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Welcome to the World of Warhammer.

Welcome to the world of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k.  Here I will post pictures, battle reports, and army lists from the Leagues I lead.  The League is for 15 year olds and younger, with my youngest player being 11.  I think this is a damn good trend, and don't any of you complain about playing someone who doesn't know all the rules, that's what I'm workin' on here.  This league is geared toward the hobby and learning to play both tactically and by the rules.  We have a good group here, and I'm lookin' forward to seeing them do well in the game and the hobby as they progress.  These guys are the future of the game.

Also you'll find my own army lists here and pictures of the models I paint.  I'm not terrible, but any constructive criticism would be appreciated

Nick - Angels of Revenge (Dark Angels)

Brock - Orcs/Space Wolves

Jake - Eldar

Tim - Ultramarines

Eliot - Tau

Mark - Tau

Joey - Angels of Hatred (Dark Angels) (Me!)

Standard 1500 pts  The Army list I most often use.  Flexible and well balanced with a leaning toward heavy firepower.

Ravenwing 1000 pts  Army list for the Bike and Landspeeder mounted Ravenwing.  Fast and Hard hitting in assault with light firepower.

DeathWing 1500pts  Army list of the all Terminator armored Deathwing.  Hit hard and can wreak havoc on power armored foes.