Heaven-To-Mouth The air smells like Kleenex today Real soft and sweet and friendly The sky has reached Enlightenment And my headache's gone It's the same The Marxist on the corner With his locomotive breath And the poets sipping something French, While contemplating death. But it's fine: I am contented (My hangover forgot to come) And the sun's unbitterness Is peculiar, for the sun Of course, I'm still Sky-diving lonely, Though I've tried to build a parachute I guess God wept for company, So He futiled my pursuit. After all, He pulled me from the Red wet din Though I screamed and shook like popcorn And Mother grew distant when I was new-born And still Man tries He smiles and pries While concoting most-delicious lies To some nice girl: Just for a chance To go back in. And after all the effort God put in! But nevermind. Alone is not a burden: Nor is falling When you bother to admire the view And it helps when you've got a chocolate bar That you'd forgotten in your coat. What good luck when it's not melted! What achievement, standing at the stop. Not that you should gloat, But it's neat, and tasting it is bliss When you're sitting in that bus you didn't miss Though you would have liked to. Though- it's silly, reminsicing And halfway to the state of Missing, A candy bar so much. All I know is that today Is better than its bed-fellows: 6 old men, bemoaning age All in tantrums, idle rage And one, content in all the world. I feel like the 7th man In rags and hair so brilliant white But ner a stony thought in sight. It's Like the Brothers Everely Have knit their croons upon the clouds Not cloying-soft or angry loud But somewhere in-between. I fall back into bed. Am I dead, or in a dream? All I know is that below, On the city that has burdened me so long There is a most beloved song And my headache's gone.