A New Love, A New Life Written By Leonardo B. Castro Carelessness and mistreatment to one’s love may turn that love away. Love is meant to be cherished not abused, once a heart is broken it yearns for companionship. Never hurt your love, or you may find your love seeking another’s embrace. - Quote from Lady Mika of House of Hearts on Jurai – Story “RANMA NO BAKA.” A raven hair girl screamed as she slammed her mallet upward into the chin of a short redheaded girl. “WWWWHHHHHAAAATTTT DDDDDDDIIIIIIDDDDDDD III DDOOOO NNNNNNNOOOOWWWWWWWWW?” The girl screamed as she sail across Nerima courtesy of Akane Air Inc. Akane had no real reason to hit Ranma. She was just angry about this morning when Kuno tried to glomp her but accidentally tripped a slammed into the wall. In all his frailing about he managed to touch her breasts. Kuno to took a trip a trip on Akane Air and land in a shrine in Okayama. Needless to say, Kuno will never trust a 12-year-old like mad scientist again. But Akane was still angry and when she saw Ranma, she just attacked him. She cared about Ranma, even though she wouldn’t admit it, but she need hit something. This was Ranma, he’ll probably come back, right. She didn’t know how wrong she was. Ranma landed headfirst onto someone’s head, the head of one Ryoga Hibiki to be exact. Both people were knocked out. When they woke up again, they couldn’t remember anything. “Who are you?” The redhead asked with a hint of fear in her voice. Who was he, and who am I? She wondered. “I don’t know.” The fanged boy replied as she shot a questionable look at her. The redhead let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t know what going on and maybe that he could help her. He was also very cute. “Well, that make two of us.” The redhead added. “I guess we’ll have to make up names for ourselves until we find out our names.” The redhead said hoping this would turn out right. “Okay, that sound good. I’ll be, Ryoga.” The fanged boy said with a little bit of trust showing on his face. “Then I’ll be, Ranko.” The redhead said smirk. “The Wild Child huh. Hmm. For some reason, that name seems to fit you.” Ryoga complemented. “Thank Ryoga.” She said blushing. “You’re welcome, Ranko.” Ryoga said smiling at her. Ranko blush deepen a few shades as looked at the other direction and hoping she wouldn’t embarrass herself. Then walked off together in a random direction with Ryoga leading the way. Three minutes later Ranko started to wonder how she got from a warm city to a snow covered field. Ryoga wrap his arms around the shivering Ranko. Ranko looked very cold while the snow hardly bothered him. It was as if he walked into snow covered areas just wearing what he wearing now all the time. That when then saw a house at the base stairs that led up the mountain to a shrine on the top. Then they saw a black hair boy in a brown shirt and blue pants. He had short hair that that sported a small ponytail. “What are you people doing here, out in the cold.” He asked. “We’ve seemed to be lost. Can you tell us where we are.” Ryoga asked. Ranko tried to say something but her chattering teeth prevented her from voicing herself. “You’re at the Masaki Shrine. My name is Tenchi. And you are?” The boy asked. Tenchi seemed nice, and eager to help. Tenchi led them to the house and then, Ranko and Ryoga life will forever change, and they’ll never get back to the way it once was. Tenchi, Washu who was working on her transparent computer, Ayeka who was drink some cold fruit juice, Ryoko, Ranko and Ryoga were sitting in the living room of the Masaki home when Mihoshi walked in with two steaming bowls of warm chicken soup for the two worn travelers. She tripped and a bowl landed on Washu’s hands and caused the mad scientist to gasp in pain. Washu reflex to this was also to hit several keys that caused her computer to break down and several items to explode and change the television into a tree and Tenchi turned into a child. But everyone was looking at what happen to Ranko when the second bowl spilled on her. She turned into a boy. This caused Ayeka to spit her juice out and it hit Ryoga and turned him into a piglet. “MMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOSSSSSSS HHHHHHIIIIIIIIIII,” Washu screamed out loud. She’ll turned Tenchi back to the right age, Ranko back into a full time girl, and Ryoga into a full time human as soon as she could fix the computer. She went back to her lab to see what else transformed. Mihoshi was too busy apology to notice that Tenchi had fainted. Ryoko was trying to wake Tenchi while Ayeka got rid of her fruit juice in fear of it changing anyone else. Four months later… Akane wept into her pillow. The morning battle has started up again. Ranma was presumed dead. Shampoo, Ukyo, and Cologne have join forces to kill her. P-chan has disappeared. Her father and Mr. Saotome blamed her for Ranma disappearance and moved the engagement to Nabiki. Nabiki is blaming her for her new engagement to Ranma. Kasumi now seemed distance and sad, just like when mother pass away. Her father cries, believing that Ranma might be dead. Kuno spouting some nonsense about defeating the Sorcerer Saotome and is calling himself the Mage Slayer and the only man who battled with the Devil Washu and lived. The only good thing to happen was that Kodachi hadn’t bother her about Ranma because Kodachi was chasing after some other sap named Keiichi. Akane on the other hand felt like she was dying. Her heart ached as if it was ripped out. In a way, it was ripped out. Through her anger and mistrust, Ranma was lost to her forever. Now Ranma was gone. She never felt so lonely before. Ranma, please come back, she wished. Unfortunately she was just getting that. Ryoga was carrying Ranko into Tokyo, but was trying for the Masaki Shrine in Okayama. They were going into the Nerima Ward. Little did they know of the danger that lies within the Nerima Ward. Akane was hitting her practice dummy when a familiar voice interrupted. “Excuse Miss, Do you know where Masaki Shrine is?” Ryoga asked. Akane turn around to greet her friend when she fainted at the scene that fate had showed her. There, Ryoga was carrying a sleeping Ranma- chan. The fact that Ranma was wearing female clothes was shocking. But the biggest surprise was the identical rings with a huge diamond that they were wearing on the wedding fingers. Ryoga shook his as he looked down at Akane. What a weird girl, Ryoga thought. He felt Ranko shift while in his embrace. Her eyes fluttered open. “Are we home yet. I promised Sasami and Ryo-ho-ki that I’ll cook a huge feast again.” Ranko said sleepily as she hopped out of Ryoga’s arms. She flipped in mid-air and landed on her feet. “Nope, but this place seemed familiar to me. How about you.” Ryoga said as he looked at his surroundings. “Yeah. It make me feel weary of huge pandas and mallets.” Ranko said with a giggle. That must be the stupidest feeling she ever felt. What was going to attack her, huge mallet-wielding panda foaming at the mouth? That when Genma panda saw Ranma. Finally that lazy boy back. And in weak woman clothes no less. Well, I just have to restart that stupid boy training and berate him dressing like a stupid girl and giving into the curse. I wonder what would happen if the Neko-Ken trainee was older than ten years old? Genma-panda pondered. Well, first things first. Time to get Ranma out of those clothes. “Look Ryoga dear. A panda.” Ranko said as a huge Panda appeared. Ryoga was shocked that an endangered animal was running wild in someone’s backyard. He blinked when he saw then said panda trying to rip the clothes off Ranko while Ranko screamed for Ryoga’s assistance. Ryoga fell out off his shock and pulled out a bokken from his pack and charged the panda. “Help. Rape. A panda trying to molest me. Help me Ryoga.” Ranko screamed as she tried to force the panda off her while keeping her now tattered clothes on her body. “PANDA WA HENTAI NO BAKA DESU,” was the war cry that Ryoga used as he slammed the bokken on top of Genma-panda’s head. Genma-panda slumped down and suck dirt after Ryoga defeated him. Ranko added a few kicks to the head to Genma-panda’s head to assure herself that the perverted panda will not make an attempt any time soon. “Um Ryoga is it just me or is this place seem weird to you.” Ranko asked her husband. “Yeah, pervert panda, swooning women, and a seemly quiet city. I feel like that we just walked into a second rate anime hentai movie.” Ryoga said. “Let get out of here before the multi – tentacles demon monster shows up okay.” Ranko said. “Don’t worry. Those thing don’t exist.” Ryoga said. They exited the house to see a laughing little old man Happosai chased by Taro in cursed form. “You,” She turn to look at Ryoga, “were saying.” Ryoga on his part looked sheepish. To Be Continued… God, I don’t believe I write this junk. Why I accepted Mika’s request for a Ranko and Ryoga pairing in Tenchi/Ranma fanfiction is beyond me. I hope you readers enjoy. Updates will come slower than usual. Praise me or burn me…but at least tell me what on your mind. Email me at Leonardo83105206@aol.com or LOS2000@slayersrpg.com Visit my website at http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/Animefanfiction/index.html