Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma’s Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won’t be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma ½ manga and little while after the King of Fighters ’97. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 7: Small Talk, Big Decisions Ranma wakes up. He had had the most horrible dream. In it, there was a Priestess, two martial artists, and an 8-headed Dragon. The trio managed to get the creature drunk with eight large barrels of wine. They proceeded to cut all eight off the creature. From there, a person starts to come out of each neck. One is a boy that looks exactly like Chris. The boy’s eyes come into focus. It was at that point where Ranma woke and sat up in a cold sweat. He tries to focus his eyes on the surroundings around him. He notices he’s sitting on a futon. He remembers the place to be Terry’s apartment. He sees Leona, asleep, sitting in a chair next to him on his right side. He looks over to his left and sees Iori on a bed. He’s about to get up and look around, when Mai walks into the room. Mai (Eyes widen): You’re awake? This soon? Wow! Ranma (Confused): What’s wrong? Mai: You were only out for a couple of hours. It’s the next day. With the damage you took, you should have been out for at least a week. Ranma: I heal quickly. Mai (Sweat drops): Apparently… Ranma (Looks at Leona, than back at Mai): How long was she here? Mai: Leona? (Ranma nods). She was looking after you since we got you here. Ranma (Lets a smile cross his lips): Where are the others? Mai: Well, Terry, figuring we’d all be here for a while, went out to get some groceries. Mary went with him of course. I sent Andy back to my place to retrieve Leona’s and your belongings, thinking you may want to continue a journey, or something as soon as you got back on your feet. Ranma: Thank you Mai. Mai: No problem. (------) Iori dreams. Memories of his past forever scarred into his soul. He remembers the pain and abuse he took from his father. He remembers his father throwing out his own sister because she married into another clan. He remembers the day his mother died and the emptiness it left in his soul. He sees the pain on his Father’s face as his rival Saishu Kusanagi, strikes him down. But most of all he sees his most hated enemy, Kyo. He remembers Drawing with Kyo in ’95 and being the last member on his team, lost. He than sees ’96 where he had beaten Kyo, but the time ran out and the judges considered it a draw as well and refused to acknowledge his victory. He remembers going into the riot of blood from the rage he felt and killed his own teammates when they tried to subside him. He remembers the last tournament. Having to team up with his pompous, worthless enemy Kyo and that stuck-up, self-righteous b*tch Chizuru, forming the Shingi Trioca to defeat the Orochi. He remembers the pain of suppressing his own Orochi power and practically killing himself in a pillar of crimson fire and trying to kill the Orochi. Than Kyo, had to step in. Struck at his back, while he had Orochi by the neck. He remembers the extreme pain, the blinding light, and the glory of his victory against the Orochi stolen from him, by the greedy b*st*rd Kyo. The Kusanagi’s always took the glory, for other people’s work. Kyo had been no different. The anger and frustration cause Iori to awake in a scream of rage. Iori: RAAAAAAAAAGH!!! (Ranma and Mai turn their heads, Leona eyes snap wide-awake). Damn Kyo… Ranma (A bit hesitant): Iori… Are you alright?… Iori (Looks at the trio, than looks at his surroundings): Where am I? Mai: You’re in Terry Bogard’s apartment. So please, just lay back and don’t cause any trouble. Alright? Iori (Ignores Mai, looks straight at Ranma): How? Ranma: How what? Iori: How is it you were able to defeat me? You’re the first person to ever truly beat me. Ranma: Well, it’s a technique known as the Hiryuu Shoten Ha. How I learned it is a long story. A VERY long story. Iori: I have the time to listen. Ranma (Smiles): If you want to know about me, you’re gonna have to tell me a bit about yourself first alright? Iori (Chuckles to himself): Sure why not? You all better pay attention than, cause I’m only saying this once. (------) Iori begins with His childhood, the torture, the training, the pain, the tournaments, the power, and all the hate. He gets to after than ’97 tournament and explains where he’s been. Iori: After the battle was over, Kyo took me for dead and left the place with Chizuru, expecting to be known as the world’s savior probably. I got up a bit later, and trudged out of the place when no one was around. I had some trouble getting around. Kyo’s strike had left a horrible burn across my back. (Hence my bandages). I settled down for a bit in Yokohama, giving my wounds time to heal. I than noticed my cash deposits were running low, so I entered the nearest tournament with the most money, do give myself a financial boost. It was easy for me to get in since I was once part of a band before I entered the King of Fighters tournament. Than, I met you (Points to Ranma), we fought, and you somehow won. No tell me. Who are you, and how were you able to defeat me. Ranma: before I start, (Turns to Leona) would you be so kind, as to get me a glass of cold, and a glass of hot water. Leona (Stares at Ranma): You sure? Ranma: I won’t keep any secrets. Iori told me about himself, so I feel I should be just as honest with him. Leona: All right. It’s your decision. Mai: But Ranma… Ranma (Waves a hand in front of Mai): I know what I’m doing. Iori just stares at Ranma, trying to figure out what he’s going to do. Leona returns with the glasses of water. Ranma pours on of the glasses and turns into a girl. Iori’s eyes widen with shock. He never thought he could be this surprised, ever. Ranma pours the other one over his head and turns back into a boy. Iori stands there. After a minute Iori manages to speak. Iori: How the hell did you do that? You looked like you could pass as my little sister, especially with the red hair. Ranma goes into detail about his life once again. He tells Iori about how his idiot father took him at a young age on a training journey. How they went to the training grounds of Jusenkyo and got cursed, and went to a nearby Amazon village and got in trouble there. Ranma than went into detail about how his father got him engaged to the daughter of an old friend, all the enemies and fiancées he got along the way, (Emphasizing how he learned the Hiryuu Shoten Ha when the old pervert Happosai sapped his strength). How they finally went back to Jusenkyo, and ended up having to face Saffron, the God of Phoenix Mountain. How he confessed his love to Akane when he thought she was dead, the failed wedding attempt when they got back, and how he went into the riot of blood and his mother told him to search for his cousin. Iori sits on the bed and thinks about what to say. A minute passes before Iori talks. Iori: You mean Nodoka is still alive? Ranma: Yes. Why do you ask? Iori (Smiles): So, father did lie. He told me a year after he threw her out of the clan that she died. The bastard. (------) The group sits there quietly. Andy comes in with Ranma and Leona’s bags. He stares in shock at seeing the two fighters awake. Andy: They’re conscious already? Mai: Yeah, it’s the most amazing thing. You missed a good story while you were out too. Iori (Interrupts): If you don’t mind me asking, can you take me to see her? Andy (Confused): See whom? Leona & Mai: Andy just sit down and be quiet, we’ll tell you later. Andy: Uh… (Mai whaps him on the head with one of her fans). Ranma (To Iori): Why do you want to see my Mom? Iori: She was the only one besides my mother that was ever nice to me. I would like to see her. Hell I’ll even promise to help teach you control your Orochi powers. What do you say to that? Ranma (Happy because Iori said he’d help him in return): Sure! Iori (Smiles): When do we leave? Ranma (Remembers): Wait I have something to show you. Andy, pass me my bag. Andy: Okay. (Tosses the bag). Ranma (Pulls out a Necklace): Mom said to show you this. (Iori takes the necklace from Ranma’s hand. He looks at the simple silver chain with the Yagami crescent moon. A tear rolls down his left cheek). Iori: She kept it… She kept it… (Iori now genuinely smiles). Ranma (Confused): What’s wrong? Iori: This was once my necklace. I gave it to her so she’d remember me. My father was furious when he found out and broke my right arm at the elbow. (The others cringe with that last part). The door to the apartment opens, causing everyone to turn towards it. Mary comes in holding a bag of groceries, Terry’s carrying 14 bags in his arms. Mary: We’re back. And we got enough food to keep Ranma fed for at least an hour. Ranma: HEY! Mary (Shocked): Huh? (Stares at Ranma and Iori). You’re awake? Hey Terry, Ranma and Iori are awake. Terry (Sweating): That’s nice. Will you please move, my arms feel like they’re gonna rip out of the sockets at any moment. Iori: You big baby. (Goes over and grabs five of the bag handles with one hand and carries them over to the table. Everyone stares). Terry: Thanks Iori. (Iori just scoffs at him). Iori: As I asked before, when do we leave? Terry: I suggest, you two stay here for the night. You still need time to heal your wounds. Iori (Angry): I’ve had enough time. Ranma: Iori please. Don’t cause a hassle. We can just leave first thing tomorrow morning. Iori (Looks at all of them): Fine. I’ll stay put… For now. Leona (Smirks): Well, I guess that means I have to stay with you Ranma. Everyone else: HUH!? Leona: I was sent to keep Ranma out of trouble. Can you imagine the damage he can cause now that Iori’ll be with him? (Terry, Andy, Mai, and Mary look at Ranma and Iori for a bit). Terry: Good point. Andy: Insurance rates will skyrocket. Mary: It could be the first sign of the apocalypse. Mai: It could keep me from going on a date with Andy. Andy: WHAT!? Mai: Well, you’ll just say something along the lines of “I’ll be late again for dinner Mai. Those two are about to destroy the world. I have to be a selfish idiot again, and get my ass kicked in a 1,001 different ways. See you later.” (Everyone just stares, Andy blushes). Andy: I do not sound like that. Iori (Smiles): Yeah, he sounds much more nasally than that. (Everyone laughs, Andy fumes with anger at Iori, who just keeps smiling). (------) Morning has come and Ranma, Iori and Leona set out to see Ranma’s mother. Before leaving, Ranma gives his goodbyes to the group saying he hopes to meet them later. As they walk, a few people tend to stop and stare at Iori in a combination of awe and fear. Ranma leans in towards Iori to talk. Ranma: Why are the people staring at you? Iori: They probably recognize me from TV. After all, not everyday you get to see, “The Insane Orochi Warrior” Iori Yagami walk down the street. Ranma: You’re kidding… Right? Iori: Wish I were. Leona: Excuse me. Ranma: Yes Leona. Leona (Thinks for a moment): Can you train me as well? I have little control over my power, and I don’t want to become a danger to anyone like last year. (1) Ranma: What do you say Iori? Iori: Can’t help her with that. Her power’s is matter based, while our powers are energy based. I can teach you to control your flow of energy, but Leona… I don’t know. Maybe Aunt Nodoka can help. Ranma: I hope so. (To Leona) Alright than. If we can, we’ll help ya. So don’t worry about it. Okay? Leona (Smiles): Okay… And the three continue on their way to Nodoka’s, they don’t notice a very familiar person watching them from on top of the ledge of a nearby roof of a 20-story building with binoculars. Billy (Smiles): So, Iori’s now going along with them huh? This could prove to be valuable information… Creek? (The ledge Billy standing on gives way and he falls). Billy (While he falls): CRAAAAAAAAAPPP! . (Billy lies on the ground twitching. A kid comes by and starts poking him with a stick). (------) End Chapter 7 Next Time: Ranma, Iori, and Leona make their way to Ranma’s Mom, only to be stopped when confronted by a group of Yakuza members looking for Iori. They are lead by none other than Ryuji Yamazaki. Ranma, Iori, and Leona also do a bit of training on the way, being watched intently by Billy Kane. (1) Leona is referring to when she was forced to go into the riot of blood. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.