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Sailor Moon

Here's the all about me! I filled it out myself, cause I'm in charge of profiles, so I wasn't about to let any one
do my profile but myself! Loona helped me a little, though.........

Name: In Japan, I'm known as Tsukina Usagi (Rabbit on the Moon is the direct translation. In America, on T.V., my
friends call me Serena, but in the manga they call me Bunny! I'm also known as Princess Serenity, or Princess
Serena, Neo Queen Serenity, and for a whille, Haruka and Michiru call me the Messiah. Talk about multiple personalities!

Sailor Scout: As I said before, I'm the pretty Sailor Suited fighter, Sailor Moon! Once I get the Sacred Cup, I can power
up to Super Sailor Moon. After a whille, I become Eternal Sailor Moon, and I have these gorgeous wings.........

Height: I'm about 4'11", or 150 cm. I'm so short! ::sniff::

Age: Well, when I first become Sailor Moon, I was 14. When there was no more need for a champion of justice, like me and my friends ::sob::, I was 16

Birthday/Astrological Sign: My birthday is June 30 (don't forget it like Mamoru-chan did -.-), and I'm a Cancer.

Blood Type: Why would any one want to know this?! But Loona says some fans like to know they're the same blood type as Sailor Moon, so.....I'm an O

Gemstone: I love pearls and Moonstones. Moonstones are a little prettier, though

Fav Color: This should be quite obvious. I luv the way pink and white go together. If it was up to me, my school and scout uniform would be pink and white. Lucky little Chibiusa....

Fav Food: FAV FOOD?! But there are soooo many! I LUV food! How can I pick just one?!

Least Fav Food: If you really must know, I can't stand carrots.

Fav School Subject: I luv Home Ec, even if i'm not that good at sewing, and Music class is really great too. But I could never forget lunch......

Worst Subject: Everything except the 3 mentioned above, especially Math and English (remember that party I went to with Mamoru? ::turns red::)

Fav Pastimes: Playing Video Games, shopping, eating, reading mangas, watching T.V., and avoiding doing my homework (Luna:Hey! I heard that, baka Usagi!)

Fav Animal: Let's see if you can guess...........THAT'S RIGHT!!! A BUNNY!!!

Has Trouble With: I CANNOT stand dentists or ghosts ::shudders::

Strong Points: ::turns bright red and mumbles::
Loona: what did u say, Usagi? they can't hear you.
Usagi: whining and crying.....BUT I'M A REALLY GOOD LEADER TOO!!! Loona: ^_^;

Who I'm Usually Paired With: Well, I'm usually paired with Sailor Chibi Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, or Mercury and Mars. I've always
been a little closer to them.....

Club: I was in the drawing club, but the girls thought that when I drew Luna I drew a pig! -.-

Dream: My dream is to become a bride.......


Moon Prisim Power/Moon Prisim Power Make-Up!: This is my first transformation. It was the only one that the cresent moon didn't appear on my forehead (even for a short amount of time!) This transformation lasted until I killed Queen Beryl in the manga (then my brooch broke) and in the anime, while I was trying to save my friends from a cardian, it broke :*o(

Moon nare!/Disguise Power, Change Me Into ______: I used the Luna pen to do this. It could change me into anything I wanted! In the manga, I kicked the Sailor V game, and it fell out (^_^;) and in the anime, Luna gave it to me.

Moon Tiara Action/Moon Tiara Magic/Moon Frisbee: Is when I took my tiara off, and threw it at the enemy, turning them
to moon dust. Although it's my main attack in the first season of the anime, I use it a couple more
times in the other four seasons.

Moon Tiara Stardust: I only use this once, in episode 5, which wasn't translated (sorry, friends in America). I used my tiara to sprinkle stardust on a bunch of zombies, and restore them (go me!)

Sailor Moon Kick: I would shout this when I was attacking an enemy to give me more power. Unfortunately, when it was translated, they left it out and had me say something else.

Moon Healing Escalation/Moon Healing Activation/Cosmic Moon Power/Moon Crystal Healing Power: This attack had a lot of names. I used this one to heal people who had been turned into monsters. I also used it to heal Mamoru when Queen Beryl brainwashed him. I also killed Kunzite with it, and restored the four sisters with it (in the anime, that is. In the manga I just killed them)

Moon Crystal Power Make-up/Moon Crystal Power: This was my second transformation. It was given to me when my brooch broke by Queen Serenity. It was 10 times more powerfull than Moon Prisim Power.

Moon Princess Halation/Moon Scepter Elemination/Moon Scepter Activation: I used the scepter Queen Serenity gave to me to completely wipe out an enemy. Unfortunately, the attack wasn't powerfull enough once the Daimons came in Sailor Moon Super

Sailor Moon Body Attack: This attack was only used in Japan, just like Sailor Moon Kick. I used it a couple of times in America, but my script didn't say "Sailor Moon Body Attack". I still don't understand why......

Cosmic Moon Power Make-up/Cosmic Moon Power: Once my other brooch was broken, me and Momoru used our love to create this new brooch. Isn't it romantic?

Moon Spiral Hear Attack: I loved this attack, even though it made me very VERY dizzy, I'm getting queasy thinking about it!. I would do this really cool spin, and then a giant heart would come out of my heart rod, and destroy the enemy.

Double Sailor Moon Kick: I use this when I'm with Sailor Chibi Moon. It's exactly like Sailor Moon Kick, but a little more powerful because of Chibi Moon's help.

Crisis Make-up/Moon Crisis Power: This is my first transformation to Super Sailor Moon. I do this by using the Sacred Cup, created by the three Talismans. It's really pretty, like a butterfly. Before I got the hang of it, it really took up alot of my energy.

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache: This is the super version of Moon Spiral Heart attack. The same giant heart appears, but a swarm of butterflies make it even more powerful. Is there a theme here, or is it just me?

Moon Crisis Make-up: Once the the Holy Grail was destroyed by Mistress 9, I couldn't become Super Sailor Moon anymore. But then Pegasus gave me the power to become Super Sailor Moon again ^_^

Moon Gorgeous Meditation: This I use to make a humongous blast from my Kaleid Moon Scope. A lot of my friends say that this is their favorite attack.

Moon Eternal Make-up/Silver Moon Crystal Make-up: This is what I say to become Eternal Sailor Moon. At first, I had to become Super Sailor Moon, and then the scouts had to combine their powers for me to transform again, but then I created my own brooch! I was
sooo proud!

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss: I use this attack to return a monster back to a human with beams from my Eternal Moon Tial. I
felt so releived the people were ok.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss: Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon gave me this attack by making me Eternal Moon Tial even better! I still returned the moster back to a human, but this attack was much more powerfull!!!

Well, that's all there is to know. Next, you can find out about AMI!!!!! PANG PACK PANG!!!!

Find Out About My Favorite Girl Genius, Sailor Mercury!