Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma’s Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won’t be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma ½ manga and while before the King of Fighters ’98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 11: Rugal’s Return It has now been three months since Ranma, Leona, and Iori have been staying at Nodoka’s home. All three have improved tremendously in their skills. Ranma, through Iori’s teachings has gotten better control of his power. He can now perform Iori’s Fire Ball, Dark Thrust, and Crescent Moon Slice attacks. Ranma’s also been trying to improve all his other attacks by enhancing them with Orochi power. Iori was so impressed by Ranma’s progress; he got one of his white shirts made with the crescent moon of the Yagami imprinted on the back of it in black. Ranma’s worn that shirt basically everyday. Leona, with Ranma’s help, has increased her speed with the Chestnut Fist training. She has also become a master in Environmental Ki manipulation. Specifically, water. This has caused her to have a bit of control on Ranma’s curse. She can heat up and cool down the moisture in the air around him, and turn him to either his boy or girl forms, much to Ranma’s annoyance; Ranma can’t stay mad at her, and so it’s okay. Iori Is the most changed of the three. He has mastered the breaking point training and has reached superhuman levels of endurance and strength. He also improved on his own Ki training by using cold temperature ki, mixed with his Magatama no Orochi, and is able to make a Hiryuu Shoten Ha, without having to use your opponent’s anger, and moving in a spiral. It comes out as a purple tornado with purple fire in it. He even learned Ranma’s Orochi Hokodan. Most of all, Iori’s become more human. He still hates Kyo with a vengeance, but has begun to realize there’s more to life than revenge. He’s actually started laughing and smiling a lot more. He couldn’t be happier. He has a good life now, with family and friends. Besides the training, the past three months has been pretty uneventful. Unfortunately, that’s all about to change. (------) We go into a close up of an abandoned fortress. It lies dozens of miles from the nearest human habitation, in the middle of the Sahara desert. This empty fortress has stood as a monument to a destroyed madman’s dream of total world domination. Three years ago, this fortress was the hidden base of the notorious crime lord Rugal Bernstein. He had unleashed the Orochi power in his body that he was allowed to have, when Goenitz gouged out his right eye, during when Goenitz had broken the seal that kept the Orochi imprisoned 12 years ago. This is where Rugal fought his last battle against the Kusanagi boy, abusing the power till it overloaded his body and killed him in a pillar of light. The fortress as stood silent since than, until now. A man with white hair, that is black at the temples walks into the center of the room. He is wearing some sort of blue military uniform of some unknown nation. His black cape wafts with the breeze of air that flows through the rusted fortress. He places an amethyst gem that is about the size of an adult man’s fist. Energy starts to pour out of the gem. The gemstone breaks apart and purple light envelopes the place. White it dies down; there are now three more people in the room besides the white haired man. Two of them are woman dressed similarly, but in different colors schemes. One has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her outfit is a black dress and white jacket. The other woman has dark red hair and reddish brown eyes. She is wearing a black dress like the other, but her jacket is red. The man that stands between the two women looks worse for wear. He is missing half his right arm and blood is streaming out of his right eye socket. He has messy blond hair and he is easily 6’4ft. in height and has a very muscular build. He has the symbol of the Omega tattooed into his back. The white haired man steps up to the three people to engage in conversation. White haired man (Smiles): Have a nice trip Mature? (Blonde looks up). Vice? (Redhead looks up). Rugal? (The man jut kneels there, as he tries to catch his breath. He appears to be in a lot of pain). Mature & Vice: GOENITZ! Goenitz (Smile widens): Ah, you remember me. I’m deeply flattered. Mature: How can me and Vice forget? You’re the one that basically signed our death warrants and had Iori go nuts and kill me and Vice. Vice: Careful Mature, you know how Powerful Goenitz is. Maybe we should listen to what he has to say? Goenitz (Laughs): Ah, my dear Vice, always the level headed one, I will continue as soon as Rugal gathers himself, so to speak. (Rugal lurches in pain a new arm literally shoots through the stump of his old one. The blood spurts out of his eye socket leaving him a new, blood red eye in its’ place). Vice: Gross! Goenitz: Mind your manners Vice. You’re lucky that when you died you weren’t in as bad a condition as him. Mature: Hold it! We were dead. How the Hell did you bring us back? Goenitz: That will be revealed in due time my dear, for now; let us see how Rugal is feeling. Rugal (Looks at his arm, smiles): Ha! I LIVE AGAIN! (Looks over to Goenitz). You did this? Goenitz: Yes. I brought you all back from the land of the dead. For you see, I have use for you all. Mature (Sarcastic): Yeah, right! We’d help you like we need another hole in the head. Vice and I has no interest in what a so called “Heavenly King” and some third-rate crime boss that had his ass handed to him two years in a row has to say. We are out of here. Come on Vice. Vice: Sure thing Mature. And my I finally add, so long Goenitz, and up yours Rugal, you asshole. (Rugal stares in shock, Goenitz just chuckles slightly). Goenitz (Smiles): So, you two have no interest in making your returned lives permanent? Mature & Vice: WHAT!? Goenitz (Smiles widens): That’s right. Did you honestly think I’d bring you back without some sort of catch? The energy sustaining you is not permanent. It should last about 6 months to a full year for all of you. If you wish me to make the effect of the life stone permanent, I’m going to need all of your help. Rugal: What do we have to do? Goenitz (Face becomes serious): The Tenth Hakkeshu. His power has been awakened finally, since the resurrection of the Orochi has failed. We need him to lead us to glory. If you all want to live than we need to get enough energy to awaken his power fully, and to awaken the Orochi’s original body. Mature: Original body? Goenitz: Yes. The original body of the Orochi has been sealed in a place in Japan known as Ryugenzawa. There are huge versions of animals from all over the globe that were brought there as “pets” that grew in size due to the effects of water from a spring there known as “The Spring of Life”. I believe that the water there, combined with the energy we manage to get, will make your new forms permanent. Than, you can go your ways, and I will go mine. But for the moment as you can tell, we need each other. Do you accept? Mature (Frowns): I won’t like this, but I’ll help. The sooner we help you, the sooner you help us, and the sooner we all get on with our lives. Vice: If Mature’s volunteering for this, than I’m helping too. (Thinks) And the sooner we finish, the sooner I can go find that hunk Iori Yagami. Rugal: I’ll help, and I know a perfect way to get the energy? Tell me Goenitz, how do you collect the energy? Goenitz: With these. (Pulls out on of the amethyst gemstones he brought the three back to life with). I have “enhanced” these gems so they can hold a lot of energy that should go into the surrounding area from any source. Rugal (Smiles): Perfect! I have just the plan. You get your energy and I get what I want in the process. Goenitz (Frowns): And what would that be? Rugal (Laughs): REVENGE! Goenitz: revenge? Rugal (Smiles so teeth are bared): YES! I will hold another King of Fighters Tournament. I will tell them I had faked my death so I could train and challenge them at a later date. They will suspect I’m up to something and watch me like a hawk for sure. That means you can gather loads of energy from the fights unnoticed. You get your energy, and I get my revenge on those that killed me and those who dared to stand in my way. Goenitz (Smiles): Sometimes Rugal, even you amaze me. That plan may actually work. Rugal: There is one catch. I want you to see, if you can raise my aircraft carrier the Black Noah from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Goenitz: What do you need that for? Rugal (Smiles, places finger over his mouth and winks): Well… that is a secret! No go, you make the preparations for my ship to be surfaced, while I go make a few calls to set up the next tournament. King of fighters… Goenitz, what year will this tournament be? Goenitz: It will be the 1998 tournament. Rugal (Whistles): Wow, I’ve been dead for three years? Wow. Time sure flies when you’re wallowing in a sea of eternal damnation. Oh well, I’ve got preparations to make. I just hope the communications equipment still works. As Rugal Walks off into his fortress to look for a phone that work Goenitz pulls out a cell phone of his own and starts talking to a contractor to raise the Black Noah. Mature looks at Vice. They both get the feeling they’re gonna regret helping these two. (------) In an old temple Chizuru contemplates her situation. The temple is simple. It has a painting or scroll here and there, some holy symbols scattered about, and a few ornate chairs. She does not understand what’s going on. Chizuru (Thinks): I can’t comprehend what is going on for some reason. I’ve felt a powerful presence in this world, but I can’t pinpoint it. It would have been so easy if it were Nodoka’s son. He has surprised me. It’s been almost four months since his powers unlocked, yet, he has no malice to him. He has even got Iori to calm down in so many ways. And Leona. I’ve never seen her show her emotions as much before she met Ranma. Perhaps Nodoka is right. Maybe, he may have what it takes to overcome this burden placed upon him. He is a true martial artist in every sense of the word. He may be the one that can help me if this power I have felt is even too strong even for the Kusanagi. I wonder where it com… (Phone rings, breaks her concentration. She picks it up to answer). Chizuru: Hello? Male voice: Hello, Mirror Keeper, I presume? Chizuru (Recognizes the voice, tries to suppress the mounting horror in her voice): Rugal? Rugal: Ah, you remember me. That’s very flattering. Chizuru (Face pales): How, you died? Rugal: Now, now, we all have our secrets. Let me just say this. You saw me disappear in a pillar of light. That doesn’t mean, I died. Chizuru: You faked your death? Rugal: Bingo! Chizuru: Why come out now, and tell me this first? Rugal: It’s actually quite simple really. I want to take my revenge now. To do that, I need to take back the title of “The Host” for the King of Fighters Tournament. You are the current holder of that title. You can do one of two things at this point. You can either give me the hosting duties completely, and I set everything up. Or, you can share the title with me and we can work together to make this the greatest, most extravagant King of Fighters Tournament yet. Chizuru: And if I refuse both options? Rugal: You can do that too. I’ll just have my enemies such as Kyo Kusanagi assassinated. After all, I said I want my revenge NOW! You can have him eating lead, or you can give him a “fighting” chance to live. It all depends on what “you” want to do. So which is it? Chizuru (Voice breaks): You win. I’ll share the title with you… Rugal: Excellent Mirror Keeper! You’ve made the right choice. I’ll start sending out the invitations while you get media attention ready for the King of Fighters ’98. Don’t worry. You can use some of my money for “funding” to get some of the most exotic locales for the fights to take place at. Well, I have some writing to do. I’ll talk to you later Chizuru. (Rugal hangs up the phone. Chizuru stands there thinking what to do next?) Chizuru: It has to be him. He must be the power I sensed. This is a problem. How do I stop him? He seems Hell bent on revenge. Sigh… I had no choice. Either they die, or they get a chance to survive. Still, if Rugal thinks I’m going to let him get away with this, he’s wrong. I’ll have to have a talk with Nodoka. I think her son may be able to straighten Rugal out. (------) Dinnertime at Nodoka’s household is now almost always a battlefield since her son, nephew, and possible daughter-in-law came to live with her. Though it is noisy (due to Ranma and Iori always trying to take food off of each others plates). She enjoys the company a lot. She lived alone by herself for 12 years when her husband took her son on a training trip to make him, a “man among men”. She regrets having him sign that seppuku contract because she though that would bluff Genma into staying. And when he turned into a girl because of his stupid father’s idea to train at Jusenkyo, he stayed away from her, afraid of having to kill himself to maintain honor. But that was the past. She now feels happy because she now has a real family to share her life with. And she gets a feeling; it’s the same for the rest of them. Dinner goes by and when they finish there is a knock at the door. Ranma: I’ll get it. (Runs to the door to see a woman dressed in white robe, black pants, and high heels. She has long black hair and brown eyes. Ranma doesn’t recognize the woman). Hello. Sorry, but, do I know you? Woman: You do not know me. I am an acquaintance of you mother. I have need to speak to all of you. That is including Iori Yagami and Leona. Ranma (Thinks for a bit than lets her in): Okay. Don’t cause any trouble. My mom gets enough of that from the training my friends and I do. Woman (Smiles): I’m sure she does. (The two walk to the three still kneeling by the table. Their faces go pale when they see the woman). Nodoka: Chizuru! Iori: Kagura! Leona: Chizuru! What brings you here? Ranma (Scratches his head): Uh, did I miss something? Chizuru: Please. I have need for all of your help at the moment. Let me explain. Iori: Explain what Kagura? Chizuru: Two words. Rugal Bernstein. (Both Iori’s and Leona’s faces pale even more. Nodoka gains an expression of worry. Ranma is totally clueless as to what’s going on). Leona: What do you mean? Chizuru: Rugal is not dead. He told me he has been in hiding, training, and waiting for the time to have his revenge. Nodoka: So that means? Chizuru: It means he wants to set up the next King of Fighters Tournament. Iori: No problem. I’ll kick his ass. Chizuru: Do you think so Yagami? I have felt a dreadfully powerful force lately. At first I thought it was Ranma here. But as I kept tabs on him, I noticed that it wasn’t his aura, but that of another. It turns out that aura belongs to Rugal. He may now have power beyond compare. Leona: What do you want us to do? Chizuru: I believe he will send you all invitations to participate in the next tournament. I need you all to enter. I have watched you all training for a while. Together, the three of you (Waves her hand across Leona, Iori, and Ranma) will possibly have enough strength to take him down. That’s why I need you all to enter as a team. So you can all face Rugal as one. Ranma: I have a question. Who the heck is this Rugal? Chizuru: Rugal is an arms smuggler and drug trafficker. He is an evil man that has the power of Orochi because he was there when the seal for the Orochi broke twelve years ago. He is an incredibly powerful fighter. Ranma (Smiles): Than we’ll have to be the one’s to take him down. You with me on this Leona and Iori? Leona (Smirks): Sure. After all, I have to keep you out of trouble. Iori (Smiles, teeth are bared): Of course. Rugal needs to be put in his place after all. And I could use the entertainment. Nodoka: Wait! (The four turn to Nodoka to see what she has to say). If you’re all going to fight than I have no choice. I’m entering too. (There’s a collective face fault between the Ranma, Leona, Iori, and Chizuru). Ranma: But mom, I don’t want you to go. You may get hurt. Nodoka: Ranma, that is exactly how I feel about you, about all of you. I wouldn’t have any of you do anything; I wouldn’t be willing to do myself. Therefore, if you three are to enter, I insist that I go as well. Chizuru: Very well. You may join a team with me Nodoka. Nodoka: I thank you. Chizuru (Turns to Ranma): Ranma. Ranma: Yes? Chizuru: I have a favor to ask. I want you to find as many other fighters as you can and try to interest them in the tournament Ranma: Why do you need other entries in the tournament? Chizuru: I need more entries because, I’m sure that Rugal will not keep his word. That he’ll attack the fighters he wants revenge on before the fights begin. The more fighters that are there; the harder it will be for him to try anything sneaky behind our backs. Ranma: I can think of a lot of people that would want to enter the tournament. Unfortunately for you, I don’t want to drag them in. Chizuru: And why, may I ask can’t you try to bring them? Ranma (Frowns): Let me think. 1. They are all out to kill me at this point. 2. I have broken myself from my past and refuse to go back. 3. There are just to many bad memories with these people. Please just let me be done with them. Chizuru (Sympathetic): I am sorry for you Ranma. There is no other choice. Rugal is out to kill his enemies. He is out for their blood. We need all the help we can get. I have a feeling he is what I felt. He has gained incredible power. So please, will you do this? Ranma: Listen. I think Leona, Iori, and I can handle this. There’s no way that jerk Rugal is gonna be any trouble as long as we’re around. Chizuru: Please Ranma. That may be so, but I don’t want to take that chance. Please. Contact those you feel will be helpful to stopping Rugal. (Ranma looks to the ground, grumbles under his breath). Leona: Ranma, are you all right? Ranma: Alright, you win I’ll do it. (Calms down). After all, it’s a martial artist’s duty to help those in need. Chizuru: So you’ll help me find people? Ranma (Wan smile): Even though I don’t want to do this, I have to. I wouldn’t feel good about myself knowing someone needed help and I turned them down. Chizuru: Thank you Ranma. If you’ll excuse me, I must be leaving. Rugal left me with the task of finding exotic locations for the fights to take place. Ranma (Smiles): Maybe I can help. Chizuru (Confused): What do you mean? Ranma: Try looking for places in China such as Jusendo, the cursed springs of Jusenkyo; no wait forget that one it’s too dangerous, a Chinese Amazon village, the village of the Musk Dynasty, Mount Phoenix, and there’s 7-Lucky Gods Mountain. For places other than China, I suggest places like Ryugenzawa and there’s the floating island of Togenkyo. I’m sure these will be exciting enough locales for this Rugal person. Chizuru (Blinks): Do any of those places exist? Ranma: Yeah, they do. I’ve been to all of them, that’s how I know they exist. Chizuru (Sweat drops): Well… Can you draw me a map than, for the areas in China? Ranma: Sure. (Gets a piece of paper and a pen. Starts to make little drawings. He hands it to Chizuru when done). Chizuru: Thank you. I’m sure Rugal will get a kick out of these places. Thank you for your help, but I must get going. I’ll see all of you again soon. (Ranma gets up and sees her out he returns to the group). Iori: So now what? Ranma (Frowns): Simple. I return to Nerima. I have to help her. Iori (Angry): No you don’t! How can you just agree to help her? Ranma: To be honest, I always knew I’d have to go back sooner or later to tie up lose ends that Pops made for me, and some I made myself. This just gives me the excuse to go back. Leona: If you’re going back, than take me with you. I want to see this Akane person for myself. I don’t like the idea of her abusing you for so long without good reason. Iori (Smiles): You’ll have to take me as well. I have some “things” I’d like to discuss with Uncle Genma (Starts to laugh under his breath). Nodoka (Sighs): Well son, nephew, my little sapphire, I’m sure you all will be very busy tomorrow with my son’s “friends” when you get there. So I suggest you all get a full night’s rest. That way, you will be on the alert when you get to see where my son “lived” for the past 2 years. Ranma: Yeah. We’ll need all the strength we can gather for tomorrow. Nerima is a basic suburban war zone. Leona (Smiles): I guess all the military combat training I’ve learned; and taught you two will come in handy than. Ranma: I’m sure it will. Iori: You never know until you try. Ranma: Than it’s settled. Tomorrow we head out to Nerima. Leona & Iori: Right! Nodoka smiles inwardly. She knows that, even though Ranma has some of his worst memories there, he will get over it. After all, he has his friends there to help him. (------) End Chapter 11 Next Time: Ranma, Leona, and Iori head out to Nerima. There, they see just how much the place has changed since Ranma last saw it. It’s a day of reckoning in Nerima. And wait till Chizuru gives the locations to Rugal. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com. Note: All flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.