Honor Restored Written By Leonardo B. Castro Co. Written by Alexander Towa Proof Read By Mika Towa Story – Prologue “So, you’re a goddess, Belldandy.” Ranma Saotome asked. Ranma might have looked he was eight years old, but he was really two hundred now. A thing he learned after meeting his immortal science Teacher, Washu. He stopped aging since twenty. But he’ll never go back into that old body of his; it bought pain memories of his late wife. “Yes, I am Belldandy, Goddess of the Present, 1st Class, 1st Category, Unlimited.” Belldandy said. “And you said I have a wish.” Ranma asked. Well, it was about time that the gods do something nice for him. But he must be careful that this isn’t a careless wish. “Yes. You have only one wish. And yes, you do deserve it.” Belldandy answered his thought and question. That’s right. She reading my mind, Ranma remembered. “That is correct.” Belldandy said. She smiled at him. The smile kind of reminded Ranma of his late wife, Kasumi. Think about his wife led him to think about his now late ex- fiancées. If anyone gave him this chance hundred and eighty years ago, he would have wished to be cured of his curse. Now, there was only one thing he wanted. “I wish, that I could prevent all the people wrong by my father and me, from become what they are now, thus that they would have their honor restored.” Ranma said. Before Ranma could do anything, Belldandy threw her head back and a light shot out from her. It grew so bright, that Ranma was engulf by the light. “Wish Granted.” Ranma Saotome, born of Tenma Saotome and Shiro Saotome, had just breathed in his first lung full air as he was brought into this world. He would grow up as a normal child until he was five years old. Then he remembered everything. His life, his pain, his skills, and his past trails. And most importantly, he remembered his mission. But strangely enough, living with his pet cat Ranneko, he lost his feared Neko-ken. The first thing he did was trained his body, until it was in shape as strong in his old shape. This cause dismay in his parents that missed the fun loving child. So Ranma started to train in secret, while his parents thought he became their loving, happy child again. Two years later, Genma Saotome was born. Ranma at the age of thirteen… Ranma loved Okayama. This was his new home. He was having the time of his life. In fact, he met a nice girl that he reminds him of his beloved Kasumi. Her name was Mishika. He was in love with her and she was in love with him. They both convinced their families that they should marry and the agreement was made. Ranma at the age of sixteen… Ranma was the undisputed best of Okayama. When some gang attack his dojo, he defeated them. But his victory cost him a price he wished he never had to pay. His wife was buried near the waterfall on the Saotome estate. It was the same place where they first met. Every morning in that year, Ranma took his son, Nobuyuki, to that place. He would sit there holding his son. Sometimes he would talk to his wife’s spirit. Sometimes he would just cry there. And sometimes, he would just sit there. Later, Ranma started to train Genma in Anything Goes. Ranma at the age of the eighteen… “I heard you been using my fighting style. I demand to know where you learned it.” Happosai, the most wanted and evil pervert in Japan, demanded. “I taught myself.” Ranma said. “Liar. I’ve studied your techniques while you taught this class. It the same as my own. Now answer me boy. I alone am grandmaster of this school and no one else knows its secrets as you do.” Happosai bellowed. “I’m Ranma Saotome. Grandmaster of Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. I challenge you for ownership of Anything Goes.” Ranma said as he dropped into a loose stance. “I’m Happosai, the true Grandmaster of Anything Goes Martial Arts. I accept your challenge.” Happosai said. Happosai leapt towards Ranma, only to have Ranma vanish before his eyes. To Ranma’s students in the Dojo that was watching, it looked like their sensei did a teleportation trick and appeared behind Happosai. Only Genma and Happosai knew the truth. Ranma moved so fast that he managed to fly towards Happosai, hit him six times, and then halted behind Happosai in a blink of a eye. The old pervert felt all of his muscles freeze up. He fell face first into the ground and passed out. Ranma smirked and quoted a game that yet to be invented. “Flawless Victory.” Genma came running up. “Big Brother. Who is that?” Genma asked him. “Him. No one. Just a weak pervert.” Ranma said as he picked up and punted the old pervert towards the an American base. With any luck, Happosai will be arrested or even shot. “Let’s continue class before Mister Gouken get here.” Ranma said as he once again started up class. It took two years to master Gouken’s Arts. While the Dark Hado nearly conquered him, it had been Genma who broke him out of the evil power control. Several years later… Ranma once again walked up the steps to the Masaki Shrine. He made his Transparent Computer, T.C. for short, come out and scanned the area. Good, Washu was still in that cave. He jogged up the steps as soon as his computer winked out of existence. At the top, he saw Achika sweeping, while Katsuhito and Nobuyuki was speaking at the shrine. He hasn’t seen Achika in eight years. She rarely visited, and he was always with Genma on training trip when she visited or she visited Nobuyuki, when Nobuyuki was at his grandparents’ home. Achika stopped sweeping and looked up. At first she thought she was looking at Nobuyuki. Then she noticed it wasn’t. The man look like a twenty-five year old Nobuyuki with a pigtail. “Mr. Saotome!?” Achika asked rather loudly. “Yep. Guess time been good to me if it took you that long to realized it was me.” Ranma said. Actually, Ranma used his Ki to stop aging. As of now, he was ageless. He smirked as Achika’s expression. Ranma could past as Nobuyuki’s brother if he wanted to. Or even Nobuyuki himself. “It has been very kind to you. I can hope it’ll be kind to me,” Achika said as she faced the shrine and yelled, “Father, Nobuyuki. Mr. Saotome is here.” Nobuyuki wasn’t surprise at his father youthful appearance, but Yosho tripped and fell face first. Yosho stood up and dusted himself off. Yosho looked at the man who bested him combat ten years ago. Not only bested him, but did it using his own Jurian sword style. Now that same man was here looking as he had when he first battled him. “It good to see you again Ranma. How are you doing?” Yosho said as he talked to his old friend. “I doing quite well actually. It feels good to talk to you in person instead of by letter old friend.” Ranma said. “So, do you agree to my offer.” Yosho asked. “After much thought, and a hour of non-stop begging from my son, I consent to this union.” Ranma said. “Come old friend, let’s celebrate.” Yosho said as they start down the valley. With Ranma close behind, they when to the house to get drunk on Sake. Ten Years before what would’ve been the Tendo meeting incident… Genma promised Mr. Kuonji that his son, Ryoga would marry Ukyo. But Genma wife, Ryomi, and Ryoga, got lost again. Genma, leaving the yatai behind with the Kuonji family, set out to find them, while Mr. Kuonji believed that Ryomi took Ryoga because she didn’t see Ukyo fit to be a bride. Thus, Mr. Kuonji moved to the mountains and trained Ukyo to be a boy and to get revenge on the vile Ryomi and Ryoga who abandon his daughter. By the time Genma came back to the village, the Kuonji were gone and they took the yatai. Since the agreement hadn’t been finalized, the engagement was invalid. Later, Genma, Ryomi, and Ryoga went to China, where they still encounter Jusenkyo. This time, Jusenkyo accident was caused when Ryomi got them lost. Genma still became a panda while Ryoga turns into a girl and Ryomi turns into a ten years old girl. The night before the new Tendo meeting incident. In a resort Inn a few hours hike out of the Nerima Ward, Genma, Ryoga, Ryomi, Ranma, Nobuyuki, Yosho, Achika (thanks to a ki transfer from Ranma in her time of need), Tenchi, Sasami, Ryoko, Ayeka, Little Washu, and Ryo-oh-ki were there. Tenchi because he was on a training trip with his father and his Grandfather. The Tenchi cast girls minus Achika, because of Tenchi, and surprising enough, Ranma as well. Achika because she didn’t want to be alone in the house. Ryomi because Genma was taking their son to meet the Tendo in hopes that Ryoga would hit it off with one of the girls there and continue on the Anything Goes School. And Ranma, so his little brother wouldn’t do something stupid. This Genma was smarter, kinder, and stronger than the idiot he once knew. But this Genma was too trusting for his own good. Nabiki will take all of Genma’s belonging if he was alone with the middle Tendo girl. Ranma and Yosho watched as Ryoga and Tenchi sparred outside. Ryoga was like a hurricane, attacking Tenchi with swift, powerful attacks. Tenchi was like the water. Dance out of Ryoga’s attacks and returning with quick counters with his ki enhance bokken. Ryoko, Ayeka, and Washu watched in awe as the youngest Saotome and the youngest Masaki battled. Genma was boasting on Ryoga’s skill as Nobuyuki boasted on Tenchi’s skills. “It ends in five seconds” Ranma said to no one really. Yosho nodded in agreement. The others gave the elder Saotome a quick glance before turning back to the match. Just as Ranma said, the matched end in five second after his announcement. Ryoga landed a good punch on Tenchi’s cheek and Tenchi slammed his bokken on Ryoga’s head. Both combatants were knocked out cold. “Ranma. How did you know that?” Yosho asked. “That is a secret.” Ranma said as he winked and wiggled his index finger. Then the elder Saotome exited the room via window so quick that it looked like he teleported. The others just fault-face, painfully. Washu was the first to recover. “That’ll explain a lot of things if he’s really was Xelloss.” Washu said. Those who recovered nodded their head in agreement. The next day, the Tendo home Dammit. How did Ryomi get everyone lost except him Ranma wondered as he was at front of the Tendo’s door. Oh well, I just wait for them to get here, Ranma thought to himself. He knocked at the door and was greeted to the lovely sight of Kasumi. Ranma was wondering if it was ethical should try to marry Kasumi again. Then he noticed that Kasumi had a dreamy look on her blushing face. Her breath was labored and her eyes were glazed over. “Excuse Miss Tendo.” Ranma asked deciding that he wanted Kasumi back. Kasumi’s mind was forced back to earth from Hard Core Hentai Land. “Um, are you a Saotome and unmarried.” Kasumi asked. “Yeah.” Ranma answered. Kasumi ran back to her family screaming at the top of her lungs in a unKasumi fashion, “I’ll take him. I’ll take him.” This caused Akane and Nabiki to check Ranma. Unfortunately, they also thought he was Ryoga Saotome and ran back the way Kasumi did moments ago. Soun and Kumiko (Soun’s wife) came to see this man. They realized they were staring at the man who warned them of Kumiko’s illness and saved her life. But that was eleven years ago. He hasn’t aged a day. Seeing this, they fainted. Sometime later… The others got there in a matter of moments after Ranma managed to pry the Tendo girls off of him. After Genma explained what happen, Genma, Ranma, Ryomi, Ryoga, and Katsuhito (He just wanted to drink tea which Kasumi is serving.) sat at table with the Tendo family. “So that not Ryoga, that’s your older brother Ranma.” Nabiki said as she pointed to Ranma. Genma nodded. “This is my son, Ryoga.” Genma patted his son on his back. “I want him.” Akane said. “You want me?” Ryoga asked questionable. “Not you. Him.” Akane pointed at Ranma. Her mind was visiting Hentai Land now as she leered at Ranma. She didn’t mind if she became a pervert. As long as she was a pervert with Ranma. “No way Akane. You should take Ryoga, I get Ranma. Ryoga is your own age.” Nabiki snapped as she glomped on Ranma and was quickly pried off Ranma by Ranma himself. Nabiki blushed as she recollected her intelligence and sat down next to her younger sister. “You’re both wrong. Ranma needs a mature housewife. Isn’t that right Ranma.” Kasumi said as she sat down on Ranma lap and threw her arms around his neck and snuggled close. The others waited for Ranma to pry Kasumi off. When Ranma started to blush and subconscious put his arm around Kasumi, Kumiko fainted while the remaining Tendo girls screamed outrage. Akane even smashed the kettle. “But what about Doctor Tofu?” Akane asked with tears in her eyes. “We’ll invite silly Doctor Tofu to the wedding.” Kasumi answer. Both younger Tendo girls glared at Kasumi. They silent vowed one thing. Ranma will be mine, they thought in unisons. “Mr. Ranma. I’m glad you saved my wife, but please don’t lead Kasumi on.” Soun said. He looked like he would have attack Ranma if Kasumi weren’t in the way. “If they all are engaged to uncle, doesn’t that mean he could fulfill the pledge.” Ryoga joked. He kept looking at the Tendo girls. The one that crushed the Kettle looked really scary. “An excellent idea Ryoga.” Soun said. Soun now was trying to look very sage like. “I think that the only course since the other Tendo girls won’t stop chasing you until you decided.” Katsuhito said. Ranma knew Yosho only agree that was a good idea because it was revenge for making face fault earlier. “Now wait second.” Ranma begun to say, but he was cut off as the Tendo girls launched into a game of Tug of Ranma. To be continued… Praise me or burn me…but at least tell me what on your mind. Email me at Leonardo83105206@aol.com or LOS2000@slayersrpg.com Visit my website at http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/Animefanfiction/index.html