
After you become a member, You may wonder what to do next. You can now begin to post messages. In order to do that, You must use a special "Jargon" that is commonly used in PBEM RPG's. It's a way to better express what your trying to say and help others understand.

In the Subject of the message, Put the "title" of the story your in. (So that you know what messages are for you. you may read the others also but, your character may not be in the same place as the others so you should go there before you post in that story.) There can be many stories going on at once. (Thats so we don't get all crowded in one place all the time;)

In the Body the first thing should be your character's name. Skip a space or two then you can start.

Put these symbles around what you type if it qualifies as either:


[An Action or doing something]

{Thought or thinking}

O.O.C. OOC is when you want to say something that doesn't have to do with your character, or you want to say something yourself.

The rest there are no symbles needed. Don't worry about if you forget sometimes, we all do that. If you have any questions, E-mail me.
