These belongs to My Techniques Name (Name in English.): Description of Technique Shishi Houkou Ken (Lion's Roar fist.): This is a Ki punch based off of the Shishi Houkou dan and uses the same emotions to power it. Shishi Houkou Kyaku (Lion's Roar Kick.): A Ki enhanced kick. Go Shishi Houkou Dan (Five Loin's Roar shots.): A Rapid fire version of the Shishi Houkou Dan Mouko Ikazuchi Dan (Fierce Tiger Thunder Shot.): A Ki blast En Mouko Takabisha (Flaming Fierce Tiger Domineering.): A Mouko Takabisha super heated for even more panda burning power. Go Mouko Takabisha (Five Fierce Tiger Domineering.): A Rapid fire version of the Mouko Takabisha. Juuno Mouko Takabisha ( Ten Power Fierce Tiger Domineering.): A Final attack version of the Mouko Takabisha. Mouko Kyaku (Fierce Tiger Kick.): A enhanced kick Ryuuhi ???? Ha. (Dragon Fire Palm Strike.): Ryuu ?????? Ha. (Dragon Line Power Strike.): ???????????? (Armor of The Mountain King.): Part endurance training part ki technique the training it's self consist of bungie jumping off the side of a cliff whale doing ki exercises to in crease one density. ???????????? (Angry Demon Aura Attack.):Sort of a full body version of Soun's Demon head attack. Not a very powerful attack but intimidating as hell. Unryuu Ha (Cloud Dragon Strike.): Ikazuchi Ken (Thunder fist.): A Ki enhanced Punch Ikazuchi Ha (Thunder blast.): A Ki blast ??????? Ha (Earthquake Strike.):A Breaking point variant Mouko ????????? Ha (Fierce Tiger Charging Claw Strike.): ????? Rou Dan (Howling Wolf Shot.): Sai Dai Akane Ha (Perfect Anger or Crimson Blast.): A more powerful version of the Akane Ha. The version that uses anger Ki is relatively easy to do but the love Ki version is very difficult to do becase of the up ward spiral of emotion needed to pull it off. Akane Kyaku (Anger or Crimson Kick.): A Ki Kick Based of the Akane Ken ????????? (Raging boar Attack.): Röga Ken Dan (Wolf Fang Fist Shot.): Akane En Ken (Crimson Flaming Fist.): En Akane Dan (Flaming Crimson Shot.): ??????? Ken (Hard Iron fist.): A conditioning technique to master it you must be able to slam your fist in to soled Rock two hundred times with out injuring them at all. Akama Kyaku (Red Horse Kick.): A Ki enhanced drop Kick that uses love chi. Ikazuchi Ryuu Ken (Thunder Dragon Fist.): a very powerful Ki punch that takes a little while to charge and the aura that envelops the fist looks like a dragons head. Ikazuchi Ryuu Kyaku (Thunder Dragon Kick.): A Ki Kick Ikazuchi Ryuu Ha (Thunder Dragon Blast.): A Ki Blast. Ryuu Houkou Ken (Dragon's Roar Fist.):A Ki punch. Ryuu Houkou Kyaku (Dragon's Roar Kick.): A Ki Kick. Ryuu Houkou Ha (Dragon's Roar Blast.): A Ki Blast. Ryuusei ????? Satsu (Meteor Storm Kill.): A Ki Blast that consists of creating a swarm of small balls of Ki then sending it at your opponent. Ryuu Totsu Ha (Lunging Dragon Strike.): A unprimed horizontal version of the Hiryuu Shouten Ha it is useful for picking up one or two opponents, making them very very dizzy, and ether slamming them into any convenient hard surfaces or simply leaving them weakened in addition to being dizzy and any injuries sustained. A Ryuu Totsu Ha drains it's target('s.) of most of there Ki energy a fairly simple variant if you can pull of a unprimed Hiryuu Shouten Ha. Hiryuu Shouten Akane Ha (Flying Dragon Ascend to Heaven Anger Strike.): A inverted version of the Hiryuu Shouten Ha. Meaning it use hot Ki instead of cold Ki against a cool of cold target. This technique Works best ageist someone trying to pull off a Hiryuu Shouten Ha, Supernatural being that ether have no body heat or have a negative body temperature, or a Martial Artist trying to pull off a cold based attack like the Koori Womeku or useing the Soul of Ice. Ryuu Totsu Akane Ha (Lunging Dragon Anger Strike.): A unprimed horizontal version of the Hiryuu Shouten Akane Ha It is useful for picking up one or two opponents, making them very very dizzy, and ether slamming them into any convenient hard surfaces or simply leaving them weakened and dizzy. a simple variant if you can pull of a unprimed Hiryuu Shouten Akane Ha. En Ken Ha (Flaming Sword Strike.): A Ki enhanced sword strike. Basically useing your ki to set your sword on Fire. Ikazuchi Ken Ha (Thunder Sword Strike.): A ki enhanced sword strike. En Ryuusei Ken Ha (Flaming Meteor Sword Strike.): A Ki enhanced sword strike. Basically useing your ki to set your sword on fire combined with useing your sword very fast causing the air around it to get very very hot. Ryuusei Ken Dan (Meteor Sword Shot.): Sending blades of Ki Fire from your sword. Can be combined with the Ryuusei Kenbu Osage Ha (Braid Strike.): Yuki-Onna Ha (Snow woman Strike.): Mouko Houkou Ha (Fierce Tiger's Roar blast.): A Ki blast. En Ken Ha (Flaming Fist Strike.): Basically creating a flaming aura of hot Ki around one's fist a deliver a Ki enhanced punch that cases burns and can set things on fire. En Kyaku Ha (Flaming Kick Strike.): basically creating a flaming aura of hot Ki around one's foot a deliver a Ki enhanced Kick that cases burns and can set things on fire. En Ha Dan (Flaming Blast Bullet.): A Ki blast useing hot Ki causes burns and can set things on fire. Go En Ha Dan (Five Flaming Blast Bullet.): A Rapid fire Ki Blast ????????? (Steel forearm.): A conditioning technique that hardens ones forearms until they can be smashed through two dozen trees with impunity. Ganseki ???? (Rock Shin.): A Conditioning technique similar to The Steel forearm only less rigorous and done to the shins. Juuno Kyaku (Ten Power Kick.): A Ki enhanced Kick Juuno Ha (Ten Power Blast.): A Ki Blast Gojuuno Kyaku (Fifty power Kick.): A Ki enhanced Kick Gojuuno Ken (Fifty power Fist.): A Ki enhanced Punch Gojuuno Ha (Fifty power Blast.): A Ki Blast Ryuu Hi Dan (Dragon fire Shot.): A Ki Bast Ryuu Kaze Ha (Dragon Wind Blast.): A ki generated blast of wind. Gojuu Ken Ha (Fifty Fist Strike.): A speed punching Technique. Gojuu Kyaku Ha (Fifty Kick Strike.): A speed kicking Technique. Ryuu Kamaitachi (Dragon whirlwind cut.): Ranma's Revision of the Kamaitachi Same Yasha Kyobo Ha (Shark Demon Rage Blast.): A Powerful Ki blast based off of rage blood lust and other psychotic emotions. Hikoi Kyaku (Flying carp Kick.): Kamikaze Ha (Divine wind Strike.): Mizuno Ryuu Ha (Water Dragon Blast.): A Ki blast. Go Hono no Ya (Five Flare Arrow.): A multiple Ki blast technique Yasha Shippuu Sempuu Ha (Demon Gale Tornado attack.): A attack in witch the person executing the technique spins like a whirling dervish delivering frenzied hail of super fast punches and kicks at at random while advancing on there opponent Yukikaze Ha (Snow Wind Strike.): Juu Dan Ha (Fifty Shot Blast.): First gather large ball Ki the detonate while shooting. Tora Ken (Tiger Fist.): A Ki enhanced Punch Tora Kyaku (Tiger kick.): A Ki enhanced Kick Tora Dan (Tiger Shot.): A Ki Blast Tora Kyobo Ha (Tiger frenzy Strike.): A speed attack consisting of a unrelenting chaotic assault of vicious punches and kicks. Tora ????? Kyobo (Tiger Claw Frenzy.): Similar to the Amaguriken technique, but uses clawing motions instead of fists and is much faster! ???? ????(Rip Claw Slash.): A slash technique that is a powered-up single attack that can slice through tempered steel. ????? ????? (Quick Swipe.): A weaker version of Tiger Claw Frenzy, but faster. Able to deliver several swipes in less than a microsecond and cannot be seen by the human eye. Neko ???? ???? (Cat's Eye Beams.): Twin beams of intense heat shoots from his eyes. His first ki technique. ????? ???? Ha (Rising Claw strike.): An uppercut version of the Rip Claw Slash. Juuno Tora Ken (Ten Power Tiger Fist.): A soupped up version of the Tora Ken. Juuno Tora Kyaku (Ten Power Tiger kick.): A soupped up version of the Tora Kyaku Juuno Tora Dan (Ten Power Tiger Shot.): A soupped up version of the Tora Dan. Yukitora Ken (Snow Tiger Fist.): A Ki enhanced Punch. Yukitora Kyaku (Snow Tiger Kick.): A Ki enhanced Kick. Yukitora Dan (Snow Tiger Shot.): Yukitora Kyobo Ha (Snow Tiger Frenzy blast.): A Ki blast. Shouten Yukitora Ken (Ascending Snow Tiger Fist.): A Ki Enhanced Jumping uppercut resembling the Shoryu Ken. Yukitora ????? Kyobo (Snow Tiger Claw Frenzy.): Similar to the Amaguriken technique, but uses clawing motions instead of fists and is much faster! Sakura Kaze Ha (Cherry Blossom Wind Strike.): A relatively weak Ki attack tin the from of a strong gust of wind. This attack can not be seen or heard on felt or sensed. Shippuu Kaze Ha (Gale wind Blast.): A Ki attack in the form of a sudden powerful blast of wind this attack is accompanied by a loud whooshing Soun but can not be seen. Kaze Hi Ha (Wind Fire Attack.): A Ki attack in the form of a strong gust of painfully hot wind. Tatsumaki Ha (Waterspout Blast.): A Ki blast resembling Terry Bogard's power geyser. Akai Inazma Ken (Red Lightning Fist.): A Ki enhanced Punch. Akai Inazma Ha (Red Lightning Blast.): A Ki blast. Mizuno Ryuu Kyobo (Water Dragon Frenzy.): Ryuu Kyobo (Dragon Rage.): Hiryuu Ryuusei Kyaku (Flying Dragon Meteor Kick.): Mouko Seikitou (Fierce Tiger Energy Sword.): A light saber made of Ki. Nibai Mouko Seikitou (Double Fierce Tiger Energy Sword.): Two Ki lightsabers one for each hand. Nibai Doko Seikitou (Double Magnificent Phoenix Energy Sword.): Two Ki lightsabers one for each hand. Nibai Akane Seikitou (Double Scarlet Energy Sword.): Two Ki lightsabers one for each hand. Bakusai Tenketsu En Ryuusei Geri Ha (Breaking Point Technique flaming Meteor Shower Strike.): Kaze Ken (Wind fist): Go Sunkugi Dan (Five inch nail shot): throwing a Five inch nail like a dart or dagger hard enough to send it all the way into a four by four. A technique of the construction school of martial arts. Nibai Go Sunkugi Dan (Double Five inch nail shot): Gojuu Sunkugi Ha (Fifty inch nail blast): A Ki blast in the shape of a very large nail. A technique of the construction school of martial arts. Gojuu Go Sunkugi Ha (Fifty Five inch nail attack): Throwing a barrage of fifty Five inch nails like a dart or dagger. Haya-Ji no Ken (Fist of Haya-Ji): Haya-Ji The Japanese god of whirlwind. Battle Aura Techniques The making yourself 'big' super battle aura technique this the Big head Battle aura Soun's Demon head technique and the angry Demon Battle aura are most common type of visible aura manifestations used. Other Techniques in clued the [En Aura Ha (Flaming Aura Attack.): This Technique Consists of Generating a Intensely Hot Aura Around your self so that ] The Heart's Fire is a very dangerous - and rare - advanced ki ability, enhancing every physical ability and reaction, as well as generating an aura of very intense heat. Another type of aura is the cold aura necessary for the Hiryuu Shouten Ha. Most battle auras consist of hot Ki auras that pop out when a Martial artist is ether very angry or useing most types of Ki attacks (This happens only for a while as the more often a Martial artist uses a technique the easier it is to summon the Ki necessary to do it.) only or charging up for a unusually large or powerful Ki attack. Aura colors and meaning: Light Blue = Anger, Yellow=Confidence, Purple = Blood lust, Crimson = Love, Black = Any evil or psychotic emotion, Pink = Joy or Happiness, Green = Depression, (In general darker colors mean darker more evil emotions some one like Happosai will have at least traces of black in there aura.)