Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 does NOT belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun. The story and Sakira Saotome in there does belong to me so don't take them. This story is dedicated to Sakira Saotome who is my best friend at school. Read her stories! They are good! Cherry Blossom Light Part 2: The Clone By: Silver Star "Morning, Ranma." Sakira greeted the next morning, coming down the stairs. "Er, morning, Sakira." Ranma said, not use to greeting Sakira in the morning. "Sakira." Genma said, coming into the living room. "You will be going to school today with Akane and Ranma." "I- I am?" Sakira asked in disbelieve. "She is?" Both Ranma and Akane exclaimed. "She is." Genma said firmly and then disappeared back into the kitchen. "Want something to eat? I mean, you didn't came to breakfast." Akane said, gesturing at the kitchen. "Sure, I guess. If that's not too much trouble." Sakira said politely. "Wait a minute. I'll be right back." Akane said and then disappeared into the kitchen before either Sakira or Ranma to say anything. A few minutes later, she came back with a chocolate bar. "Here. I bought that yesterday but didn't get time to eat it. You go ahead. I don't really like chocolate anyway." She said, handing Sakira the chocolate bar. Ranma thought as he stared at the over nice Akane. "Um, Akane? Sakira? If we don't hurry, we are going to be late." Ranma reminded them. "Come on, Kira-chan." Akane said cheerfully as she dragged the blond girl out the door. Ranma thought as he trailed behind the two girls. Ranma got onto the fence, as usual, and followed the two girls. Akane looked back and gave him a confused look. "Ranma? Why are you walking on the fence?" Ranma blinked. Then he fell down face first onto the hard concrete. "Er, are you okay, Ranma?" Sakira asked. She frowned and then knelt by Ranma's side, trying to get him back up on his feet. Suddenly, a bicycle with a pretty, purple haired girl in a purple Chinese outfit on top landed on the concrete beside Sakira. "Husband want Shampoo, yes?!" Shampoo asked in her usual broken Japanese and then crushed Ranma's still dizzy head to her chest. Ranma thrashed for a moment and then got away from the crushing embrace. "S- Shampoo!" Ranma said nervously, looking at Akane's direction. To his surprise, Akane smiled at him and her wooden mallet was no where in sight! "A- Akane?" Ranma asked cautiously. "Yes, Ranma?" Akane asked sweetly. "Aren't you suppose to hit me?" "Do you want me to?" "Er, no." "Okay." With that, Akane started toward the direction of school. "Shampoo. Leave me alone." Ranma said, frowning and then went after Akane with Sakira in tow. Shampoo looked hurt and then went on with her delivery. "Akane! Wait!" Ranma yelled but Akane didn't stop nor did she turn, either. "Akane!" He yelled again, finally caught up with her. "I said wait up!" "What do you want from me?" Akane asked in a cold voice, glaring at him. Ranma backed off in surprise. "A- Akane?" "Shut UP! You are such a lovesick fool! If you ever think that I would love you, you are dead wrong!" Ranma stared at Akane, hurt was evident in his eyes. "A-" "I SAID SHUT UP!!!!" Akane yelled and then slapped him. She laughed menacingly and then went on her way toward school. Ranma stood there, holding his red cheek, staring at the back of Akane's school uniform with disbelieve and hurt. "You alright, Ranma?" Sakira asked, concerned. She turned and stared at Akane's back, narrowing her eyes at the same time. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "My Golden Haired Maiden!" Kuno exclaimed after Sakira bashed him to the ground. "Please leave me alone, Kuno." Sakira said, calmly. If brute strength won't work, maybe been nice will work. "I don't really want to deal with this right now." "Yes, My Golden Haired Maiden!" Kuno said. "I, the honorable Kuno, shall leave you alone until you are ready to deal with this!" Then, almost immediately, he went away. Onna-Ranma blinked. Then she blinked again. "I'll try that next time." She said, looking blankly at the smiling Sakira. "Need some hot water, Ranma?" Nabiki asked as she held up a teakettle. "Thanks, Nabiki. How much?" Onna-Ranma asked suspiciously. "Now what made you think that I want money, Ranma- chan?" Nabiki asked innocently. "You always does." Onna-Ranma stated. Sakira and Nabiki both sweatdropped. Onna-Ranma snatched the kettle away from Nabiki and pours it onto herself before Nabiki could change her mind. "That's better." Ranma said, changing back into his male side. Suddenly, he frowned. "Have any of you seen Akane since this morning?" "No." Nabiki said, concerned. "Is she okay?" "I don't know. Sakira?" Ranma asked, hoping she had seen Akane. "No, Ranma. I stayed around you the whole morning, remember?" Sakira said. "She seemed to be so strange this morning according to you." She added, frowning. "Yeah..." Ranma sighed. "I hope she's okay." From the distance, the bell rang. "Oops! Time to go!" With that, both Ranma and Sakira sprint toward the school. "Hey!!" Nabiki yelled angrily. "That's not fair! Wait for me!" ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sakira stared up at the ceiling of the guest bedroom as she lay on the bed, under the cover. She didn't look down when the door opened and Akane walked in quietly. "Hey." Akane said in a hushed voice as she came over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "How are ya?" "I'm fine, I guess." Sakira said, finally turning to look at Akane. "It's so strange to be actually sleeping in the same building with my real father, the one that tried to kill me." "Yeah, well, it'll get better." Akane said. Akane leaned toward Sakira. She thought that Akane was going to give her a goodnight kiss when she realized that Akane was going for her neck instead of her forehead. She stared in shock, not moving, when she noticed the two small tips of long, sharp fang as Akane continued to lean toward her. Suddenly, as if somebody shook her, she woke up from the shock spell and kicked Akane in the stomach just before she could reach Sakira's neck. Then, as if by magic, Akane's hands and feet turned into claws and her eyes glowed a bloody red. The creature made a jump shot at Sakira but missed. Sakira stepped back as the creature advanced on her. It's a clone. Sakira's hands felt cold glass. She was against the window. She's trapped. ~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well? What do you think? Email me at: bailuli@hotmail.com I LOVE getting Emails!! ^_^ Just PLEASE don't flame me, okay? I know this part is kind of weird with Kuno actually went away and Akane acting so weird and everything but Akane is actually a clone and Kuno...well, I just used a different way! ^_~ Do you have any fanfics that you want to post? Send them to me at: shannonli@hotmail.com and I'll post it on Crystal Star Library!! The URL for Crystal Star Kingdom, the main page of all my webpages is: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/ The URL for Crystal Star Library is: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/starlibrary.html