Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma’s Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won’t be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma ½ manga and while before the King of Fighters ’98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 13: Invites Received Kyo had been working out hard today. After all, he did one of the hardest forms of training in his life today for six hours straight. Taking his girlfriend shopping. He loves his dear Yuki very much, that’s why he puts up with it. Now that he’s home he goes into the living room and drops Yuki’s bags in the corner. He and Yuki are about to get something to drink, when his father steps into the room, a stern look on his face. Saishu: Son, we need to talk. Kyo: Can’t it wait? I just got back. Chizuru (Comes into the room): I suggest you listen to what your father and I have to say. Kyo (Surprised): Chizuru! What brings you here? Chizuru (Looks to Saishu, he nods): Kyo, you have been invited back to the King of Fighters Tournament for the 1998 battle. Kyo (Smiles): That’s it? I thought it was something important. Don’t worry, I’ll join. Yuki: Yeah! You’re so cool Kyo! Kyo: Don’t I know it. Chizuru (Frowns): Kyo, I’m not the only one holding the tournament. Kyo (Curious): Oh… Who’s your partner? Chizuru: Here. It’s your invitation. My “partner” wrote it. (Kyo picks up the envelope, and looks it over, his eyes widen with horror, when he sees the seal). Kyo (Fearful): RUGAL!? Chizuru (Sad): Yes… Kyo: HOW!? I killed him! Chizuru: No, you didn’t. He told me that was a ruse, to get all our guards down. He has been training and becoming more powerful, waiting for the time of his revenge. Kyo: And that time is now. Right? Chizuru: That is correct… Kyo (Smiles): No problem. I beat his ass two times. And I can do it a third time. Rugal is going down. All I need is to get my buddies Goro and Benimaru, and we’ll win again. Yuki (Eyes sparkle): Wow Kyo! You’re so brave! Kyo: See Yuki has faith in me, so I can’t lose! Chizuru (Annoyed): This isn’t a game Kyo. Rugal is out for blood, YOUR BLOOD! I suggest you start training. You have a month before the tournament starts. Kyo: No problem. That’s plenty of time. (Chizuru sweat drops. Saishu walks over to her). Saishu: Chizuru. I received an invitation as well from Rugal in the mail. I want to know if I am to join a team or not. Chizuru: You will join a team. In fact, you’ll be on my team. Saishu (Smiles): The Women’s Team? (Visions of Mai “bounce” in his head. He starts to drool. This annoys Chizuru to no end). Chizuru (Angry): No Saishu! I will start a new team, with you as one of the members. Saishu: Who’s the third member? Chizuru (Smiles): That will be a surprise for you. (Thinks: That way, you can’t object to it till it’s too late). Saishu: Where will the tournament be held? Chizuru: The tournament will have many ports for the fights. The introduction ceremony will be at Tokyo Harbor. Rugal suggested it. Saishu (Frowns): I can only hope, he doesn’t plan to kill us all in one shot. Chizuru: That is a possibility. But I think he wants to kill his enemies with his own hands. Saishu: Hmm. This could be bad. I better not take anymore of your time. I’m sure you have things to do. Chizuru: I do. Thank you for being understanding. Saishu (Smiles): Anytime. (------) The scene is Geese’s office in Geese Tower, in the center of South Town. He has called Billy back to personally tell him of the new King of Fighters Tournament and his plans. This does not please Billy. Billy: You can’t be serious! I teamed up with that b*st*rd Yamazaki and that Godd*mn goody-two-shoes Mary last year. Yamazaki tried to skin me alive. Mary tried to arrest my ass for some damn reason. Yamazaki nearly KILLS both of us when the tournament was over, and you want me to team up with them AGAIN!? Geese: Yes Billy. (Billy face-faults). Billy (Gets up): Okay, fine. Which hospital shall I contact in advance so I can at least get a decent room to myself? Listen, I’m sure you have a pretty God-awful memory. Probably from getting knocked off the top floor of this building so many times. Yamazaki is YOUR enemy. Therefore since I’m YOUR employee, he wants to KILL ME! So are you out of you’re bloody mind or what!? Geese (Smiles): Don’t worry Billy; I’ll be participating as well in the tournament. Billy: Wait. If you’re participating, what do you need me for? Geese: We received invitations. (Hands Billy his invitation). Recognize that seal? Billy (Eyes Widen with horror): SONUVAB*TCH!!! I thought Rugal was DEAD! Geese: So did I. But apparently, he’s been in hiding. Probably waiting for the time to take back his place in the King of Fighters Tournament. I received an Invitation as well. So I suppose I’ll have to team up with my half brother Krouser, and former employer Mr. Big again. After all, I wouldn’t want to “disappoint” Rugal after he’s taken all this trouble to set up the new tournament. Billy (Sweat drops): You really ARE a masochist aren’t you. Geese (Smiles): Perhaps I am. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! Billy (Pulls out cell phone and dials a few numbers): Hello, South Town Hospital? I’d like to book a room for sometime within the next couple of months… (------) In another part of South Town, at the Goryuken Dojo, the Art of Fighting Team looks at their invitations. None are happy with their invitation. Ryo: Son… Yuri: Of a… Robert: B*tch… Takuma (Walks into the room): What’s wrong? Ryo: Dad, take a look at this. One of them came for you as well. (Takuma takes an invitation from his hand). Takuma: Oh. The next King of Fighters Tournament? What’s wrong than? I thought you liked entering those tournaments? Ryo: Dad… Look at the seal. Takuma: What? Let me see… (Eyes widen). GAAAAAAHHHH! RUGAL!? HE’S DEAD! Ack! My heart! (Falls backwards onto the floor). Yuri: So did we. DAMMIT, I don’t wanna DIE! Robert: We’re not going to die Yuri. Sure, he may beat the tar out of us, but he won’t kill us. Yuri (Sarcastic): Gee… Thanks for the reassurance. Robert (Totally missing the sarcasm): No problem. Ryo: Dad, dam you all right? (------) It has been almost four months since Leona left Ikari base camp. Ever since she left, Heidern’s been on edge. He’s received contacts from her from time to time, but hasn’t seen her. He really misses his adopted daughter. He sits at his desk doing paper work and drinking a mug of coffee. Ralph and Clark come charging into his office. Clark & Ralph: Sir, you aren’t going to believe this! Heidern: Calm down! What’s wrong? Clark: Sir, we received our invitations to the next King of Fighters Tournament! Heidern: Is that all? You are acting crazy. Ralph: you received one too. Heidern (Surprised): Me? I retired from the Tournaments in 1996. Why did I receive one? Clark: Take a look at the seal sir! Heidern: What do you mean? (Looks at the red wax with a stylized “R” in it. His eye widens and a vein appears on his forehead). RUGAL! (He opens it and begins to read it). TO COMMANDER HEIDERN WELL, WELL, LONG TIME NO SEE. IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE WE LAST MET HEIDERN. TOO LONG IN FACT. I AM HOSTING THE KING OF FIGHTERS TOURNAMENT THIS YEAR WITH CHIZURU. I HOPE YOU’LL BE ABLE TO ATTEND. IT WOULD “DISAPPOINT” ME IF YOU COULDN’T MAKE IT. I WILL BE IN THE TOURNAMENT AS WELL. CHIZURU WILL DECIDE WHEN THE TOURNAMENT WILL TAKE PLACE. IN THE MEAN TIME, KEEP AN “EYE OUT” FOR ME. SINCERELY, RUGAL BERNSTEIN Heidern puts down the letter. He remembers all Rugal has done. How Rugal killed his wife and son, how Rugal killed over twenty of his men bare handed, and how Rugal tore out his right eye. His face turns into a mask of pure rage. He takes his coffee mug and throws it at the wall. He screams in anger. Heidern: YOU BASTARD, I’LL KILL YOU!!! (------) Terry and Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Mai Shiranui, Mary Ryan sit at a table at King’s Bar and Grill in Tokyo. She’s busy at the moment serving drinks at the bar. The five sit at their table looking over their invitations. Terry: Damn… Joe: I don’t understand. Mary: Well, that’s not new. Joe: HEY! Andy: Mary, Joe; we don’t have time for this. Joe & Mary: Sorry… Mai: I don’t get it either. Sure, I’m gonna enter, but… I thought Rugal was dead. Terry: So did the rest of us Mai. Apparently, that’s not the case. Mary: Now what Terry? Terry: As Mai said, enter the tournament. I don’t trust Rugal as far as I can throw him. Joe (Confused): So you trust him a lot than? Andy: That’s just a figure of speech Joe. Joe: Okay. So we enter the tournament. How about King over there? Mai: I’m sure she will. She just needs to get a break so she can read her invitation. Terry: We got our work cut out for us. (Thinks: I hope Ranma will be okay. If he’s with Iori, he most definitely, will get dragged into this). (------) In a large building complex in Tokyo, the band CYS finished performing and are now back stage. They start talking with each other when a man approaches them from the shadows. Yashiro: Who are you? Man: You don’t remember me? How sad… Shermie: Why don’t you step into the light where we can see you? Man (Smiles): Very well… (He steps into the light. Yashiro, Shermie and Chris stare at him in shock and awe). Yashiro: Goenitz! You’re alive!? Goenitz: Good to see you too Yashiro. Chris: What are you doing here sir? Goenitz: Simple. We are the four Heavenly Kings of Orochi. I’ll need your help with the Tenth Hakkeshu. I’m sure you’ve felt his power awaken. Yashiro & Shermie: WHAT!? HE’S AWAKE!? Chris (Smiles): Yes I have. Shermie: You did? When? Chris: We saw him. Or more precise, I saw him. He was there in the audience at the Anything Goes Martial Arts Music Tournament. He was also the one that defeated Iori. Yashiro (Shocked): That pig-tailed boy is our LEADER!? Shermie (Smiles, eyes are seen as little hearts): Oooo. I remember him. He was such a cutie. Yashiro (Annoyed): HEY! Shermie: What? It’s not like; you’ve given me reason to go after you lately. Goenitz: Enough! (The three turn silent and face him). I have invitations for you three to enter the King of Fighters ’98 Tournament. You will work with Rugal, Mature, and Vice. You will all help me awaken his power fully, so we can destroy the human race, and bring the earth back to the way it should be. Yashiro: Rugal, Mature, and Vice? Aren’t they dead? Goenitz (Smiles): They were. But I chose to bring them back. I have use for them. Shermie: Great! I always liked Mature and Vice. I could talk to them “girl to girl” with certain things. Goenitz (Frowns): This isn’t a social call. Will you three help me in our quest? Chris: I think I speak for all of us when I say this. Looks like the four Heavenly Kings are back together. Goenitz (Smiles, teeth are bared): Excellent. I knew I could count on you three. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! (------) All over the world, possible participants have received their invitations to the next King of Fighters Tournament. They are in shock and awe at the seal on their letters. The bearer of the seal is busy at the moment, at Boston Harbor, U.S.A. In a large boathouse/factory, a crew of workers refurbishes the aircraft carrier Black Noah. Rugal sits in the chair of an office of the boat house/factory. He is pleased with the chaos he’s caused. He watches Chizuru on TV at a press conference. He smiles seeing her on the hot seat. Reporter 1: When is the next King of Fighters Tournament to be held? Chizuru: The tournament will be held on the 15th of next month. Reporter 2: Is it true Rugal is involved in the tournament this year? Chizuru: Unfortunately yes. He will be hosting the tournament with me this year. Reporter 3: Who will enter the tournament? Chizuru: I am not sure. Rugal has taken it upon himself to write invitations to fighters he deems as worthy. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken steps of my own. I have invited new participants to the tournament. There shall be new teams at the tournament this year. Rugal (Thinks): Excellent, she’s acting just as I thought she would. By getting more participants, she gives me chances to get more energy. Thank you Chizuru. Reporter 4: Can you tell us who the new participants are, or about the exotic new locations you got for the tournament? Chizuru: I’m sorry. All the new fighters, and locales of the fights shall be revealed at the opening ceremony on the 15th next month. Rugal watches intently, and pets the back of his pet panther’s head. Rugal: See that my pet? That is what you call an every day sucker. I can’t believe she fell for it as easily as she did. So much for the great Yata clan. (Mature walks in). Mature: Did you call me up here? Rugal (Smiles): Yes I did. (Hold up an empty glass). I’d like another mint julep please. Mature: Sure. (Thinks: When this is over, you are SO dead Rugal). (Vice walks in). Vice: Rugal! Rugal: Yeeeeeeessss? Vice: What’s with all the wiring, and strange mechanisms that they’re setting into the lining of the ship? Rugal (Smiles): Just some stuff for the vessel, don’t worry about it. Vice: All right. (She and Mature leave, once out they start talking to each other). Mature: What do you think? Vice: I get the feeling he’s rigging the ships with explosives. Mature: Again? God! Doesn’t this guy get tired of blowing up his stuff? Vice: Apparently not. (------) Ranma, Leona, and Iori hang out in the backyard of Nodoka’s home. They have been doing menial exercises and katas for the past hour. Ranma and Iori have been comparing their fires. They seem to be the same. Ranma: Iori, I want you to go and do your Dark Thrust maneuver the same time I do it. Iori (Eyes Ranma): Why? Ranma (Smiles): Trust me. I have an idea. Iori & Ranma: DARK THRUST! (The two blasts collide and turn into a pillar of purple). Leona: Wow… Ranma: I knew it! When we use our power together, the fires don’t add strength to each other, but multiply it. Iori: Great, but one problem. In the tournament, we go one at a time, not together, so we won’t get a chance to use it. Ranma: Oh. No biggie. Than for outside the tournament than. What should we call it? Leona: How about Dark Double? You use two Dark Thrusts to create it. Ranma (Smiles): I like it. How about you Iori? Iori (Shrugs shoulders): Sure. Why not. As the three talk, Nodoka comes in from the house holding three envelopes. Iori: The invites right? (Notices three). Wait a minute, three? Who’s the third one for? Nodoka: It’s for Ranma (Hands it too him, he opens it) Ranma (Reading out loud): Dear Ranma Saotome. Hello, as you may now know, you are invited to the King of Fighters 1998 Tournament. I know of your power Tenth Hakkeshu. It excites me very much. It will be interesting to face you and your friends Iori Yagami and Leona in the Tournament. Yes, they will be your teammates. I have taken steps to get Heidern to take back his place as the Captain for the Ikari Warriors Team, so Leona will be free to be used on your team. Do not disappoint me. I will be expecting your team to make it to the end to fight my team and I. Sincerely, Rugal Bernstein. (Ranma lets the letter drop to the ground). Ranma: He knows… He knows I’m the Tenth Hakkeshu. Iori (Frowns): I’m not going to lie to you Ranma. This is bad. Unless we kick his ass, we will get no peace. (Put his left hand on Ranma’s right shoulder and smiles). You ready to kick some crime lord ass? Ranma (Smiles): You bet! So, are we a team than? Iori: Hell yeah! Leona: It would be an honor to fight with you Ranma. Nodoka: I have a question for all of you. What will you register your group as? Iori: Simple, The Yagami Team. Ranma: Uh, Iori… Iori: What? Ranma: Leona isn’t a Yagami. Iori: So? I have been the leader of the Yagami team before, and none of my past teammates were of the Yagami clan. Leona: I have a suggestion. Ranma: What is it? Leona: How about the Anything Goes Team? After all, we have a mixture of fighting styles. I specialize in military combat and assassin techniques, Iori specializes in Yagami Ancient Style Martial Arts, and you specialize in the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. Ranma (Smiles): I like it! How about you Iori? Iori (Frowns, than smiles): Not as good as Yagami Team, but… It does have a nice ring to it. Ranma: All right than. The Anything Goes Team is born! (------) End Chapter 13 Next Time: The introduction ceremony to the King of Fighters 1998 Tournament is held. We meet the returning and new teams, as well as have the locales for the tournament revealed. And wait till everyone sees Rugal’s grand entrance. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.