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Vila Dragon
Silver Panther

This is a work in progress. Now that I have the summer off I will be trying to update this the best I can. I'm sorry for those of you who have been waiting for my story to finish but I regret to tell you that I won't be finishing it. I might go back and edit a few things but I'm not going to be finishing it anytime soon that I know of. But if you'd like to know more about the Royal Saiyan Empire there is another person who is writing it. It's not entirely what happend but it's also not from my point of view either so here it is: Remembrance.
I am mostly going to be working on getting pictures up. Like all the way from Halloween and such. My digital camara broke so there really won't be any more fun pages with me and Jen or anyone else for that matter. But there will be a few pics going up so you can learn more about me. ^_^ So be paciant and I will have new things up here and working soon. Vila Dragon.