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Welcome to..........

Hey! I love to draw Mutio! Here's some pics I'd like!

Konnichi wa, minna-san! What's up? Ok, I know I totally changed the topic of my site *from GW to BS6* but I felt that there was ENOUGH Gundam info out there, and not enough BS6. This anime is one of my favorites by far! And I had to make this site for Mutio, because she is my FAVORITE ANIME CHARACTER of them all. I know, probably alot of people with disagree with me, but I really like her. I think she's so cool =). So anyways, I'll try and work on this new site more often. So, Ja ne! -Tenshi Sign My Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View My Guestbook

Stuff! ^_-

Pictures: Watch as I and my friends stalk the pilots!
Disclaimers! So I don't have to put em anywhere else
Links! Gotta vistit 'em all!
Bios! Info I've collected about the guys, and girls, of Gundam Wing
Awards I've won, and you can win: Wow! You can see my awards and win your own!
.....! A little page I made for fun, of all the guys chibi, and ready for bed.
Fanfiction! Hey, read my stories and give me some feedback. Or send in some of your own!
