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The Saber Marionette Story & Characters

The series Saber Marionette J starts off on the planet inhabited only by males, Japones, all the females having died in the past. So they decided to create female androids, or marionettes to help the female race live on. Otaru, a young boy soon descovers one of these marionettes named Lime, and awakens her from her sleep. The special thing about Lime is she has a maiden circuit, very simular to human emotions. Later in the series they find two other marionettes, Cherry and Bloodberry, who also carry these maiden circuits. Frost, the main enemy in the story sends out his marionettes that also carry maiden circuits. Tiger, Panther and Lucus. These three try to kill Otaru's marionettes throughtout the rest of this series to prevent them from developing and bringing back the female race (Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry's purpose). All in all, this is a very entertaining series.