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Daa! Daa! Daa! Skins


Title: Neither Song Nor Silence
Characters: Miyu and Kanata
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
I love this picture. Heck, I love this skin. It came out really well, and I'm VERY proud of me.The title comes from a poem by Anne Lindbergh.

Title: Small Family
Characters: Ruu, Kanata, and Miyu
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
It's just so festive! I'm really pleased with the matching playlist editor - I thought I'd never get that color right. ^_^

Title: Neutron Dance
Characters: Miyu, Kanata, Ruu, Wanya, and Aliens
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Aw, how cute! Part of poor Ruu's head got cut off, as well as some of Kanata's, due to the numbers and whatnot. So it's not the best PLACED picture, but I enjoy it anyway. ^_^ The title is taken from the title of a song by the Pointer Sisters. ^_^;;

Title: We All Fall Down
Characters: Miyu, Wanya, Ruu, and Kanata
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Yay, yellow! I love yellow. This is a particuarly warm skin - very sunshiney and cheerful. I flipped the image so that Kanata and Wanya didn't get cut off, and I think it worked pretty well. We get a nice view of Miyu's hand, which, aside from the adorable sleeping Kanata, is my favorite part. There are no buttons because I thought that the picture was too busy to add to. Overall, this is a favorite of mine. ^_^y

Title: Tulip Tumble
Characters: Wanya, Ruu, Kanata, and Miyu
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
More bright colors! I love the reds and pinks in this image. As far as the skin goes, it's not as good as some of my others, because I was in an amazingly bad mood when I was finishing it. But I am pleased with Wanya peeking out from behind the vis...

Title: Starburst
Characters: Wanya, Ruu, Kanata, and Miyu
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
It's the amazing one-day skin! As with all my Daa3 skins, I like it. ^_^ All I wish is that the picture was a little better quality...but you know, it's Daa!Daa!Daa! and that makes me happy. What can I say, I'm easily amused.

Title: Made for Two
Characters: Kanata and Miyu
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
So I actually own a volume of Daa3 now. It's in Chinese, but heck, it's MINE!! And wouldn't you know it had this great picture inside the jacket...Sadly it now looks like Kanata has half a moustache, but it could always be worse - Miyu could have a beard.

Title: Shy Psychi
Characters: Miyu and Ruu
Made by: Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
You would not believe how much editing I had to do this picture, but I did it and it's pretty. Also I am dictating this to Artemis.