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Neighborhood Story

Don't Don't Don't Don't You Know?

Characters: Mikako, Tsutomu, Kuro-Chan
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis:
This is a very nice skin, and I barely had to fix anything! Good job Hecate! This is the crazed Artemis signing off!

Title: The Kiss of True Love
Characters: Mikako and Tsutomu
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Why are there so few Neighborhood Story skins out there!? Oh well, we seem to be helping to correct this travesty. Artemis just loves these mushy pictures. I personally think that this is one of her best skins. The cheesy title, however, is sadly of my own invention. Don't let it stop you from downloading!

Title:Ruby Red
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
I really don't like this skin. It was a pain to make and by the end I'm afraid that I didn't care that it wasn't perfect. Sorry.