shampoo cat by Athena and lunges towards them. Ranma: RWOOOOOR!!! Kensou: I WILL NOT ALLOW ! Kensou goes flying with 10 large gashes across the front of him. Athena: KENSOU! You monster! PSYCHO BALL! Athenas Psycho Ball flies towards Ranma. Ranma swipes a clawed hand at it and makes the Psycho Ball dissipate. Athena: How? Before Athena can react, Ranma is in front of her and he backhands Athena, and sends her flying. Theres no one in the way of him and the creature that is the focus of his hatred. Chizuru: We have to stop him. Soun: Indeed. Someone he trusts unconditionally can coax him out of Neko-Ken. Akane is the only one that can do it. Akane: Im not going to do it! Genma: You must. He is your fiancie. Akane: NO HES NOT! Chizuru: If the Neko-Ken has affect on him, we need you to get him out of it. Akane (Angry): ALL RIGHT FINE! (Stomps her foot). Shingo: Be careful Akane-chan. Akane: Ranma, its me. Stop what youre doing and come here. Ranma just ignores her. Akane (Angry): HEY RANMA, OVER HERE! Ranma continues to ignore her. He stalks over to a deathly-afraid Shampoo-cat. Akane (Seethes with rage): HEY IDIOT, GET THE HELL OVER HERE!!! Ranma faces Akane. His face hides no anger. Akane (Afraid): Oh shit! Ranma, please dont kill me. For Ranma, Shampoo-cat is temporarily forgotten. Akane, a girl that has caused him so much physical, mental, and spiritual pain, is now the focus of his rage. Ranma stalks over to Akane. Suddenly, another annoyance steps in front of him. Kuno: FOUL DEMON, YOU SHALL NOT , , ! Kuno goes flying, cut up, and covered in purple fire. Ranma than continues to stalk towards Akane, until ! Ranma flies over and crashes into the side of the ship. He gets up to see that it was Herb that pinched him. Herb: Sorry Ranma. I cant allow you to kill her. Please. Stop this. Ranmas answer is a quick slash towards Herb. Herb manages to avoid it. Herb takes a quick kick at him. Ranma doesnt feel a thing. Herb than shoots a ki blast at Ranma. Ranma blasts a Dark Thrust at it, and cancels out Herbs attack. Herb is impressed by the skill Ranma has has. The fighters that were also in the Mess Hall finally get onto deck. Herb turns his attention towards them, to tell them to back off. Big mistake. Ranma rushes towards Herb, grabs him by the head, and smashed Herb into the ground in a pillar of purple fire. The sound of the explosion shakes the Black Noah, incinerating most of the deck and sending the two fighters down to the first sub-level of the aircraft carrier. (------) The fighters that werent there, and know nothing of whats going on make their way to where the noise of battle is coming from. They find Ranma and Herb choking each other. Herb is burnt and bloodied, while Ranma seems to have a slight bruise forming on his left cheek. Ranma looks like hes about to snap Herbs neck. Ranmas concentration is somewhat broken by Leonas voice. Leona: Ranma, what are you doing? What happened? Ranma turns his head to look at Leona. He sees the fear in her eyes. Theres something else though. He can sense theres a positive emotion. He cant make it out, its hazy through the fear she feels at the moment, but its there. This brings a mockery of a smile to his face. Leona becomes a bit more fearful, as Ranma does this, but she actually feels an air of peace seem to envelope him. Ranma lets go off Herbs neck and starts to crouch. He than lunges at Leona. She doesnt know how to react but to close her eyes. She feels herself fall a bit backwards; she knows shell be killed now. And by the hands of the person she cares about the most no less. However, she feels no pain. After a minute, she opens her eyes to see Ranma curled up in her lap. Hes purring. Everyone is staring at her. Comments fly around amongst the fighters. Terry:  What happened? Joe: He became a Psycho killer, and is now purring. Ryuji: Aw That wasnt nearly enough destruction. Krauser: Amazing. Truly astounding Mint & Lime: MASTER, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT? Herb: Im fine. If it wasnt for the fact I have dragon blood in me, I probably wouldnt have been able to battle him. Vice: Whats going on? Mature: The boss man wants to know. Iori: I dont understand. When I go into the Riot of Blood, Im NEVER like this. Vice & Mature (Stare at Iori): WE KNOW! Ranma lifts his head, and kisses Leona on the cheek. Theres dead silence. Iori:  Like I said. Im NEVER like this when in the Riot of Blood. Akane is watching this, and runs away, tears fall from her face. The other fighters a speechless. Leona:  Could you please stop staring at me? Nodoka (Walks through the crowd): I believe that would be a good idea. Most of the fighters turn and walk away, not believing what they saw. A few stay to see what unfolds. Chizuru (Grabs Nodokas shoulder): What happened to him. Terry (Interrupts): My friends and I saw Ranma running around and screaming. He had a little cat clawing into him. He went into the Riot of Blood. But I never saw anything like THIS before. Nodoka: My son was taught by his Father (says that with a hint of venom to her voice), in the art of Neko-Ken. Chizuru:  Why did he do it? That techniques been banned for over a hundred years! Nodoka: Because my husband is an IDIOT! Chizuru: So What is this? Nodoka: I have a feeling what Ranma is in is a combination of Neko-Ken and the Riot of Blood. Iori: Meaning? Nodoka: He has the most powerful fighting style mixed into his ultimate form. A Neko-Riot, if you will. Iori: So he is practically invincible? Nodoka: Yes and no. He seems to have all the strengths of the Riot of Blood and Neko-Ken, but... Unlike Riot of Blood, this form seems to have the same cure for it as Neko-Ken. A person he trusts unconditionally can get him out of it, calm him down. I saw that Akane tried and failed. That means Akane is no longer a trusted individual to my son. Nut Leona her She is the most trusted person to him. Leona: This means Nodoka (Smiles): It means he cares for you very much. Leona doesnt know what to say. Nodoka pushes everyone thats still lingering away from the two. As Leona pets the back of the purring Neko-Riot Ranmas head. Leona (Thinks): Well Ranchan Things seem to always go overboard when youre around. But you know what? I dont mind. Youre the only person that can make the world seem boring. Neko-Riot Ranma lets out a yawn and falls asleep in Leonas lap. (------) Vice and Mature return to the Captains quarters to report to Rugal. Rugal: What happened? What was going on? Vice: Neko-Ken. Rugal: What? Mature: Sir You are not going to believe this Rugal (Smiles): Try me (------) End Chapter 18 Next Time: The Black Noah finally ends up in England for repairs. Fights take place, and Billy takes most of the fighters to a Pub he opened a while back. Rugal also TRIES to learn Neko-Ken. Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices