DBZ Info


There are only two different fushions, the first is this one. Goku learned this during the five years of inactivity between the end of the Cell Game and before Gohan started school at Orange Star High School. As the name suggests, the major requirement for this type of fusion is to have the two people involved in the fusion perform a dance, which are mirror images of each other, resulting in a new warrior, who has the attributes of the two warriors who formed the new one. When performed successfully, the newly formed warrior will be significantly stronger. There are other requirements and conditions, of course. Requirments The two fighters must be similar in size, build, and power (especially power; they have to be almost exactly the same, but this isn't a major problem, since most of the Goku-tachi can control their power levels, so the stronger fighter just needs to lower his/her power to match that of the weaker). The dance must be performed correctly for a successful fusion. Any minor mistake in the dance can result in a defective fusion. The fusion will last for 30 minutes, by which time both fighters will return to their normal selves, but there doesn't appear to be a way to end a fusion before this 30 minute time limit. After a fusion ends, the two fighters must have a waiting/resting time of one hour before the fusion dance can be performed again. Potara Fushion The fusion technique of choice for Kaioushins which time forgot, this technique is allegedly hundreds of times better than the Dance Fusion. For fusion to happen, two people only need to wear the ear-rings of a Kaioushin. (Note that while this fusion was supposed to have been permanent, its properties seem to wear off under unexpected conditions, like being inside the body of a magical being...) As always, there are some requierments... Requirments A set of Kaioushin earrings. The two fighters involved in the fusion must wear the earrings on opposing ears. Each person can only have one such fusion in a lifetime. The effects of the fusion is (supposed to be) permanent. Ro Kaiou-Shin The first fushion was done about 75 million years ago. The young and strong Ro Kaiou-Shin was fused with an old witch. Ofcourse, he didn't want to fuse, but he fused by an error made by the witch. The witch thought that the earings were only for women, so she took one of the Potara earings an putted it on her ear fusing her with Ro Kaiou-Shin. The fusion had it's good side, from the fusion, Ro Kaiou-Shin got all the witches' powers but he looked a lot like the old ugly witch. Thanks to the his new magic powers, he was able to defeat Buu and keep him locked for a long time. Kaiobit This fushion occured between Kaiou-Shen and Kibit. It was done with the Potara earings to show Gokou how to use correctly this earings. In the only thing this fushion helped was when Kaiobit saved the Z-Squad from Buu and make a trip to the new Namek to make 3 wishes. Gotenks This fushion occured when Buu said that he will destroy the earth. Gokou and Piccolo started training Goten and Trunks and then this fushion was born. Gokou also learned this fushion from Goten afterward. First, Gotenks could only go SSJ1, but lately, it got up to SSJ3 Buu Buu doesn't need to use any techniques to fuse with some one, he just have to eat it to get his power, and he also starts looking like the guy he just ate. With each "snack", Buu was getting stronger and stronger. Gogeta This fushion occured when Vegeta and Gokou had to fuse to defeat Janemba. When Janemba was created, he opened a portal between hell, heaven, and earth. Vegeta was kind of embarrased to fuse in such way, but due to the circumstances, he acepted to fuse. Gogeta SSJ4 This fushion occured when Gokou SSJ4 and Vegeta SSJ4 had to fuse to defeat Il-Shenlong. This fushion only lasted for 5 minuted, because there was nothing in this world that could hold such a big power for more time. Gogeta SSJ4 defeated Il-Shenlong with a Big Bang Kame Hame Ha x10. Vegetto After Gotenks was defeted by Buu, Vegeta and Gokou used the Potara earings to fuse into Vegetto. Vegetto was a lot stronger that Buu, but when Vegetto got into Buu's inside to save his friends, the strange things that were inside Buu made Vegetto unfuse. Vegeta was very happy when he unfused. Veku This fushion is an error that occured when Gokou and Vegeta tried to fuse, but the fushion went wrong and the fused into Veku, and then they had to wait 30 minuted to try to fuse again. Kamiccolo This fushion occured in the Cell saga, when the androids came and Piccolo saw that they had no chance against them. He asked Kami-Sama to fuse with him, and after a while, Kami-Sama decided to fuse. Super 17 This fushion occured between Android #17 and Artificial #17, which was creted in hell and escaped with all Gokou's enemies, such as Cell, Freezer, etc. Gokou defeted Super 17 with the dragon punch attack. Super 13 This is a fushion between Android #13, Android #14 and Android #15. This fushion gave #13 a super strength that almoust killed Gokou. Gokou defeated Super 13 lately.

Super Saiyan

The legend of the Super Saiyan tells of A super warrior of the Saiyan race who comes along once every thousand years (only one Super saiyan is supposed to be able to appear but I think 7 have. They messed this series up royally in several spots like this.) The levels of Super Saiyan go up to level 4. When they acheive this level (4) many different things happen(see list below).So anyway....this is a list of things you need to be (or do) to become a Super Saiyan!!

To be or not to be....Super Saiyan?!

  • Must have Saiyan blood
  • Must or be potentially able to surpass the limits of a common Saiyan
  • Must train to their absolute limit
  • Has to be pure of heart
  • A great deal of anger triggers the transformation into a Super Saiyan
  • The transformation becomes easier each time performed

    Super Saiyan Characteristics (levels 1-3)

  • Eyes get bigger
  • Eyes turn green
  • Hair turns a goldish blonde
  • The higher their level the longer(and blonder) their hair grows

    Super Saiyan Level 4 Characteristics

  • Chest expands
  • Thick redcolored fur like hair covers torso almost appearing to be a tight shirt
  • Hair turns red and shortens
  • Eyes turn dark (Very Cool!)
  • Tail lenghtens (even if it had been previously removed)

    The Races


    The Saiyans all originate from the planet Vegeta. There they were all slaves for Freeza. Then Freeza destroyed planet Vegeta with all the Saiyans except, Goku, Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa. They have the potential to be the most powerful race, because they have a have the possibility to obtain a mode called Super Saiyan. It is an ability that allows a Saiyan to become much more powerful than he normally is. Generally, except Mode 4, the Super Saiyan's hair is a much lighter color pointing toward yellow or gold. They are much stronger than they normally are in this mode. The Super Saiyan Modes go from 1-4, and a special one called, Ultra Super Saiyan. Ultra Super Saiyan is a mode between Super Saiyan 1 and 2. This mode is only achieved by Trunks and Brolly. Mode 3 is only obtained by two people, Goku and Gotenks(Trunks and Goten merged). Mode 4 is only obtained by Goku , Vegeta, and Gogeta(Goku and Vegeta merged). The Saiyans also have a mode called Oozaru, which is when they become a large ape. This is where Mode 4 originates. Mode 4 does not exist in Dragon Ball Z, it is in Dragon Ball GT.


    A rather peaceful race occupying the planet Namek. These beings are very strong, powerful, and fast. The Nameks are the only race that can create Dragon Balls. Some have the power to heal wounds. The Nameks are all males. At one point in time they were completely wiped out except for Guru. Then Guru created hundreds more. If your wondering, they hatch eggs as a method of birth. The Nameks inhabited Namek for a long time until Freeza came and destroyed it. They then are transported to the planet Earth by Dende's wish to the Namekian Dragon. The nameks have existed through all three series, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.


    Another very powerful race. They at one point are the strongest race in the universe, due to Freeza. They have the ability to change forms. In a way they are shapeshifters, each shape getting more powerful than the last. This ability is almost like Super Saiyan, except the Super Saiyan does not involve the complete change of form. The Changelings are very strong, and dominant fighters. They have unique speed and strength, allowing them to evade most attacks. These creatures have more than enough power to destroy multiple planets, but rarely use it.


    A demon race. They are very powerful with many abilities. They are an ancient race which originated hundreds of years ago. They have red demon eyes. These beings are pure evil, except for Mr. Buu, which is evil Buu's split personality, he is fat, opposed to evil Buu's muscles. All Majins have ultimate special abilities. One of which is absorb. It is a powerful move, but they can also turn creatures into chocolate. Then eat them and aquire some of there traits. One of my favorite ones is they can make creatures their slaves. They make them their by firing an Ubebunriogeki. They are overall a very powerful race that has many abilities to become the overall most powerful race.


    An artificial lifeform race. They are powerful fighters with many abnormal abilities that many other races cannot perform. They were all created by Dr. Gero. The androids objective is to be ruler of the world(figures). In Future Trunks' timeline they are rulers of the world. They are all evil except Android 16 and 18 who become good later on after Cell is defeated. Cell is the most powerful android formed when Dr. Gero's computer merged all the greatest fighters DNA into one creature. Strangely enough, Cell must absorb his own race to become his ultimate form, opposed to transform, and Super Saiyan. Also another strange fact is that Android 18 marries Krillin and has a daughter.


    A plant race that is used by Vegeta and Nappa. This race is fast growing(just add water) and not very powerful. They appear in the Saiyan Saga. The Humans have no trouble taking the Saibamen out. Although a weak race, 1,200 power level tops, they are so easy to make and expendable it does not matter. Still, this is one of the weakest race out there. The only reason the Saibamen are not the weakest race is because the Humans are not are warriors, while neither are these, these have a higher power level than the average Human. These also take less time to grow, a lot less.


    Probably one of the weakest race out there. They lack the ability to fly, except for one of them. But some become excellent fighters. Such as Roshi(Kame Sennin), Krillin, and Mr. Satan. Krillin is the one that can fly and is actually a very powerful fighter, he is the one of the most powerful Humans. The other two people are excellent fighters and can shoot some projections of energy, like the kamehameha Roshi does. This race, although the weakest, can defeat some other weak races. But from some movies and episodes, Cell Saga, you can see the Humans stand no chance. The Saiyans seem to take interest in the Human women, Bulma and Chi Chi. Goku marries Chi Chi, and Vegeta marries Bulma. The children are still Saiyan, but part human. The Humans carry no special strength increasing abilities, except maybe steroids.