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Haunting Garden

Welcome to the very first shrine to Knives in English!

Hi to all and anyone who should happen to befall on the insanity that is Haunting Garden! If you've ever watched the series Trigun(that's anime to all you non-otaku who may have stumbled here looking for a knives dealer)then you may know of the character Millions Knives. This is the first EVER shrine to Knives in English, even though the small number is growing. YAY KNIVES-SAMA!!!!
Enter my lair of insanity and see what lurks.....

Last updated 04-10-01

New...this is soo new...

A bio on Knives

Fanfiction and writings about Knives and Trigun in general

Where you can ask Knives questions

'Nuff said.

Lucky hit: There will be no more lucky hits, because people don't want them. So there.

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Please give these poor neglected bishonen the attention they deserve!
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