This list was created by These techniques are found throughout various fanfictions, and they do not belong to me. I simply collected them and put them together for easier view. Fanfic Techniques. Name (Name in English.): Description of Technique Akane Ken (Anger or Crimson Fist.): A powerful Ki punch Using love or anger Ki that is capable of turning large Rocks in to powder thou it does much less damage to living things. Akane Ha (Anger or Crimson Blast.): A powerful Ki blast Using love or anger chi. Mouko Ken (Fierce Tiger Fist.): A less powerful version of the Akane Ken that uses confidence chi. Ikazuchi Ha (Thunder Strike.): A Ki enhanced jump Kick. Kamaitachi (whirlwind cut.): A whirlwind surrounded Ranma. He almost commented that it was like the one the ninja had used before, but he noticed a difference. The tornado was caused by shurikens, not restaurant bills. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Mouko Bakuhatsuteki (explosive fierce tiger.): Ranma gathered a Ki blast into his hands, but rather than throw it at one of the ninja he slammed the gathered Ki into the ground. The resulting explosion enshrouded all of the combatants. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Shi Shi Kyobo (Lion frenzy.): Ryoga's version of the Mouko Bakuhatsuteki. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Dan Ku Kyaku (??????? Kick.): He launched himself into the air, kicking his student three times in a flying jump kick that defied gravity. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Gadoken (???????): A small Ki blast launched from Dan's extended hand. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Ko Ryuu Ken (Little Dragon Fist): A Ki enhanced upper cut. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Makaze (evil wind.): a speed Attack based of the Kijin Dai Ran Bu looks like Mikado's dance of death. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Shinku Gadoken (???????): A Ki attack far stronger than the previous one blasted into Kumon's chest. (Life of chaos by Lord Archive.) Gansekiken (Rock fist.): Hifu No Iwa (Skin of rock or Rock skin.): A conditioning technique designed to increase endurance in a way similar to the Bakusai Tenketsu. En Ryuu Ken (Flaming Dragon Fist.): Basically The Amaguriken but with a cooler sounding name.(Shaping The Future by Deadly Nightshade). En Ryuu Kyaku (Flaming Dragon Kick.): Basically The same as Amaguriken but only it's a Speed kicking technique. (Shaping The Future by Deadly Nightshade). Rensha Happa Dan (Rapid Fire Explosive Blast Missile.): you start this technique by creating a large Ki sphere then disrupting it with the speed of the Amaguriken forming lots of smaller Ki spheres making this technique harder to counter or dodge than a normal Ki blast. (Lines of Destiny by Phoenix). Bkusai Tenketsu Satsu (Blasting Point Technique Kill.): This is Basically the Bkusai Tenketsu only it used on bones and there for requires a impaling weapon to get past the flesh and to the bones. (The Converging series). Rou Sou Ken (????? Fist.): A Ki punch. (The Converging series). Rou Sou Dan (????? Shot.): A Ki blast. (The Converging series). Tooboe Rou Tokkan Sen (??????): A Ki blast and probably a ultimate technique or final attack. (The Converging series). Shinseina Kanazuchi (??????): Some sort of Mallet of Ki Strike. (The balled of Ranma and Akane by Chris Jones). Osage Himo (Braid ??????): A grappling attack useing a long tail of braided hair. (The balled of Ranma and Akane by Chris Jones). Niryuu Totsu Ha (Two Lunging Dragon Strike.): It uses hot and cold Ki from two cooperating people to project a (usually more or less horizontal.): cylinder of Rotating air, like a Hiryuu Shouten Ha but less powerful and more controllable. It is useful for picking up one or two opponents, making them very very dizzy, and slamming them into any convenient hard surfaces. (The Taming of the horse by Vince Seifert). Ryuu-ou Ken (Dragon King Punch.) Hiryuu Shouten Ha-boosted uppercut. (Age of the Black blade by Libby Thomas). Shippuu kurogen (Gale Black Sword.) A thrust attack as fast as a shadow. (Age of the Black blade by Libby Thomas). Hyakki Yakou Shou (Palm of the hundred demons march at night.): This powerful technique consists of multiple Ki blasts released from the palms unfortunately it takes a while to gather enough Ki to do the technique. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Ryuusei Kenbu (Meteor Sword Dance.): A series of very fast chaotic slashing sword strikes. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Tenka Atsuryokuha (??????): A Ki blast. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Guren Ken (????? Fist.): (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Unsanmushodama (??????): A Ki bomb. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Seifukusha Tenkyusho (??????): (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Sensuifu Hadokyaku (????????? Kick.): (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Tembatsu Da (The Hundred Blows??):I think this is the ultra fast thrusting attack that Kuno uses. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Akane Bakudan (Crimson? ???? Shot.): A Ki blast. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Bkusai Tenketsu Reizan (Breaking Point Technique ??????): (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Happou Tsurisen Gaeshi Kaiteban (Happi's Small Change Paid back ?????): (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Reichi Sambyakujin Sho (??????????) The attack involved her performing a reverse flying uppercut while creating ki-clones of herself, long enough for each to slam painfully into the target. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Muchitsujo Bakahatsu (????????): slammed her fist straight into the ground. At once, concentric rings of ki rippled out from her hand, Rocking and Rolling the ground beneath the monsters sweeping them off their feet and shaking them to bits. (A duet in pigtails by Libby Thomas). Koori Womeku (??????): A blast incredibly of cold Ki that immobilizes an opponent by coating what it hit's by with a layer of ice. (A love story By Jason and Brian Drozd). Kon Shippuu (Spirit Gale.): This Technique is similar to the Hiryuu Shouten Ha but It relies on the target being calm and can only be used on one person at a time. (A love story By Jason and Brian Drozd). Koaburamushi Nigeru (Little Cockroach Runs Away.): This technique basically consists of a short range teleport well your opponent is distracted The maximum distance you can teleport with this technique is about twenty feet. (A love story By Jason and Brian Drozd). Bkusai Tenketsu ???? (Breaking Point Technique Wave.): (A love story By Jason and Brian Drozd). Haya Gake (??????): A Bushin Ryuu technique that consists of a Ki enhanced dashing crescent Kick. (The masters of Ki by ). Hou Zan To (??????): A Bushin Ryuu technique that consists of a Ki enhanced elbow strike (The masters of Ki by Bushin Senpu Kyaku (??????): A Bushin Ryuu technique that Kiko Sho (??????): Chun li's Ki blast Shoryu ken (Rising Dragon fist.): One of the special techniques of ken and Ryuu's School of martial arts. It consists of a Ki enhanced spinning jump uppercut (The masters of Ki by Hadouken (????? Fist.): Ryuu and Kens Ki blast. (The masters of Ki by Tatsuumiaki Sempuu Kyaku (?????? Hurricane Kick.): (The masters of Ki by Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon Kill.): Akuma's Ultimate technique (The masters of Ki by Senpu ken (???????): (The masters of Ki by Nibai No Sokudo (Double Rate of Speed.):a useful technique that doubles the speed and strength of the person useing it. (Living life anew by Mitch). Konton Ichiren Seme (Chaos Series Attack.): A series of Amaguriken speed chaotic punches and feints. it's a bunch of very fast attacks where the attacker telegraphs one move but strikes with another. (Siblings by Chris angel). Ookami Takabisha (Wolf Domineering.): A Ki blast. The Mouko Takabisha by any other name. (Siblings by Chris angel). Ookami Gufuu (Wolf Tornado.): A Hiryuu Shouten Ha like attack. Andrew lifts up his foot, Ki gathers around it, and he makes a sideways high kick. (Kinda like doing the splits standing up.) Result is the same, but there's a pack of wolves, not a dragon. (Siblings by Chris angel). Radashii Ken (The Righteous Fist.): A Ki punch fueled by any Righteous emotion. (Siblings by Chris angel). Jigoku No Raijin (Thunder of Hell.): A Ki forged lighting blast. (Three souls one heart By David A. Tatum). Ranma No Koibito Dake Ken (Ranma's Only Lover Strike.): A Love Based Ki blast. (Return of the sisters by David A. Tatum). Gekihou (???????): A Ki enhanced umbrella strike. (The more things change by RMP.) Ryuugeki Ken (Dragon? ????? Fist/Sword.): An umbrella Ki blast shaped like a boomerang. (The more things change by RMP.) "Go Ryuugeki Ken (Five Dragon? ????? Fist/Sword.): A Rapid fire version of the Ryuugeki Ken. (The more things change by RMP.) Hyaku Gekihou (????? ?????): A seed attack combined with the Gekihou. Sempuu No Bonodori (????? ?????): The cyclone of wind, no longer held by Mikado's spinning, blazed towards Ryoga, slammed into him, including the swirling debris that it caught. (The pursuit of happiness by RMP.) Ryuuzansho (???????): Ryuu suddenly barreled forward, feet first, surrounded by flaming spirals of ki. (The pursuit of happiness by RMP.) Ryuukusai (???????): Two ki blasts, shaped like blades. (The pursuit of happiness by RMP.) Shinkuuzan (???????): and a swirling tornado whipped out from the rug beater. (The pursuit of happiness by RMP.) Hiryuu Shouten Ha revised, Kinryuu Goroshi (Golden Dragon Massacre.): A Variation on the Hiryuu Shouten Ha this technique resembles the Ryuu Totsu Ha but the person using produces both the hot and the cold Ki frying one side while freezing the other side. Sempuu kyaku (Hurricane kick.): Ryuu and Ken's hurricane kick. ?????????? (Kunoichi secret mirror image technique.): Taifuu Shuu (Tornado Kick.) Simply a projectile attack with miniature tornado created from a spin kick. Knife-throw follow-up isn't a necessity Choga dan (boar fang missile.): A Ki Blast. (Ranma Monogatari by Bridget Austin Wilde). Shinku Tatsuumiaki Sempuu Kyaku (?????? ?????? Hurricane Kick.): he shouted, spinning rapidly in one place.The spinning formed its own little vortex, pulling Guy in and punishing him with several blows to the face. (The World War by Deadly Nightshade). Dosh Koi (?????? Carp): E Honda's flying head but. (The World War by Deadly Nightshade). Shinryu Ken (New Dragon Fist.): A Shoryu Ken variant (The World War by Deadly Nightshade). Juuno Ken (Ten-Power Fist.): A Ki punch. (Ryoga's Nemesis by Jack Staik). Doko Rakurai (Magnificent Phoenix Thunderbolt.): A Ki blast and Variant of the Mouko Takabisha. (Tales of Ranma and Ranko by Lady Tesser and Jack Staik). Jeigoku Seisatsu (The Inferno Spirit Obliteration.): A Ki blast. (Tales of Ranma and Ranko by Lady Tesser and Jack Staik). Doko Seikitou (Magnificent Phoenix Energy Sword.): A light saber made of Ki (Tales of Ranma and Ranko by Lady Tesser and Jack Staik). Akane Seikitou (Scarlet Energy Sword.): A light saber made of Ki (Tales of Ranma and Ranko by Lady Tesser and Jack Staik). Rekka Hokan (Raging Fire Completion.): A Ki blast. (Child of love Child of hate by Jay F. Kominek). Fuhatsudan Kibou (Unexploded Bomb Ruse.): A Ki Bomb. (Child of love Child of hate by Jay F. Kominek). Tsuin Hiryuu Shouten Ha (??????? Flying Dragon Ascend to Heaven Strike.): a two person Hiryuu Shouten Ha. (Child of love Child of hate by Jay F. Kominek). Garyuu Bouei (Reclining Dragon Defense.): Ki shot from Ranma's fingertips, taking on a solidity which only the recipients of a ki blast normally experience, and left a thick, gleaming viscous-like shield over his head. (Child of love Child of hate by Jay F. Kominek). Happou Shin Massatsu Ha (Happy's True Deadly Wave.): The ultimate attack of Happosai's bathhouse Fu a powerful Ki blast. (No more By ) Ta P'eng Chan Ch'ih (Giant Roc Spreads His Wings.): a wall of solid air that cut furrows deep into the granite beneath his feet. The far wall of the quarry collapsed under the attack. (Sakura Kaze by Jeffrey Vasquez) Seigi Tsunami (Righteous Tidal Wave.): A bolt of pure blue ki lashes out, expanding into a wall of energy that slams into the poor boys' backs, sending them flying everywhere. (Three sisters by Fred Herriot). Kibara No Toge (Yellow Rose's Thorns.): a volley of ki balls, about the size of baseballs, lashes out to smack into Ranma's hand. (Three sisters by Fred Herriot). Fuuyou no Gekido (Wind Dance Fury.): The bolt of ki slams into Kuno, creating a canceling effect whose backlash rips through the kendoist like a scythe. While it does little physical damage, the Wind Dance Fury literally punches through all the various ki and Ki elements which give Tatewaki Kuno the power to be what he is. Kuno is smashed away from the impact point, spiraling dizzily like an out-of-control top as his mind and body try to reforge links and restore him to normal. (Three sisters by Fred Herriot). Ryuusei Geri Kyaku (Meteor Shower Kick.): A Speed Kicking technique (Differing Powers by Phoenix). Vacuum No Ken Ha (Vacum fist blast.): Sintechu Yari (Heaven's Judgment Spear.): A Ki Blast. Akane the Vampire slayer. Hishoken (??????): a V-shaped wave of white chi. (MTCFF Ultra) Tatsu makisen buukyaku (????? ??????): catching the surprised Iori, pulling him up in the air. Iori was struck half a dozen times before being thrust out of the attack, sending him sprawling to the mat. (MTCFF Ultra.) Cho-Retsudan (????????): Andy screamed, and his feet flared with burning yellow chi. The sailing dropkick connected into Ken's chin, causing a miniature explosion to erupt. (MTCFF Ultra). ???? ???? ???? (Storming Umbrella Monsoon.): (Relentless By Grayson Towler). ???? ???? ???? ???? (One-Man Dragon Ascension.): Ranma waited until the giant was close, almost in range to reach out and grasp him in a meaty fist, and then he kicked off with one foot. His pirouettes were so fast that he seemed to vanish into a spinning blur. His aura flared hot around his left hand as he pulled it inwards, describing a tight spiral towards his own body. The glowing trace of his aura wound about him like a white-hot thread. A moment later, he broke his spin, thrusting his right hand into a powerful uppercut. creating a whirlwind. (Relentless By Grayson Towler). ???? ???? ???? (Dragon Claw Storms.): He swept his hands in front of him in a series of super-quick crisscrossing patterns. With each pass, a tight disc of wind streaked forth towards his foe, each about a meter in radius. Gaira stumbled back as each whirling bolt struck home, trying vainly to cover up with his arms. These attacks weren't individually that strong, but Ranma could snap off a dozen or so in about a second. He'd learned through experimentation that he could adjust the relative temperature in each hand to make the discs hot so they seared their target on impact, or cold so they stung with a fast-moving spray of tiny ice crystals when they hit. (Relentless By Grayson Towler). ???? ???? ???? Ha (Hundred Headed Dragon Attack.): At blazing Amaguriken velocity, he traced a spiral in front of him with his searing-hot left hand, then punched through the spiral's center with a freezing right jab. By the time his right hand pulled back, his left was already describing its next spiral. Each time he performed this action, a tight rope of furious wind writhed forth, snaking and twisting towards its target. These wind lances glowed with his own battle aura, even more so than the surging hurricane of the Hiryuu Shouten Ha. (Relentless By Grayson Towler). Reku-Gre-Rakau (????? ??????): A Ki blast. (Ranma 1/2 Gamma by Dreamweaver studios) Gou-Ken (????????): A Ki blast. (Ranma 1/2 Gamma by Dreamweaver studios) Grizhna Trj Qahoh (????? ??????): He raised both of his hands into the air and they started to glow a bright red-orange, and he was holding them reminiscent of the way he would in Neko-ken mode. and swiftly brought his hands down and dug them into the ground. As he did, eight bands of energy streaked from his fingers, ripping through everything like a cat's claws. (Ranma 1/2 Gamma by Dreamweaver studios) Soutou Hiryu Joushou (????? ??????): took each other's hands, Kei's right in Yuri's left. Their ki blended and turned bright green. It flared so high that the alien started backpedaling. When the energy reached its highest point, the sisters raised their joined hands and yelled in unison. The energy violently exploded outward, enveloping nearly a quarter of the sector, then condensed and rocketed toward the alien, reforming into twin dragon heads. The attack hit its mark and the resulting explosion could be felt for hundreds of kilometers around. (Ranma 1/2 Gamma by Dreamweaver studios) Kirite No Daiyamondo (Diamond Cutter): (Ranma 1/2 Gamma by Dreamweaver studios) ?????? ?????? ???? ???? (Raging Tiger Bolt): A ki blast based on Ranma's will to survive and determination, which makes it far more effective than the normal Shi Shi Hokodan. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). Tora ?????? Kyobo (Tiger Claw Frenzy): Similar to the Amaguriken technique, but uses clawing motions instead of fists and is much faster! ???? ???? ?????? (Rip Claw Slash): A slash technique that is a powered-up single attack that can slice through tempered steel. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). ?????? ?????? (Quick Swipe): A weaker version of Tiger Claw Frenzy, but faster. Able to deliver several swipes in less than a microsecond and cannot be seen by the human eye. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). Neko no ???? ?????? (Cat's Eye Beams): Twin beams of intense heat shoots from his eyes. His first ki technique. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). Sho ?????? (Rising Claw): An uppercut version of the Rip Claw Slash. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). ?????? ?????? (Berserker Rage): A final attack which combine four Tiger Claw Frenzy attacks and twin Rip Claw Slashes. At full power, it could bring down Pantyhose Taro in his cursed form. (Cat Fist Fury by Hung Nguyen). Sai Dai Bakusai Tenketsu (First Rate Breaking Point Technique.): This was an improvement made by Koga to let one's own ki flow into the surface of an inanimate object and cause a uniform disintegration. This application is less violent than the original Breaking Point and has far more applications. It can work on any material that isn't organic and its direction can be controlled. Ranma could cause a solid steel block to split into several sections, simply by touching it. He could also cause the ki to flow through one object without destroying it, then cause another connected object to crumble apart. (Fighting Blind by Hung Nguyen). Kon ??????? (Spirit Seeker): Since Ranma did not have his sight to aim a ki blast, he instead created a way to direct his ki attack based on his opponent's spiritual energies. Once his sixth and seventh sense had locked onto his or her soul energies, the blind master would then concentrate those impressions into his ki attack. The result is a fireball that acts like a homing missile. It will follow and chase its target until it hits the person or runs out of energy. Ranma is still linked to his attack and can direct it while it is still in flight. Upon impact, not only does the person feel the physical damage, but also mental damage as the spiritual energies within the fireball cause some trauma of the mind.(Fighting Blind by Hung Nguyen). Kon ?????? (Spirit Spin): By focusing his power into his battle staff, then twirling it, Ranma can created a very durable shield that causes ki attacks to become dispersed when they strike it. (Fighting Blind by Hung Nguyen). Ki ?????? (Ki Cutter): This is an alternative way of countering ki attack by using the tip of his staff (or presumably his fingertips) to focus an intense line of his own ki to slice through his enemy's attack. (Fighting Blind by Hung Nguyen). Kon ??????? (Spirit Beam): This is the ultimate attack of the Unseen Light, which uses all of Ranma's senses to draw energies, both physical and spiritual, from his environment. The process is extremely draining and requires total concentration. Once the energy is gathered, it is then released in one thin, but extremely intense beam of energy. Usually, Ranma uses his battle staff as a focal point for this technique, but it is possible for him to do it without it. The extent of the Spirit Beam's power is only dependent on how much energy Ranma could gather. It is theoretically possible that Ranma could generate a beam that could destroy Mount Everest, but that would take Ranma quite a while to generate.(Fighting Blind by Hung Nguyen). Kijin Bouhuuken (Demon God Windstorm): 200 mph winds struck him in a concentrated force and blew him out of the yard, sending the poor boy soaring over several houses to disappear in the horizon. Hitohuki (???????): Tora Dokiken (Wrathful Tiger Fist): Tora Sumat-Su (Tiger ???????): Bakusai Tenketsu Ha (Breaking Point Technique wave): Ryoga hit the ground with a finger and watched in satisfaction as the ground exploded. A split second afterward, another patch of ground exploded, then another, and another. Shishi Hokori Dan (Lion's Pride Bullet): A ki blast can be based on courage or confidence. ???? ???? ?????? ?????? (Hot Plate Special Return):yelled as she swung her huge weapon forward. The blast of ki that her ki-charged spatula absorbed, launched outward back towards it's original sender. Enkodan (??????): he swiped his right hand down in a chop. A glowing yellow line hung in the air for a moment, and then flew towards Ambir. Seirei Tate (?????? ????): He held his hands out palm first, and the blast impacted them and were deflected around the pair.