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Moonlight Magic

by Lady Deona

It had been one morning on the L3 colony cluster, in a little cafe in one of the larger cities when a familiar face walked into the door.

One of the waitresses looked up from the kitchen counter, smiled and said, "Good morning, Duo! Haven't seen you around here for a while."
"Ahh, well, I've been busy, what with the salvagers and the way, I noticed that security on travel between colonies have been a little stricter than usual. How come?" he replied.
"Last I heard, some important people from Earth will be stopping over here tonight and will be on their way to the L4 cluster."
"Oh? Like who?" Duo asked as he took a seat.
"Representative Lady Une, Vice-Foreign Minister Dorilan, Lady well as the new Earth-Sphere World Nation ambassador."

Right then, they heard the door close with a bit of a bang and turned to see another familiar person walk in.
"Hey! Trowa!" the American pilot said with a grin, "What're you doing here?"
"This happens to be one of Trowa's regular places to go when he's in the area," the waitress replied with a wave and handed him a small envelope, "Oh by the way...this came in last night."
The tall, silent pilot took the item and opened it, reading the contents carefully.
"I was waiting for this," he said quietly.
"What is it?" the cook in the kitchen asked.
"An invitation to a ball in the new ambassador's honor that takes place a week from today."
"Lemme see!" Duo said, getting up and grabbing the invitation, reading it.

Trowa Barton,

You are hereby invited to a ball in the honor of the new ambassador of the Earth-sphere World Nation,
which will take place next Friday at the L4 colony cluster, colony L413829. Dress protocol is formal.
Directions to the ball are enclosed at the bottom of this invitation.

"Uh, I don't recognize the address at the bottom," the American pilot said, scratching his head, "I'll bet Quatre's gotten one of these by now."
"Tira will, but he hasn't."
"Huh? How come?"
"Because he won't need one. The ball will be held at one of his larger mansions."
"How did you know that was coming?" he suddenly asked.
"I've been helping Quatre plan the event...he also had me keep it a surprise from Tira."
"Speaking of which," he said as Trowa sat down at the same table, "It's been a year since she came out of hiding. Over that time, I've seen him looking at her...I mean looking. Is it just me or does he have the hots for her?"
"I noticed that. When I asked him about her, he'd have this strange look in his eyes and change the subject quickly."
"How about her, though?"
"Not a clue."
"Hmm...maybe I ought to visit Quatre later and find out what's going on. Mind visiting Tira today?"
"I already thought of doing that," he said with an edge in his voice, "We'll meet back at the cafe in the colony the ball is in after the visits."
"Hmm," he said with a little grin, "Did any of the others get invitations?"
"Heero and Wufei."
"Aw, man!" Duo groaned, knowing what that meant, "I never get invited to these things! I bet I'd make it real lively if I was there!"
"Maybe that's why you weren't invited."

Right before the two boys could order anything, the door opened a third time, admitting a certain tall, Chinese lad.
"Hey, strange seeing you here, Wufei," Duo called to him, "C'mon and take a seat!"
He looked somewhat disgusted at the idea, but sat down anyway.
"You got the invitation to the ball?" Trowa asked.
"Last night," was the reply, "but don't bother. I'm not going."
"Huh? How come?" Duo asked.
"I have more important things to do than do something that isn't a mission...such as going to a silly party."
"It's not some silly party," was the sharp retort, "It's in honor of the new ambassador and Quatre's hosting it."
"Not worth my time," was the curt answer from Wufei.
That set off something inside Duo as he said, "Hey, I just don't get you! You talk about integrity and justice, but this time, you're insulting not just one of us but also a certain lady."
"Duo--" Trowa started to say, knowing what would be spoken next.
"If it hadn't been for Tira leading Trowa to the control room, Quatre would be dead. We all owe her, big time--even you."
The Chinese pilot snorted and said, "I owe no debt to her...but I have no choice in the matter. Sally Po got an invitation as well, I see."

Duo looked at a piece of paper that Trowa had carried...which he now realized with the invitation list.
As sure as they were in a cafe, Sally's name was on the list.
The tall pilot had a small smile on his face at the result.
"If only all things were as easy to solve," Duo said with a sigh, "Quatre's problem is a different ball park..."
"A problem named Tira Felice?" Wufei asked, "His feelings about her are obvious to just about anyone...except her."
"Yeah..." Duo said with a grimace, "We were about to head out to see the two of them."
Wufei seemed distant for a moment as he said, "Those two deserve happiness in their lives, after everything they've been through...I take it he," he gestures to Trowa, "Has a plan?"
The tall pilot nodded and started explaining.


Tira had finished signing some papers, her thoughts wandering to someone close to her.
Quatre, for the past month, was staying at Tira's residence while one of the mansions in the largest colony in the L4 cluster was undergoing renovations...although why he wanted to stay with her rather than move into one of his other houses she did not understand.

Although surprised and puzzled, she did agree to the arrangement as she enjoyed his company.
Lately, though, she had seen him look as if he were daydreaming...sometimes he would have a strange smile on his face, or an odd expression in his eyes...and sometimes he would stare at her as though fascinated by something she had no idea about...and most recently, he would speak with a catch in his voice and then quickly excuse himself, staying in his room for an hour or two.

"Lady Tira," a servant said, coming in, "Trowa Barton's here to see you."
She stopped and said, "Show him in."
After a minute, the door opened again to admit the tall pilot.
"Trowa," she said with a smile, "Nice to see you again. I was hoping you'd show up...but aren't you here to see Quatre?"
"Not today," he replied, "I've come on a bit of business as well as to see you. Duo arrived to visit Quatre."
"Oh? What kind of business?" she asked, an eyebrow rising.
He silently handed her a small envelope.
She opened it and read the contents...and looked at the Trowa in disbelief, realizing something.
"The address listed...that's the mansion undergoing some renovations! That Sandy--he never told me what exactly was going on in there...or his reasons for asking to stay with me until they were completed. Knowing him, he probably wanted to surprise me."
"That is true," he replied.
"Well, I'll be sure to be at the ball on time," she said with a smile.


Duo walked into the music room and saw someone familiar standing at the window, staring at something.
"Hey, Quatre! I was in the neighborhood and thought that I'd drop in," he called out in his normal tone.
Seeing that there was no response or sign of movement from Quatre, Duo walked over to the window and tried to see what would have the blonde pilot's attention.
Across the way was Tira, talking to Trowa.
"Earth to Quatre! Earth to Quatre!" he called out, waving a hand in front of his face.
The blonde Arab shook his head and started, saying, "Eh? Oh, Duo...I didn't hear you come in."
"Man," the American pilot said, "What a hot chick!"
Quatre suddenly turned and said with an edge to his voice, "She's not your type, Duo. Besides, wouldn't Hilde be furious?"
"Hey, hey! I'm just kidding, no need to get jealous," he said, while thinking, That answers that question about Quatre. Trowa was right on the mark.
"I-I'm not--"
"Yeah, right. Almost everybody knows how you feel about her," he replied, giving a I-know-you-better-than-you-think look.
He half expected another rounds of protests, and was surprised to hear the blonde Arab quietly ask, "Is it that obvious...?"

Duo nodded and simply asked, "How long?"
Quatre was rather silent for a moment.
"I don't know when, really...maybe it was after she was forced to flee with her family...maybe it was when she came back here or in between. I just know...that I do. Weren't you that way when you first realized it about Hilde?"
"Yeah, but I didn't have as much trouble admitting it to her, though. Quatre, haven't you tried just telling Tira?"
He glared, replying, "It isn't just something you say as casually as talking about the weather!"
Duo then saw Tira shaking her head and saw the expression on Trowa's face.
Not good, he decided.
He then saw the expression in Quatre's eyes that Trowa had described before and decided to quickly change the subject.
"Anyway, thought I'd tell you that Wufei's accepted the invitation...under duress, though," he said, "He's staying at a hotel in this city until the day of the ball."
"He saw Sally's name on the invitation list," was the grateful guess, "and decided that he may as well go?"
"Something like that," Duo replied, saying the rest in a mutter, "That and something else was put on his head..."
"What was that?"
"Oh, something I was told to keep to myself," he answered and cursed at himself for nearly revealing something that he had promised never to tell.
"Hm. I heard from Heero yesterday that he'll be attending too...surprising, but I'm glad, nonetheless. Where are you and Trowa staying at?"
"Same hotel Wufei's in," was the reply.
"Normally, I'd set up rooms for you guys, but I'm a guest here myself," he said, sighing sadly.

After a few minutes of idle chatter in which Duo carefully watched Quatre for reaction, he saw Trowa leaving Tira's official room.
"Looks like it's time for me to go. But you should remember what I said. It's only going to get worse until you do tell her," he said, making a hasty retreat for the door.


Duo sighed as he, Wufei and Trowa met at the appointed cafe later that day.
"What were you two talking about?" the American pilot asked.
"I asked her what she thought of a suitor. She did say that she wasn't sure how she would feel about it," he replied, "which is in a way a good sign."
"What was she shaking her head about?"
"You saw that? I had said that people were gossiping about them already being a couple...which I did hear on the way here."
"That woman has to be incredibly blind," Wufei said in a surprised tone.
"Well, we have less than a week before the actual ball to set up the right mood for those two," Duo replied, shaking his head, "Now we know what we have to work with."

Right then, they heard a familiar female voice from another part of the cafe say, "Never thought I'd see you involved with matchmaking, Wufei."
They turned and saw Sally Po walk up to them from one of the other tables.
"What I do is none of your business, woman," he snapped at her.
"It is this time. Need any extra help, Duo?" she asked as she sat down with the others.
"Hmm...Can you contact Noin before she arrives here...or have her contact me?" Trowa asked.
"Sure thing...but why?"
"I have an idea or two to try at the ball, which will involve her," was the only reply, "I'll tell you about it on the day of the event. In the meantime..."


She was in a strange place, with nothing but black swirls surrounding her. It was completely silent and motionless.
"What...what am I doing here?" she asked after a short while.
Tira turned all around her, trying to find the source of the voice that had spoken.
"Tira! Listen to me."

A white sillouette appeared before her, bright enought to break through the still black...but not bright enough to reveal any details.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"That's not important," the voice, which Tira could now tell was female, replied, "Listen carefully. Tonight, Quatre's going to tell you something that will truly surprise you. Whatever you do...don't strike him."
"What do you mean...? I wouldn't hit him."

The being shook its head, saying, "In this instance, you would. Tira, at one point in every person's life, there is a moment when you could look into their eyes and know that he or she is exposing his or her very soul. The slightest wrong move or remark would damage that person for life. Remember what I said."

"If this is for real," she asked, "Why are you helping me?"
"When I was your age," the voice said, "Someone confessed something to me while his being was exposed. Believing that it was a cruel joke, I hit him hard and said some rather mean not only hurt his feelings, but did permanent damage to his a later fight, he died on a suicide mission. I don't want that to happen again."
Tira nodded and felt herself fade away from the black void...


Quatre walked very quietly towards Tira's room one morning, not wanting to disturb anybody.
He knew that usually either Trowa or one of the female servants would wake her up...but this time, for some reason he couldn't quite understand, he wanted to do it himself.
He mentally nodded as he saw nobody in sight and slowly opened the door.

As he stepped in, he couldn't help but gasp softly as he saw her fast asleep with her hair tumbled about and the artificial sunlight coming in from a nearby window.
I've never seen her like this before, he thought, never quite so peaceful...or so beautiful. Tira...I love you...

He quietly crept over to her bedside to look at her from a closer view, unable to think clearly...and before he realized it, he found himself brushing her hair out of her face with a hand while kissing her cheeks and jawline very softly.

He had to consciously stop himself before he gently shook her shoulders, whispering, "Tira..."
She groaned and said in a half-asleep voice, "'s school for months yet..."
He chuckled and shook her again, saying, "Time to get up. It's a wonderful day outside."
At this, her eyes opened and she asked, surprised, "Sandy...? What're you doing here?"
"I thought I'd wake you up myself this time," he replied.
"Mmph...what day is it?"
"Friday morning."
Her eyes widened at this as she said, "Friday...? The ambassadorial ball is today! And the entourage...and some of the guests are due to arrive at the spaceport in two hours! Oh, no!"
"Is something wrong?" he asked, quickly getting up and stepping back.

She looked in one of the dressers, saying, "You could say that...I haven't eaten, you and I are supposed to be at the spaceport, I still have to go over today's papers on the Felice estate...not to mention get ready for the ball! Just where did I put that dress...!"
He couldn't help but laugh a little as he said, "Tira, you have plenty of time. The ball isn't until tonight...and to be honest, you need a day off from the paperwork."
"Even you need to take a day off once in a while, which you haven't done at all since you came back to m--to the colonies. It's high time you did."
"What about the spaceport--"
"I'm talking about after the appointment at the spaceport. Tira, I'm worried about you. I--" he said, took a deep breath and continued, "I'm worried that someday you'll collapse from working too hard...that you'll work yourself to death."
"Knowing you, you'd hound me about it until I do take the day off," she replied.
"I would."
She shook her head in amusement and answered, "Okay, okay...I know when to not argue with you, Sandy...but could you please step outside for a while?"
Still not thinking too clearly from a few moments before, he asked, "How come?"
She laughed and said, "Silly--! I have to change clothes or should I go to the port in my nightgown?"
Realizing what she was saying, he turned beet red, muttering, "Sorry, Tira...must be the weather...I'll wait outside."
She nodded and smiled at him as he walked outside and closed the door.


Thanks to Quatre making sure that Tira would be out of the area, Trowa, Wufei, Duo and Sally had all the time they needed to make final arrangements to their plans.
"Think we should spike the punch?" Duo asked at one point, which earned him three sets of icy glares.
"What? What did I say?"
"If anything's going to happen tonight, it should be while they're sober, not drunk as skunks," Sally replied, shaking her head in disgust.
"Even though that's from a woman," Wufei retorted, "She does have a point. Now I see why you weren't invited."
"Yeah, yeah...rub it in, why don't you. Hey, Trowa...for that number you have planned, do you know if she plays an instrument?"
The tall pilot nodded, saying, "Her skill is almost as diverse as Quatre's and she has been practicing it when she can...including while she's out with him today. That part has already been taken care of."
"I wonder what Noin and Une would think if they knew we were going to use the ambassadorial ball to try to strike up a romance?" Sally asked.
"I'd say it would be romance times two," a voice right behind them called out.

They all turned to see Lucrezia Noin in normal clothing, walking towards them.
"What do you mean, times two?" Wufei asked, suddenly suspicious.
"I'm talking about Heero and Miss Relena," was the reply, "I've been trying to find the perfect setting to try pairing them when I get a message from Sally to contact Trowa about Tira and Quatre. It's a good thing the new ambassador doen't mind if the ball is a little less formal in atmosphere."
"You're gonna fix them up too? About time!" Duo said with a wide grin.
"My end's covered," Trowa added, "Everything is ready."
Noin nodded and smiled in a way that showed that she was plotting something...and it wasn't just matchmaking.
"Now all we need to do is find proper attire for all four of them," she added, "And I know just what to pick out...I'll go ahead to the clothing store. Oh...what's the name of the cafe where you've been meeting?"
Trowa replied, "Sonata."
"I'll meet you at the Sonata Cafe in an hour then," she said and left quickly, that look still on her face.


"Hey! Sandy, are you ready yet?"
Quatre smiled and called back to Tira, who was back at her residence...and in a dressing room, "I'm finished. What about you?"
"Almost...Jeez, Relena! Why do I have to wear makeup, anyway? Won't it get messed up when I need to drink something? and where did this dress come from?" she shouted.

He laughed at this. Relena had come by to help Tira with her outfit and hair...and had decided that the young friend needed to put on makeup.
"Not this type," Relena said, trying to not lose her patience, "I use it myself. Now just hold still, Nati. The sonner I apply this, the sonner we'll see Quatre's opinion of the ensemble."
"I hate makeup! You're still calling me that? I told you I had dropped that alias when I came back to the colonies--Mmmph!"

Quatre wondered who it was that had left two dresses (one for Relena, one for Tira) and a splendid-looking tuxedo for him. He had no idea what Tira's dress looked like and he was too polite to look into the dressing room.
"If I didn't know any better," he said to Heero, who was also waiting outside, "I would think that from the noise in the room those would be two ordinary teenagers, not an heiress and the Vice-Foreign Minister."
Before the Japanese pilot could reply, Tira called out, a bit irritated, "I heard that, Sandmop!"
"Ouch..." he said, flinching.
"And...there! Quatre, we're done now!"
"Oooh! I look like a painted mess! What is that Heero says to you all the time...Omae o korosu?"
"I doubt that Quatre would like it if you did that."
A couple of minutes later, the dressing room door opened and the two young woman stepped out.
"Well?" Relena asked.
Quatre looked at both of them, but especially Tira. His eyes widened until they were as big as saucers and his jaw dropped a little.
Heero looked at the Vice-Foreign Minister and simply said, "...Relena..."
She was wearing a long, blue-green taffeta gown and her brown hair had been put back in a way that it would not be in her face, but it also cascaded about her shoulders.
Relena, on the other hand, was wearing a stylish red dress and had her braids removed from her hair.
She chuckled at the look on Quatre's face and the sight of him trying to speak and said, "See, Tira? Speechless!"
The blonde Arab turned red and smiled shyly at his longtime friend.
Pagan, who had come along with Tira when she returned to the colonies, came up to them and said, "Lady Tira? The limo's here."
"Thanks, Pagan. Ready to get going, guys? We've got a long night of fun ahead!" she replied with her common devil-may-care grin.
As they headed out the door, Quatre noticed something, the blush still on his face.
"Tira, is that your fiddle that you're carrying?"
"Yes it is," she replied.
"Good. I was worried that you would forget to bring it."
"Sandmop! Are you saying that I never remember anything?"
"U-uh, that's not what I..."
"Hey, you two," Relena said, "This is supposed to be a fun night. Just drop it."


At the entrance to the large ball room that had been created especially for this event, one of Quatre's servants stood, calling out the names of the arriving guests.

Trowa was at one table, keeping an eye on that door for Heero, Relena, Quatre and Tira. Beside him was a case that contained his flute and a second one that contained Quatre's violin.
With the clothing Noin picked out, I knew he would forget to bring his violin, he thought, but where are they...?
"Wufei Chang and Sally Po," the doorman called out.
He saw the two come through the door. Wufei was in a black tuxedo while Sally was in a glittery black dress.
Trowa could already tell that the Chinese pilot was visibly uncomfortable and did not want to be here at all.
"Are they here yet?" Sally asked as they reached Trowa's table.
"Not yet," was the quiet reply, "But there's time...the ambassador, whoever that is, hasn't arrived yet."
"Is Duo here?" she asked.
"He wasn't on the invitation list," Wufei answered, "And considering what it is we're trying to accomplish, that's for the best."
Right then, the doorman called out, "Quatre Raberba Winner and Tira Felice!"
Trowa looked up again and saw Tira and Quatre walking in, her hand on his arm.
Sally looked at her and said, "Wow! Looking good, Tira!"
"Thanks, Sally. Wufei, what a surprise to see you here," she replied.
"I wouldn't be here except that she also had an invitation...and with an obligation over my head."
"Quatre...forgetting something?" Trowa simply asked him.
"No, what could I be...oh, no. I forgot my violin!" he replied, turning a bit pale.
The tall pilot brought out the violin and flute cases.
"My, my, this from someone with an elephant's memory," Tira snickered, causing the blonde Arab to turn red as he took the violin case.
"Vice-Foreign Minister Relena Dorilan and Heero Yuy!"
Everyone turned and saw the next pair walk in, Relena's hand on Heero's arm.
"I see you made it," Wufei commented, still frowning a little.
"But of course. Now we have to wait for the ambassador and the others," Relena replied.
"Nice to see all of you made it," a familiar voice spoke from behind them.
Trowa and the others turned to see Lady Une look at them with a little smile.
"Nice to see you too," Relena replied and saw Tira go pale and freeze for a minute.
"It's okay, Tira...she isn't with Oz anymore," Quatre said in a low soft voice, seeing her reaction as well.
"I...I'm fine. Lady Une, a pleasure to meet you," Tira replied, curtseying as best she could.
"Lovely outfits, ladies. The ambassador should be here any minute. For security reasons, we haven't revealed the name until tonight," Une said with a tone of understanding and a small smile.
"Hmmm! I wonder who it could be?" Tira asked, "The ambassador wasn't in the party that came to the spaceport...that I know of. Maybe we should find our seats, Quatre?"

The person in question nodded, although there was a slight blush to his cheeks and a strange smile on his face.
"I see Noin's choices of clothing had quite an impact," Trowa replied as he and the others watched the pair pick a table...and saw Quatre pull a chair out for her before seating himself.
"We should get seated ourselves," Relena added as she and Heero left to find their table.
A couple of minutes later, the doorman called out, "Earth-Sphere Ambassador Lucrezia Noin!"
As Noin walked inside in her ambassador's uniform, she had to smile at the priceless expressions on her friends' faces at the shocking revelation that someone that had greatly helped in their matchmaking schemes for the ball was the ambassador herself.
"Miss...I mean Ambassador Noin," Quatre stood and bowed when she came near his table.
"We're all friends here, Quatre. Besides, you're the host," she reminded him, "Nice ball you and Trowa arranged."
"Why thank you," was the reply.
Noin nodded, smiled and took her seat, knowing that now the guest of honor and the host had arrived that the ambassador's ball had officially begun.


Duo sat in a tree that was in binocular distance from the Winner mansion where the party was going on...still fuming that he still wasn't invited, even after all the matchmaking plots he had been involved with for the week leading up to this day.

I can't get involved in that, he thought, But they didn't say anything against watching it!
Right as he leaned forward a little, the branch he was sitting on broke away, sending the American pilot to the ground.
"Aw, man! This just isn't my day!" he said, groaning as he got up...and fell right back down.


Trowa carefully watched the two pairs, especially Tira and Quatre as they ate dinner and listened to the band that had been hired to provide music.
Sometimes Tira would say something and Quatre would have a type of blush on his cheeks as he smiled and looked at her.
The other pair, Heero and Relena, would not be talking much, which in a way he was not surprised to see.
"How come you don't have a date?" he heard Une ask from behind him.
"If all things go well, the results will be enough," he simply replied.
"You mean matchmaking Miss Relena with Heero...or Quatre with Tira Felice?" she asked.
"How would you know of any matchmaking?"
"Ambassador Noin let me in on it," was the solemn reply.
Trowa simply nodded.
"They look perfect together...don't they?" she asked after a moment.
"Quatre and Lady Felice."

He said nothing but nodded, a bit absorbed in his thoughts until he saw Tira and Quatre get up and go towards section of the stage that was reserved for them, instruments in hand.
At this, he got the flute out of his case, and waited as Quatre introduced the tune the pair were going to play for the audience.
"She looks...wonderful with that fiddle," Une commented, surprised at the way she played her instrument while Quatre played on his violin, "Like she was born with one."
After they played the first part, Trowa stood and walked towards the duet on the stage, joining in.
Tira's eyes widened in surprise and she thought that maybe she should get off the stage until he gave her a look that told her to keep playing.


Relena listened and watched the trio on stage playing a tune that obviously meant a lot to at least two of them, making it special enough to bring the third person into it.
"Nati never told me she could play music," she commented.
"She isn't bad at it," Heero shrugged and replied.
"Not bad, huh? If it weren't for her age, I'd say she would be an expert," she replied, then noticed something unusual.
Heero's hand was gently on hers.
This time, she did not comment on it but smiled gently at him.


As Quatre played with Tira and Trowa, he felt as if he were truly merging with both of them.
My best friend...and the one I love, he thought, this feeling...I've never felt quite so complete before now. Oh gods, if nothing else, I wish I could keep this feeling forever...
When the piece ended, he smiled and took a bow along with the other two...but now he felt somewhat...alone, and yet the feeling had not quite left him.


Tira and Quatre had only just returned their instruments when the band began to play an enchanting, uplifting tune.

Getting a strange look in his eyes, he asked, "Tira...would you like to...?"
As if reading his mind, she smiled, and said, "I'd love to," taking his offered hand and let herself be led to the dance floor.
In the corner of his eye, he also saw Relena and Heero walk towards the group of dancers, then looked back at Tira.
"Sandy," she asked in a low voice, "Are you all right? You haven't seemed quite like yourself these past few days."
"Yes...I've just been preoccupied with making this ball event work...and with you working so hard non-stop."
"Hmm...maybe tomorrow you should take the day off. And don't even think of sneaking out of that!"
He chuckled softly and simply smiled, saying, "Only if you take a full day off!"
"You've gotten persistent, eh? Okay, deal."


A small ways away from the first couple, Relena and Heero danced to the same tune.

At one point, she realized something.
He was smiling at her, though at the same time, he seemed to be thinking of something.
"Heero? What are you smiling about?" she asked.
"The last time we were dancing at a party, in your school," he replied.
" remembered. Are you going to kill me now...?"
He shook his head, still not completely in the present.
"No...? What then?" she asked.
The form that Heero's reply took surprised her as well as himself.


Trowa and Noin looked at the two couples closely as they danced.
After a few minutes, the ambassador smiled and said, "One pair to go."
"Look," she said and pointed at Heero and Relena.
They were in a close embrace, kissing.
"One mission accomlpished," the tall pilot said, "Now for Quatre and Tira...and I thought that Heero and Relena would be the harder pair."
A few minutes later, the tune ended.


Quatre sighed, smiling as he looked outside from the balcony. The tune he and Tira had been dancing to moments ago had ended and he decided to step outside for a little bit.

He looked up to the night sky, which was littered with stars. Moonlight that was either real or artificial splashed on him and the surroundings, while a warm wind was blowing.
He closed his eyes and just stood there, taking the atmosphere into himself.
Everything feels so perfect. Except for one thing...
He heard Tira calling.
As he turned to her, he gasped softly as the moonlight danced on her form, making her seem even more...beautiful.
She smiled at him and said, "My,'re in quite a mood tonight."
"Hmm...I guess you could say that. Everything seems just right. The sky, the stars, the moonlight, the wind..." he sighed softly as she stepped closer to him, "Shall we...sit down?"
"'ll be nice to get off my feet."
After they sat, she looked at him quizzically as he gazed deeply into her eyes.
"Quatre...? Is something wrong?"
"No...absolutely nothing wrong at all...Tira, I..."
Oh, what the hey. It worked for Heero, he thought as he leaned close to Tira and kissed her tenderly on the lips.
She looked at him, surprise and puzzlement on her face at the kiss.
The blond Arab reached out with trembing hands and held hers gently.
His voice was so soft and yet so certain that she almost didn't recognize it.
"Tira...I have to tell you...I can't keep it inside any longer..."
"Tell me what?" she asked, starting to feel a bit frightened...and a bit of anger.
Right then, she remembered the woman from the dream.

Tira, at one point in every person's life, there is a moment when you could look into their eyes and know that he or she is exposing his or her very soul. The slightest wrong move or remark would damage that person for life.

She looked Quatre right in the eye, dispelling the burst of anger...and saw something rather unusual.
All of his mental and emotional shields and defenses were completely down.
"Tira...I love you."
At first she would have seen that as love between friends...but there was no way of mistaking just what he meant from his voice.
"You...mean that, don't you?" she asked, a bit tenatively.
As she asked that question, subconsciously all of her barriers, emotional and mental, went down.
"Yes...with all of my being."
They looked at each other for a long unnerving moment...then she smiled rather softly.
She didn't say a word but held him tightly and kissed him deeply.


Wufei and Sally Po happened to look out at one of the balconies when they saw a rather unusual sight.
Framed by the moonlight, Quatre and Tira were sitting on the marble seat, holding and kissing each other.
"Looks like it worked," she said in a low voice, "We actually did it!"
"Woman! We shouldn't be staring at them during a moment like this!" he snapped at her, although he felt a bit pleased at the apparent success.
"Uh...yeah," she replied and quickly went to a different location with Wufei in front of her.


Trowa was a bit surprised to see Quatre and Tira come up to him a few minutes after he saw Wufei and Sally beat a hasty retreat from a balcony.

"Quatre?" he asked, seeing that his smaller friend looked a bit well as a bright warm light in those blue-green eyes and a little happy smile on his face.
Turning to Tira, he saw that she was in a similar shape.
"Uh, Trowa...I hate to ask this, but...would you please take over the duties of the host? We're...well..." he asked.
"Of course," the tall pilot answered, hiding a smile, "I'll take care of things. You two go ahead."
"Thanks, Trowa," the small pilot said with a smile,"I appreciate this."
"My thanks, too," Tira agreed, "I owe you one."
"Tira, you owe me nothing. I'll take care of everything here."
They nodded and took off for one of the halls upstairs...holding hands.
It was only after they had turned from him did he allow a smile to show.
Noin looked at him and asked, "What was that about...?"
He simply replied, "He asked me to take over as the host. They...are going to be busy."
A smile spread across her face as she said, "It worked! We actually pulled it off!"

A few moments later, he saw Relena and Heero walk towards the door, arm in arm.
Both had very faint smiles on their faces and different tones of warm light in their eyes.
"Taking off already?" Trowa asked.
"Well...Heero and I need to get back to the hotel," she replied, a bit of a blush on her cheeks.
Heero simply nodded a little and said in a tone that was a bit less cold than usual, "Hn."
"Oh, I see. No problem," Noin said with a small smile, "I'll see you later...and congradulations, you two..."

Relena nodded at the hidden message and said, "Thanks."
"And to Quatre and Tira," she added in a low tone.
Just as the two reached the door leading to the outside, Noin could hear Relena ask, "What did she mean...wait a minute. Quatre...and Nati?!"


The next morning, just a couple of hours after dawn, Wufei, Trowa, Duo and Sally sat at the Sonata Cafe, discussing the events of the night before.

"Whoa! And all that happened in one night?!" Duo asked, shocked.
"Yep," Sally answered, "It actually worked!"
"Aww, man! You guys get all the fun while I get the bad breaks!" he complained, wincing.
"I thought I saw you in a tree nearby," Trowa said, though it sounded like a question.
"I was...and the stupid branch broke. I spent the night at the hospital. Hilde's gonna kill me," he groaned, looking at the leg that was propped in another chair.
"Think of it like won't be getting into trouble while you're in that cast for the next few weeks. You could have broken more than your leg," Wufei replied.

"But those four deserve all the happiness they get," Trowa added, "Wufei, where did you learn that tune that was played after the song we played?"
"On the radio the week before we got into the matchmaking business. I must admit, though, that Ambassador Noin's taste in clothing seemed to help things," was the begruged reply.
"The three of you playing on stage had a hand in it too," Sally added.
Right then, the door opened, admitting Quatre and Tira.
Duo started to open his mouth, but Trowa quickly clamped a hand over it, seeing that the pair were quite busy finding a table for two,ordering breakfast...and looking at each other with otherworldly smiles.

"Aw, man!" the American pilot muttered, "I never have any fun!"

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