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Training and Transformations


You may train two times a day, and for just training without the aid of a teacher, you will get 100 training points each time you train, for a max of 200 a day. Note: This is not the same thing as Power Level points. Training points show how hard you work. Power Level points show how strong you are. To win a match, I will factor in how good you RP, your Power Level, and your training points. There are three places where you can go to train without an invitation. The rest you must be asked to come. That will usually happen after you win a match. These places give you more training points on top of your two hundred. The only way to up your Power Level is too win a fight. Yet with more training points, the better your chance of winning. When you learn from trainers, after a few days you will learn a new move, such as the Kamehameha, or teleport.


Before you can transform, you must reach a certain Power level. Established character transformations may be found at the bottom. For made up chars(max three transformations for new chars) say how mcuh you add to your PL , and I will estimate how far until you can use it. Note: It must be your original power level for transformations. For exemple, say one char has a PL of 70,00, and has 2 transformations. He can do one of them. It brings his PL up to 120,000. The PL he has to be at to acces the second his 120,000. He cannot do it yet. He has to be at 120,000 without the help of transformations.


Frieza: Trans one:add 40,000 (must be at 70,000 PL) Trans 2 add 65,000(must be at 85,000 PL) Trans 3 add 115,000(must be at 110,000 PL)

Coola: Trans one:add 40,000 (must be at 70,000 PL) Trans 2 add 65,000(must be at 85,000 PL) Trans 3 add 115,000(must be at 110,000 PL) Trans 4: add 150,000(must be at 135,000)

Garlic Jr.: Trans one: add 50,000(must be at 90,000)

Zarbon: Trans one: add 45,000(must be at 70,000)


Ozaru(Monkey Form): xPL by 10(Automatic unless tail cut off)

Super Saiyan: SSJ1: add 30,000(must be at 75,000) SSJ2: add 60,000(must be at 90,000) SSJ3: add 100,000(must be at 110,000) SSJ4: add 200,000(must be at 160,000). There is actually up to SSJ 15, but that would be too powerful. Also, unless demanded by people, I'm not allowing Golden Monkey mode because it is too strong.

Another type of transformation is Fusing. Everyone knows the Fusion dance to start off with. Basically all you do is add the PL's together.

Exemple: Char A. has 40,000, and Char B has 60,000. When they fuse to become char C, they have a a PL of 100,000. If a PL is too strong after a fusion, I may think of triming down a small bit.