Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 does NOT belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a little fun. The story and Sakira Saotome in there does belong to me so don't take them. This story is dedicated to Sakira Saotome who is my best friend at school. Read her stories! They are good! Cherry Blossom Light Prologue: The Girl By: Silver Star A 16 years old girl with long, golden blond hair stood in the middle of the deserted road in front of the gate of The Anything Goes Martial Art School as big drops of rain pelted itself onto her unmercifully. The girl raised her clear-blue eyes and stared at the lighted windows of the building inside the gate. She hunched her shoulder for courage and walked into the courtyard, right through the closed iron-gate like a ghost. She stopped in front of the door and raised her fist to knock but suddenly stopped as painful memories came to her. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "No! Father! Don't leave me here!" A six years old blond girl cried as she extended out one hand toward the man in front of her. The rain beat down upon her as she sprawled on the muddy forest ground. "You ungrateful child!" The man who has his back turned toward her growled out coldly. "I should have done this years ago when you were just a baby." With those words, he walked away from the little girl who was crying on the ground, never turning back. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The 16 years old let her fist drop beside her as she remembered her father left her in the woods to die. She took another shuddering breath and poised her hand to knock again. This time, she didn't stop. She could hear muffled footsteps followed her knock. She lowered her face and closed her eyes as another memory filled her mind's eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The little six year-old cried, and cried, and finally fell asleep on the cold, damp forest ground. She trembled from the cold and curled herself into a little ball. She whispered one name as she fell asleep... "Ranma..." ~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yes?" Kasumi asked the girl in front of the door. "May I help you?" "Is Ranma Saotome and Genma Saotome lives here?" The blond girl asked quietly. "Why, yes. Yes they do live here. Please come in." Kasumi said in surprise as she moved back to allow the younger girl in. "Thank you." The girl said as she walked into the house. "Could you please tell Ranma and Genma to come quickly?" "Uncle Saotome!! Ranma!! Somebody is here to see you!!" Kasumi yelled up the stairs as the blond girl walked around the living room and looked around. A few minutes later, a black pigtailed boy and an old man walked down the stairs, bickering. "Ranma, Uncle Saotome. This girl is here to see you." Kasumi said, interrupting the argument just before it could turn more physical. Ranma and Genma both stopped and turned toward the girl. "You look kinda familiar. Who are ya?" Ranma demanded. "Who are you?" Genma asked, suddenly seemed to be very serious. "I-" The girl took another deep breath and stared at the two men in front of her. "I am Sakira Saotome." "S- Sakira...no..." Genma whispered. "Yes, it's me, Sakira. Your daughter whom you tried to kill!" ~To be continued...~ What do ya think so far? Send me comments to: bailuli@hotmail.com I LOVE mails!! http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/4709/