Character Info

Here are some short Bios of some of the main characters in GW. When creating a character, these are the statistics you will need to email to me.

Heero Yuy Data:

Code Name:Heero Yuy

Real Name:Odin Lowe Jr.

Identity:MS Wing Gundam / Wing Gundam Zero / Wing Gundam Custom pilot




Origins:L1 colony

Family:Doctor J

Height:156 cm

Weight:45 kg

Eye Color:Prussian Blue

Hair Color:Moss Green (??)Special

Characteristics:Slender body and feminine features often cause him to be mistaken for a girl.

Personality:Relatively quiet for his age. He also has a rough way of speaking that repells others.

Past:Trained since childhood as an agent against OZ.

Present:Infiltrated Earth as part of Operation Meteor and is on a mission to destroy OZ.

Duo Maxwell Data

Code Name:Duo MaxwellReal

Name:Duo Maxwell

Identity:MS Deathscythe / Deathscythe Hell / Deathscythe Hell Custom Gundam pilot


Race:Caucasian American


Origins:L2 colony

Family:Space nomads "Sweeper Group"

Height:156 cm

Weight:43 kg

Eye Color:Cobalt Blue

Hair Color:Brown

Special Characteristics:Long hair braided down to thighs.

Personality:Bright, optimistic and cheerful, light hearted and talkative. He is so sociable that he oftens has to act as peacemaker and intermediary for friends. He has mixed feelings about war but never voices them. He has great fortitude though many will call it stubbornness.

Past:As an orphan, he was raised as a Warrior by the Sweeper Group.

Present:On a mission to destroy OZ, he meets Heero and gets interested in him. Uses a salvage ship as means of transportation.

Trowa Barton Data

Code Name:Trowa Barton

Real Name:Nanashi

Identity:MS Gundam Heavyarms / Gundam Heavyarms Custom pilotAge:




Origins:Supposed to have originated from L3 colony

Family:Elder sister

Height:160 cm

Weight:44 kg

Eye Color:Dark Green

Hair Color:Brown

Special Characteristics:Wears the make-up of a clown in a circus.

Abilities:Sees himself as a weapon made for fighting and excels in acting.

Personality:Cool and quiet. His actions sometimes reveal the feelings of one forced to live among those who like to fight.


Present:On a mission to destroy OZ. He travels with a circus to camouflages his identity as a Gundam pilot.

Quatre Raberba Winner Data

Code Name:Quatre Raberba Winner

Real Name:Quatre Raberba Winner

Identity:MS Gundam Sandrock / Gundam Sandrock Custom pilot




Origins:L4 colony

Family:His tribe and 29 sisters (each of different

mothers)Has 40 assistants with Mobile Suits.

Height:156 cm

Weight:41 kg

Eye Color:Blue

Hair Color:Platnium Gold

Special Characteristics:Beautiful, fair-haired young boy whose appearance shows that he comes from a good family.

Abilities:A genius in combat, he is the only one in his tribe who can pilot a Gundam.

Personality:Quiet but a genius when it comes to painting and music.

Past:Raised without hardship in the Winner family, who have been opposed to OZ. Highly trusted by his four servants.

Present:Using his family's Eastern domain as a base, he is on a mission to destroy OZ when he meets Trowa.

Chang Wufei Data

Code Name:Chang Wufei

Real Name:Chang Wufei

Identity:MS Shenlong Gundam / Altron Gundam / Gundam Nataku pilot




Origins:L5 colony


Height:156 cm

Weight:46 kg

Eye Color:Black

Hair Color:Black

Special Characteristics:White mao suit and ponytail.

Abilities:As a New Type, he instinctively identifies people who have evil thoughts and attacks mercilessly immediately.

Personality:Extremely proud of his ancestry and title, he will forgive no insult. He works alone for most of the time. In battle, he appears with the sun and fights with the courage of a messager of justice. When it comes to fighting, he prefers to fight bare handed unhesitatingly. Off battlefield, he is quiet, innocent and shy. His innocence have lead him to do things that result in the opposite of what he expects.

Past:Directly descended from a line of ancient chinese warriors. Has a pure pedigree as a warrior.

Present:On a mission to destroy OZ by himself, supplied by arms merchants.