Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 does NOT belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun. The story and Sakira Saotome in there does belong to me so don't take them. This story is dedicated to Sakira Saotome who is my best friend at school. Read her stories! They are good! Cherry Blossom Light Part 1: Confusion By: Silver Star "HOW COULD YOU LOST THE GIRL, YOU IDIOT!!!" A female's high-pitched shriek sounded in the darkness of the cave. A woman with wild red hair and piercing black eyes paced back and forth on the cave floor, gesturing wildly with her hands. "I'm sorry, my Mistress! It's not my fault! She's not there when I went to get her! Somebody took her!!" A hysteric male voice said. "Please give me another chance! I'll find her! I promise!!" "ANOTHER CHANCE!!!" The woman screamed, stopped pacing and stared at the terrified man in front of her. "Alright, you want another chance, eh?!" She asked, sneering. "Fine! You'll get your second chance! In HELL!!!" A bright, pulsing blood-like light pierced the darkness only to be replaced by the blood-curling scream of the man as he disintegrated into nothingness. "That wasn't really necessary, Mistress." A calm, male voice said as a handsome man with long white hair stepped out of the darkness, making no sound whatsoever. "I'll do whatever I want whether it's necessary or not." The woman growled out as she scowled at the man. "Listen, Allen. I need the girl. She has more power than anyone I've ever seen in my whole 600 years! I could feed on her powers! And when I'm tired of this old body of mine, I could use hers! It's as simple as that! But without that girl, without that girl you and I would just disappear like we have never existed!" "You'll get the girl, Mistress. You'll get her..." Allen trailed off and then disappeared back to the darkness where he came from. "Yes. I'll have her. I'll have the cherry blossoms all to myself!!" And a menacing crackle followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sakira bolted up from the bed as the last trace of the menacing laughter faded away. Sweat pour down her forehead like waterfall. "What WAS that?" She said to herself as she slowly got out of her bed and went to sit by the window. Bright moonlight shines down on her, making her looks like an angel. "Is what father said today true?" She asked the air again as her mind went back to the conversation with her brother and father that night. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "S- Sakira...no..." Genma whispered. "Yes, it's me, Sakira. Your daughter whom you tried to kill!" Sakira cried. "But...but my Sakira disappeared ten years ago! How could you be her?!" Genma replied in disbelieve. "Disappeared?! How could you say that when you are the one who made me disappear?!" Sakira yelled hoarsely. It took all her will and strength to hold her anger in check. "You are my sister?" Ranma interrupted as he stared at Sakira. "Why haven't I ever heard of you? Why hadn't pop told me about you?" Slowly, Ranma's expression went from confusion to anger. "How could you conceal something like this from me, pop?! How come you've never told me I had a sister?!" He yelled at his father as Genma slowly slide into a chair. "What's with all this yelling?" Akane asked as she came downstairs. "Ranma? Are you guys alright? Who is she?" "Akane," Ranma said calmly. "Meet my sister, Sakira Saotome." "Your- your sister? Why haven't you told me you had a sister? Kasumi? Do you know something?" "No, not really. I let Sakira in. It's really confusing. Please excuse me." Kasumi frowned as if thinking really hard and walked from the living room to the kitchen. "What's going on here?" Soun asked as he came down the stairs with Nabiki in tow. "I think we need some explanations, pop." Ranma stated angrily. "Alright, sit down everybody." Genma said, sighing, suddenly became an old man who can't even walk. "Everyone, meet my second child, my daughter, Sakira Saotome." Both Soun and Nabiki gasped but didn't say anything. "As all of you know, I took Ranma on a Martial Art training session when he started to walk. What all of you doesn't know is that Ranma had a twin. When Ranma and Sakira both can walk, I took them on a Martial Art training trip. When they were about six years old, I left them in the Inari Forest alone for one week so they could develop their survival skills. "At the end of that one week I came back for them only to see Ranma himself instead of Sakira AND Ranma. I asked him where Sakira is but all he said is that Sakira disappeared. We looked everywhere in the forest for her but we didn't found her. "Ranma was so heartbroken by this news that he went into a mental death. When he came out of the mental death, he has totally forgotten about Sakira. When I realized just how it had hurt him, I decided never to talk about her again. "Until this day, we have never talked about you, Sakira." Genma said. He took a deep breath and opened his formally closed eyes. "But...but that's not what happened and you know it!!!" Sakira screamed as hot tears came to her eyes. "I know you never liked me and that was the best time to kill me, unsuspected!" "Calm down, Sakira. Here, have some tea, it'll sooth you a little." Kasumi said, suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a cup of tea in her hand. Sakira took the tea gratefully. "Let's hear your side of the story, Sakira." Soun said thoughtfully. "As Genma said, he took us on the Martial Art training trip. It is also true that he left us alone in the Inari Forest for a week to develop our survival skills. But..." ~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Sakira. You know what? I'm going to pick some berries to eat! Wanna come?" A six years old Ranma asked his sister. "Sorry, I can't. I mean, one of us had to be here to protect our stuff, right?" Six years old Sakira said cheerfully. "We don't want wolves taking out stuff, do we? I sure don't want wolf hair in my sleeping bag!" Both Ranma and Sakira laughed at her little joke. "You go ahead, Ranma-chan. By the time you came back, I'll have a nice fire going and then we can make some really tasty food with the berries you picked!" "Yeah! I'll be right back, sis!" With those words, Ranma disappeared into the twisting trees of the Inari Forest. Sakira hummed cheerfully as she gathered up some of the fallen branches and made a fine nest for a fire. She was just about to start the fire when a shadow fell down upon her in the afternoon sun. Sakira looked up sharply and then relaxed as she realized that it's only her father, Genma. However, there is an expression on his face that she couldn't describe. "Father? What are you doing here? Is it one week already? I thought we had one more day." Sakira said, cheerful as usual. Genma's face suddenly went from something unrecognizable to rage. "Come here, you wretched child!!" he screamed as he kicked the terrified little six-year old. He grabbed Sakira's fragile forearm and practically dragged her away from the camp. "Father! What did I do?!" Sakira cried, hot crystal tears came to her eyes as she been dragged off to who knows where by her enraged father. Lightning suddenly flashed and the loud boom of thunder followed. Soon, big, fat drops of rain pounded down on them. "WHAT YOU DID?! YOU STUPID UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BEAST!!!" Genma screamed, not looking at the crying child whom he was dragging. He suddenly stopped and then practically thrown Sakira away from him and into the muddied ground. "No! Father! Don't leave me here!" Sakira cried as she extended out one hand toward Genma who was turning away. The rain beat down upon her as she sprawled on the muddy forest ground. "You ungrateful child!" Genma growled out coldly. "I should have done this years ago when you were just a baby!" With those words, he walked away from the little girl who was crying on the ground, never turning back. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "But how did you come out alive?" Nabiki asked curiously at the crying Sakira. "Nabiki! It's enough for the girl to recount that memory!" Kasumi exclaimed. Nabiki bowed her head in shame. "No, it's okay, really. It actually helps me face my past..." Sakira said softly. "And my family." She took a deep breath and continued. "Just after that, I met Lord Shinuki of the house of Tigris. He took me in and adopted me because his wife can not have a child. He was a great martial artist and he taught me many things. If it wasn't for him, I could have died!" Sakira's head suddenly snapped up and her eyes found Genma's. "And you could have succeeded." "But it wasn't me who left you in the forest to die!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~ "But it wasn't me who left you in the forest to die!!" Those words echoed in Sakira's head as she stared up at the bright full moon. She closed her eyes for a minute and took a deep breath. She sighed again and opened her eyes. She clenched her hands as she remembered the good times she had with Genma, Ranma, and Nodoka. She then recounted that night when Genma left her in the forest to die and when Lord Shinuki rescued her. One single tear slide down her cheek but she made no move to wipe it away. Suddenly, a bright piercing light penetrated the sudden darkness. The light came from that single teardrop on Sakira's cheek. Then, just as abrupt as it has came, it disappeared, leaving no evidence of its existence. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Allen narrowed his eyes as he detected the sudden burst of power in...Nerima. He thought with a little smirk. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~To be continued...~ Any comments? ANYTHING?! Send ANYTHING, beside flames, to bailuli@hotmail.com Please visit my page and join my Mailing List!! http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/