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Mirei: I have abandoned this site... *sorry guys*!
*everyone brings out packed bags*
Sasami: yep! that's because we're moving!
Usagi: huh?? moving?? where? WHERE!?
Mirei: This is very important! I am making a whole new site with more space and such. it's called:
Duo: Are you keeping us all in a bank or something?
Mirei: No...I know i haven't been working on this site for a long time. but go there. it's MUCH better! oh, and my email changed. it's now chibipinaii@yahoo.com"> so feel free to send me email. well, see ya there!!
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Chibi-Heero says:
"Sign the guestbook or else I'll shoot you!"
Mirei: "Hey! Um...hopefully he wont." |
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Chibi-Duo says:
"Yo! Come in and post things about anything!
well...that involves anime of course.
Hey, do you think I can play soccer there too?" |
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It sounds like so much fun!!" |
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