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Omega Ruins 
(Airship Search Coordinates X 69~75 Y 33~38)

Hit Counter

Explore once using Armor w/ "No Encounters"  on someone!
get the single Treasure Chest w/ the Teleport Sphere in it, If you get the ones in group and pick the wrong one in the wrong order you will fight a really hard fiend for the 1st time and miss out and the Treasure. Wait till you save then try to open the one in groups

Try in the following order?

In this order! ?=may have changed!

Group 3
1. Lv. 4 Key Sphere (left)?
2. Defending Bracer (center)?
3. Turnover (right)?

Group 4
1. Lv. 3 Key Sphere x2 (Right)?
2. Defending Armlet (Left)?

Group 2
1. Lv. 4 Key Sphere (center)
2. Defending Bracer (right)
3. Turnover (left)

Group 1
1. Lv. 3 Key Sphere x2 (far right)?
2. Defending Armlet (left)?
3. Friend Sphere x2 (far left)?
4. Lv. 4 Sphere (right)?