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Umi's Links

Konnichiwa! of course, we all know that no good site would be complete without a page of links who have helped along the way with providing graphics, info, images, support, and adding to search queries. So I just want you all to take the time to say "Arigato!" to all these links. Arigato to you as well, for coming and making this site special! ^_^ Eternally ~Umi Ryuuzaki

P.S. I want to state a HUGE thank you to Tolaris of RFD for all that he has done for me! Thank you! You are truly the best!

Need anime and video games? Come here!

Anime Web!

Angel's Angel Sanctuary Gallery

Angel Sanctuary
Crescent Moon Anime
Ronin Warrior Yahoo! RPG
SithFighter RPG HomePage (not anime, I know, but most of us use Anime pics for our chars)
My First WebPage ever, a Sailor Moon Image Gallery
Watch Us Rise (Act Against Injustice)
Dot's ReBoot Image Gallery
Cephiro- Where Your Will Determines Everything