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Sailor Moon Planet

Welcome to Sailor Moon Planet!
Last updated: July 10, 2000

°Things have yet to be figured out in my life (teenage life is tough!), at the moment, but I woke up early today and decided to devote that time to my site instead of going back to sleep. I created a new page about Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus' mission, called, "Talismans."
°I updated the Episode Guide!°
°I love the new episodes, they're so great. Michelle and Amara are so cool!!!°
°You can vote what you think of the new episodes in a new poll.°
°Whooohooo! School is out for the summer! This means I'll get to have a lot more fun with friends and stuff, and that I'll have a lot more time to work on my page! Finals were harsh, but now they're over!! I just added the picture of Sailor Dream to the newest fan fic, "Sailor Moon Beyond."°
°I just put up a new fan fic by Bunny a.k.a. Jessica. It's really good and it's called "Sailor Moon Beyond," go see!°

Thanks so much for coming to my site, please sign the guestbook!


Sailor Moon Fan Guide

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Sailor Moon is a copyright ©1992, Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Douga, Kodansha, etc. "Sailor Moon Planet" is a page created by a fan.