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|| UPDATE 02.26.02 ||

Hey minna-san! Well, this month has been pretty productive. Sorry for not updating sooner! It took me almost a whole month but, I did it! So proud of myself! ^_^ Anyways, this is a pretty short update that took a long time to do. There are 2, that's doujinshi uploaded and a new black and white picture in the new art section. I definately suggest you check out "Cake" in the doujinshi section (mmm....cake) ^_^

|| UPDATE 01.25.02 ||

GOMEN NAI EVERYONE!! I'm so sorry for not updating! It took me almost a month! Geez... Anyways, I have a silly little doujinshi for you, it's one page...unless I decide to go one with it. I have no clue though. You'll have to give me some imput maybe (hint hint, guestbook...) I have another doujinshi that should be uploaded pretty soon, it's a steamy one, but I think it might actaully go past one page! WOOW! ENJOY!

|| UPDATE 12.26.01 ||

Sorry guys, one of my fake updates again. Well, I hope everyone had a good Christmas, but, I'm sorry to say I didn't get those comictones I was vouching for. Oh well, maybe for birthday. Anyways, I got some paper so I've been doing some original stuff, and I couldn't stand letting this one just sit around. I like to too much. A warning though, you'll probably need a sense of humour to read it. You can check it out here.

|| UPDATE 12.22.01 ||

Well, this isn't really an update U_U;. I've been SOO busy this week I feel like I can draw no more! But, don't worry, I can. Anyways, this page may be a little slow these few weeks since it's my Christmas break (yay!) so I will try to relax and be lazy (hmm....that's not too hard...). But here's some good news, I got some more paper so now I am stocked up and able to draw some more doujinshi for everyone! Hope you guys have a very merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a great New Year!

|| UPDATE 12.04.01 ||

That was really quick for an update, ne? I've got a new doujinshi updated, called "Morning After". It's basically a remake of a REALLY OLD one page doujinshi I did about a year ago. I don't know if I sent it into Flames of Oz, but you may be able to see the old version there. Anyways, I was REALLY stuck for ideas. I couldn't even think of a LAYOUT! But, the remake turned things around and I'm really satisfied with the outcome. ^_^ So, if you feel like some doujinshi, check it out, and if you haven't been to the New Art section yet, there is a Dark Kisses poster from my 12.03.01 update that you REALLY should check out.

I would just like to mention, if you would like to link to me (you really should cuz I know you're nice ^_^) just go to the links section and take one of the banners. Please send me an e-mail of what your URL is so I can link back to you.

|| UPDATE 12.03.01 ||

Hey everyone! A short update here. Phew this page is starting to get really long, I should really make an updates page but, that would require doing the Javascript coding for it and...

Well, it's already December and I have some early Christmas presents for you. There is one new fanart in the art section, and there are some spiffy new link buttons in the links section! So if you want to link to me (you really should ^_^) stop by there and pick them up. There are 4 to choose from! Until then...ja! ^_^

|| UPDATE 11.29.01 ||

Argg!!! Stupid Angelfire webshell. I don't think I will be using the preview mode anymore. Well, to explain my moronity, I ment to update on the 25th and I thought I saved the new version but, I guess I only THOUGHT I did. U_U;

Anyways, I've updated now, I updated both the doujinshi and new art section so there are some fun little things in there now. There are two little doujinshi in there that are gag, like the ones found in the back of the Gundam Wing doujinshi and there are two sampler pages which are pretty much PWP, with no plot whatsover and probably wont be continuing at all unless I feel especially creative and actually have some nice pen nibs and some paper to actuall do them (U_U;)

I hope you enjoy the weekend and everyone around the world that's experiencing the extream cold this winter, like -35 (that's in Celcius...) and the peeps in Canada, 'dis goes out to you! Enjoy!

|| UPDATE 11.17.01 ||

Two new pictures in the New Art section, Be carefull of the one entitled "Temptation". PHEW! *fans face* Enjoy the new arts. Still havn't gotten those comic tones yet. WHY? OH WHY is life so unfare? Oh, well. No new doujinshi for a little while but, I may make up a short one like seen in the back of the Gundam Wing comics. Stay tuned for that!

|| UPDATE 11.01.01 ||
Well, it's already November, so depressing because it's going to start snowing here where I am. Oh, well. I can't keep me from drawimg though! ^_^! This is quite a small update though, I ment to write an update message last month when I updated but, I'm just very lazy. If you look in the new art section there will be two new fanarts. Notice how they both look quite a like. Again, my laziness.

In other news I will HOPEFULLY be getting some comictones in a week. I'll have to stock up on other supplies too so I can start doing greyscale illustrations and doujinshi. Stay tuned kiddies! I might have something extra special for you in a few months!

Oh yeah! I would also like to thank Luc from FOO for this lovely award! My first one *sniff*

|| UPDATE 10.02.01 ||

Hey everyone, I've actually been on the ball and drawing this week after a hectic weekend, but that's fine. I've only managed to come up with one new fanart (ducks flying garbage and booing) but, I've also come up with a tiny little doujinshi which is one page and contains a scene from Dark Kisses chapter 1. Now, I don't currently host my own fanfiction but, you can find it archieved at Flames of Oz or Shattered Realities although, FOO probably has the more current chapters. Its not up yet but it should be in a couple of days.

In other news, I am scrambling to come up with ideas for the GOStudios Artbook and it's deadline is on October 15th. Sadly I cannot enter in fanart (because then we would have to pay the original creators the money we dont have...) so I'm afraid this week, or more, this month will be very slow for LR as I try to meet the deadline for the artbook. Hopefully you can enjoy my meager offerings until the end of the month. Until then... Ja!

Kathy Tenchi