
Sunday, March 26- The opening day of this website! Added fanfics, fanart, rants, bios, and tips, cheats, and codes sections. The site is off to a good start!

Monday, March 27- Good news! Because I have a cold and am staying home from school, I'll get to update all day! So far, in less then an hour, I got a new counter because the old one keeps resetting, and I added this updates section! I fixed the link to my fanfic since it was broken and spent 15 minutes using HTML to make my fanfic look nicer. I also added a links section\

Wednesday, March 29- I added a poems section. Also, a site called FF7 Midi Fantastamic put my link in their links section! Go to my links section and visit that site! It's great!

Friday, March 31- I finally made a banner! Nothing much else.

Saturday, April 1- This site will be closing. Hah, April Fools! I love this day! Anyway, I took down a fanart and added two more by a pal of mine, Dewgong. Enjoy! And I added some replies to rants!

Sunday, April 2- I added two more fanart. One by me, and one by another person. They're both cool. Mine is a little blurry, but I still love it!

Wednesday, April 5- I got an Aeris Memorial up! Yay! It's pretty cool! Also, I put a poem in the fanfics section!

Thursday, April 13- Whoa, I haven't updated in a while. Anyway, we have a new staff member, being the site checker, Rinoa! Let's give her a round of applause! (tumbleweeds roll by) OH COME ON! (giant burst of applause) ...maybe not THAT loud, but ah well, good enough ^_^.

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Email: Jessiepffa@aol.com