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-Warlord Of Cruelty-


Warlord: Anubis (Sh'ten Douji)
Real Name: Koma Toshitada
Name Means: 'Red Sky Child'
Birthday: May 5, 1551 (Taurus)
Birthplace: Kyoto
Blood Type:  B
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 148 lb.
Element: Ogre
Jin: Loyalty
Armor: Cruelty
Weapon: Scythe with a clawed chain at the end (kursari-gama)
Attack: Quake With Fear
Dislikes:  beans
Interests: Self-improvement, reading and writing.

~Character Outline~
             Anubis is the youngest warlord of the Dynasty and Talpa's right-hand man. He is the Dark Warlord of Cruelty and is a thinker as much as a warrior. He is arrogant, over-confident and stubborn, typical of a young leader (he leads the four warlords). He also has an ego to match and demonstrates quick judgements and reflexes in battle. Though he's youngest warlord, he shows vast amounts of power, which makes the others jealous. He is the equal of Rowen in battle but has shown a special antipathy against Ryo. Rejected by his fellow warlords, he secretly questioned Talpa's motives. With the help of the Ancient One, who realized that Anubis is the next descendant of his clan, Anubis found the truth in his heart and he was only being used for his armor's power. He eventually took on the role of the Ancient's legacy and helped the Ronins. He accompanied Mia and Yuli to Jewel Lake to retrieve the Jewel of Life, a major component in defeating Talpa. In order to banish the demon Badamon from Lady Kayura, who was the last descendant of the Ancient's clan, Anubis had to sacrifice his life. He transferred to ogre armor to her and in doing so, died. (That’s because the person lives for the armor, not the other way around). Both his armor and the Ancient's staff were transferred to Kayura after his death.

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