Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma’s Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won’t be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma ½ manga and little while after the King of Fighters ’97. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 8: Ryuji Gets His Ranma, Leona and Iori have been on their trek for a bit. Only stopping to eat and sleep. This goes on routinely for about 2 days of travel. Until something unexpected happens. The three get surrounded by a small group of street thugs Thug 1: Are you Iori Yagami? Iori (Smiles): Who wants to know Ranma: Iori, you know these people? Iori (Smile Widens): Don’t know, don’t care. They’ll make a good… distraction though… Thug 2: Pompous asshole! Thug 3: You think you can beat all seven of us? Iori (Teeth are beared): I don’t think, I know. Before any of the thugs can react, Iori fires a Dark Thrust at the Group. Two of them go down in purple flames. Iori charges another one with the Crescent Moon Shade, smashing the poor sap into the ground, amidst the purple flames of Orochi as well. Iori than jumps after another one with his 301 Slash Talon Comb. The punk falls down with a gash flowing down his chest. The other three, not being as stupid as the other, run away in the opposite direction. But Iori is not the forgiving type. Iori (Gathers energy, screams): DRUNKEN GRAIL GASHER! (A pillar of purple flame engulfs the three hapless thugs. Iori stares at them in disgust). Humph, trash. Ranma: Damn… Leona: Are you an idiot Iori? You trying to give away our position to a possible enemy? Iori: Relax. I can handle anything that’s thrown at me. Ranma: How about a Hiryuu Shoten Ha? Leona (Smirks): Yeah. How about one of those? Iori (Begins to turn red): Grrrrr. You’re really pushing it Saotome. Besides you never told me how you did that. Ranma: When we get to mom’s place, I’ll start to teach ya, until than, just hold your horses. Iori: … FINE. Let’s go. The trio head off, not realizing someone is watching them from a distance. On top of a roof, we see Billy Cane with a pair of Binoculars. Billy: SHIT! I never realized Iori got this powerful. It may make taking him out much harder than expected. (Turns his sight to the back of the alley). Wait a minute, there’s someone there. As the Ranma, Iori, and Leona leave the alley, they hear a voice come from the back of it. Male voice: Going somewhere so soon? The three turn to the voice. Ranma gets a chill up his back when he feels the power. It is a little like his own. It’s definitely not fire based, it’s a hell of a lot weaker too. But it is definitely Orochi power. The man is tall, easily 6’6 ft., wears black, and his hair is black, dyed blond at the top. Iori and Leona instantly recognize the man. Iori: What brings you here Yamazaki? Who’s paying you this time? Geese, Krouser, or perhaps that fool Mr. Big? Yamazaki: Sorry to disappoint ya’ but this is actually a bit of revenge for once. You made me look like a fool Iori. I want to take a piece of your hide for it. Ranma’s mind goes into an alert mode. He remembers of a Hakkeshu Mary told him about named Ryuji Yamazaki. She told him the man is a ruthless, bloodthirsty maniac that would kill his own mother for a nickel if given half a chance. Ranma wastes no time and goes into a fighting stance. Ranma: The only way you’re touching Iori is over my dead body. Yamazaki (Confused): Wha… Do I know this Kid? Iori (Angry): Ranma, shut up and let me handle this. Yamazaki: Ranma… Heh heh… Wild horse. Ranma: I am Ranma Saotome of the Saotome school of Martial arts and wielder of the Magatama no Orochi. You have insulted my cousin Iori. I challenge you. Yamazaki (Eyes widen): Wielder of Magatama no Orochi (Eyes widen more). IORI’S COUSIN!? (Calms down, a smile crosses his face). Very well “Horsey” I accept your challenge. Ranma charges the big man only to be struck back by Yamazaki’s Serpent Charmer attack. Ranma is silently impressed by how fast the man’s movements are, despite his size. Yamazaki than charges towards Ranma with his Judgment Dagger attack. All four swipes of the dagger miss Ranma. Ranma than throws one good punch and sends Yamazaki flying to the back of the alley. Before he can get up Yamazaki’s greeted by the sight of a huge ball of purple energy forming in Ranma’s hand. Ranma Yells “Mouko Takabisha no Orochi” and sends it flying towards him. The dust settles and the back wall of the alley collapses on top of the fallen Yakuza member. Ranma turns toward a shocked Leona and Iori and gives them a smile, wink of his left eye, and a thumbs up. Leona is the first to speak. Leona: How did you… Ranma: I used a chi gathering technique I know and enhanced it with the Orochi power, making an incredibly powerful projectile. Iori: You used that on me before, so how was I able to cancel something as powerful as that out with my Dark Thrust? Ranma (Thinks a bit, than speaks): I don’t know. If I ever go back to Nerima, I’ll ask the Old Ghoul. Leona: Old Ghoul? Ranma: Oh, I mean Cologne. Iori: An aftershave? Ranma: ARGH! Never mind. Well just ask my mom than if she knows anything. Leona: All right than. Iori (Confused): Cologne? Ranma: I said never mind. (------) The trio leaves the alley to see how late it’s gotten. They head for the nearest hotel. On the roof, Billy puts down his binoculars and looks shocked. He pulls out his cell phone and calls Geese again. Billy: Boss… Geese (Interrupts): Let me guess. I am never going to believe what you have to say, right? Billy: Uh, huh. Geese: Sigh. What happened this time? Billy: He took at Yamazaki with two moves. Geese: Two moves? Billy: Yeah. He punched him and than shot some sort of ki blast at him. Geese: Anything else? Billy: Yeah, he said Iori Yagami is his cousin. Geese: …I KNEW IT! That boy is the Tenth Hakkeshu. Billy: Tenth Hakkeshu? Geese: Billy! Billy: Yeah boss. Geese: I want you to follow him, study him, take notes of any training he may do. This could prove to be very valuable information. Billy: Yes boss. Geese hangs up the phone on Billy. Billy looks towards where the three are heading. He looks down at Yamazaki, back at Ranma, and back at his phone. He’s now more confused than ever. Billy: Tenth Hakkeshu? (------) Ranma, Iori, and Leona arrive at the hotel. Iori gets them the four rooms on the top floor. (Naturally, he gives himself Room 4 (1)). The three get settled in their separate rooms. Ranma is about to fall asleep when someone knocks at the door. Ranma checks the spy hole to see who it is. He sees Leona. He opens the door to let her in. Ranma: Leona. What do you want? Leona: I want to know if you can explain that chi gathering technique to me. Ranma: What! Now? Leona: Well, it’s not that late. And it’s been bothering me how you were able to easily do that. Could you please explain it? Ranma lets her in she sets herself down on the bed and Ranma pulls a chair over from the table towards the bed to sit in. Ranma: Well Leona, Chi gathering isn’t that hard. Well, for me it isn’t anyway… Leona: Is chi concentrated through emotion? Ranma: Yes it can be. The color of the chi also depends on the emotion. Blue for confidence, Red for anger, green for despair, I’ve seen a Bright red for love, I’ve seen white for healing, and I don’t know what black is, but I guess it’s a balance of emotion. Leona (looks to the floor): Oh. Ranma: What’s wrong? Leona: The few chi attacks I’ve been able to do. The Moon Slasher and the V Slasher are green. Ranma: Oh. I’ll admit, anger and despair are the most self destructive, but don’t worry, I can help teach you how to use other emotions to power those moves. Heck, if you get real good, I may be able to help you channel the Orochi power into it for an added effect. What do you say? Leona: Thank you. (She gets up, kisses Ranma on the cheek and heads towards her room. Ranma just sits stunned). Ranma: She kissed me. (Passes out in the chair). (------) In Iori’s room, things are quite a different matter. Iori: Damn. What he did to Yamazaki was incredible. What does he need me for? My power pales when compared to his. There must be something he’s not telling me. Not that I blame him, though. We all have our secrets. Still… If I play my cards right, we may be beneficiary to each other. He says he needs to gain better control over his Orochi power. Fine, I can help him with that. He may also be able to teach me those techniques he used. I especially want to know how he got so fast and how he was able to do the Hiryuu Shoten Ha. If I learn that, I’ll be able to crush Kyo Kusanagi once and for all. Iori sits back on his bed with a bottle of wine from the min-bar and takes another swig of it he chuckles softly than mutters to himself. Iori: Besides, it may actually be nice having family members that care for me. (------) End Chapter 8 Next Time: Ranma, Iori, and Leona, finally make it to Nodoka’s. It a joyful reunion. Nodoka explains to Ranma what happened while he was away. The three begin their training of each other as well. Later Ranma asks Leona a question? (1) The number 4 can be read as either yon or shi in Japanese. Shi in Japanese means death and is therefore, considered an unlucky number among the Japanese people. Send you questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.