Title: Electric Soldier Porygon Original Script: Anime Daisuki : Satoshi and the others have journeyed a long, long time... : ...now it's midday... : ...and Pikachu isn't feeling well. : Okay, okay! Satoshi : I'll take you to Pokemon Center. Voice : Electric Soldier Porygon! Joy : Hello! Pokemon Center. : What, your pokemon is missing? Joy : I'm investigating now! Please hold! : I'm very sorry! Takeshi : She's very busy. Kasumi : What's going on here? : What's going on? Prof : I invented this Transporter! It must work! : Nothing is wrong! Kasumi : But.. Joy : But there have been many complaints! Satoshi : Joy-san! What's all the ruckus? : I don't know, but I'd like to find out. : When we transport a pokemon... : ...something incredibly strange happens. Joy : There are unusual errors. : This is.. : Impossible. : This is... impossible! Joy : What did you find, Professor Akihabara? Prof : Eh.. er.. nothing! Takeshi : You probably have a computer virus. Satoshi : Can a computer catch a cold? Kasumi : Sometimes. Takeshi : How about a vaccine? : Vaccine? : Impossible! Prof : The Pokemon Transporter employs sophisticated, proprietary circuitry. : There's no way it can be infected! Joy : But really... Prof : It can't be! No chance! Joy : Well then what caused the problem? : What's with him? : Akihabara is a great scientist. : He invented the Pokemon system. : I know he doesn't look it. Kasumi : He may have found something. He appears to be confused. Satoshi : He's irresponsible to let this happen. Kasumi : Let's search for clues. Satoshi : We're here. : This is Professor Akihabara's laboratory. : Hello? Kasumi : We can't enter without the Professor's permission. Satoshi : I don't see you turning back. Kasumi : After all... : What? Prof : You are trespassing! Prof : That can't hurt me! : Oh no! : Owww... Satoshi : What IS that? : It's... Takeshi : It's a hologram projector. It's a 3D image! Prof : You figured that out already? Prof : You look like clever kids. : Walk this way! : Please come in! : Won't you do me a little favor? Satoshi : This gives me the creeps! Kasumi : It's dark! I can't see a thing! Satoshi : What are you up to? Kasumi : You locked us in here, didn't you? Prof : Now you are inside my giant Monster Transporter! : It is a great invention. Satoshi : Say what? : What!? Prof : This is a CG Pokemon. It's name is Porygon, by Genius Inventor Akihabara! Satoshi : CG Pokemon? Porygon? Kasumi : Genius? Hah! You couldn't even solve the computer problem! Prof : I'm Genius Akihabara. I can solve any problem! Satoshi : Well, then what caused the errors? Prof : I'll tell you now. Prof : Some strange people stole the prototype of Porygon. : They went into the computer via the transporter... : ...and stole Pokemon as they were being transported. Satoshi : Just as I thought! All : Rocket did it! Prof : If I put a strong vaccine in the computer to fix it... : ...they'll all be blown to bits! : I can't do that! Satoshi : Isn't there another way? Prof : I can't say for sure, it may be very difficult. : Someone has to go in there and get them out! Satoshi : I think that I would really like to go home now! : Is this safe? : I don't know, but it must be. Prof : Relax! No worries! You're going deep inside a computer for the betterment of science! Kasumi : What the hell? Takeshi : I don't think it's possible to put people inside a computer. Kasumi : What if we can't come back? Prof : I promise that I will write your names in science history... Prof : ...as the first people to enter the virtual world. Satoshi : Frankly, Professor, I don't give a damn! Prof : Yes! Bon voyage! Kasumi : Stop it! Satoshi : Where are we? Takeshi : We're in the world inside the computer! Kasumi : This is no time to chat! Satoshi : Ouch! Kasumi : Thank you, Porygon! We're saved! Takeshi : That is the Computer Highway. This is where Pokemon transport! : If we follow them, we'll find Rocket Team! Satoshi : Let's catch them quickly and get out of here! : Let's go, Porygon! Musa : To guard the universal destruction! Kojiro : To keep the universal... There's no time for that! Meowth : Let's get the Pokeballs! Both : Relax! : We're the only ones here. : Hey! Team Rocket! Satoshi : Because of you, Pokemon Center is in a panic! : Return the Pokemon now! Meowth : Son of a bitch! Not YOU again! Both : Let these monsters handle it! Mons : Go! Arbok! : Matadogasu! Meowth : Mess with me and I'll kick your ass! Satoshi : What was that? Prof : It's a defense called "texture." : Porygon has the power to mimic the characteristics of other monsters. Meowth : We have Porygon on our side, too! Musa : Porygon! Sic' 'em! Satoshi : Porygon #1! Attack Porygon #0! Satoshi : Win or lose, this will be a great fight! : That's for sure. : Hurry up, dummy! Prof : Hurry up, Knucklehead! Fix the highway while they're fighting, so we can transport Pokeballs! Satoshi : Alright! Musa : Hey! What are they up to? Kojiro : Those Pokeballs are OURS! Meowth : Stop them! Musa : Team Rocket! All : Help us! : Good-bye! Prof : Right! Way to go. : Excuse me. Kasumi : What's up, Doctor Akihabara? : What? Prof : Pokemon Center is accessing the Transporter Program! : What are they trying to do? Joy : Please! Guy : Yeah! Prof : Joy! What are they doing to my Transporter Program? Joy : I called a man from Central. Joy : He put a strong vaccine into the computer. Joy : Don't worry, Professor! Joy : It was a very powerful virus! Prof : This is terrible! Shit! : Guess who! : Porygon! Satoshi : OK, we only have that sign left to move! : Emergency! Prof : This is no time to chat! Kasumi : What's up? : Is something wrong, Akihabara-sensei? Prof : There's a strong vaccine coming to destroy you! Satoshi : Say WHAT? Takeshi : There doesn't appear to be a way out. Kasumi : NO WAY! Takeshi : The vaccine! Kasumi : Come on, Satoshi! Satoshi : You bet! Come on, Porygon! Musa : Now you're screwed! Get back here! Kojiro : Wait, you pansies! Satoshi : If you don't get out quickly, the vaccine will get you! : Looks like this is the end... : No no no, it just CAN'T be! Meowth : This is no time to chat! Meowth : Get on, or I'll leave you here! : Wait, wait! Kojiro : Wait for ME! : Hurry! Hurry! Satoshi : Stop! Takeshi : At this rate, we'll never escape! : We've got to! Satoshi : Watch it! : Look out! : We-we're saved... Prof : Look! There's the Transport Point! Satoshi : Right! Hurry, Porygon! : Wait! Guy : The vaccine didn't work! Joy : It didn't? Guy : Nope, but this vaccine has a strong antiviral command. Kasumi : Dazzling! : What was that? Joy : What's going on? Guy : The shock caused a system error! Joy : What? : Fix it immediately, and don't use that command again! : If the transport program crashes, we're screwed! Musa : Where are we? Meowth : We fell into the Bug Hole. Kojiro : If we hurry, maybe the vaccine won't get us. Meowth : We can't escape without Porygon. Musa : Porygon!? Where is Porygon!? : Porygon... : NOOOOOOooooo..... Prof : There's the Transport Point! Satoshi : But, Team Rocket fell into the Bug Hole! : What? The Vaccine is coming and it's dangerous! Joy : Cover the Bug Hole! Guy : OK! Kojiro : It's the vaccine! Musa : I'm not a virus! I'm a human being! Help! Meowth : The vaccine doesn't care if you're a human or a program. Musa : Stop! Guy : The Bug Hole disappeared! Joy : We did it! Satoshi : Hey! Are you guys OK? Musa : Huh? Kojiro : Are we saved? Musa : We can go home! Kasumi : Porygon? What's wrong? Prof : You're way over weight! : You okay, Porygon? Kasumi : Central, we've got a problem! Shall we dump the Rocket Team? R Team : Oh! He's coming back! Satoshi : Hurry, Porygon! : Porygon, look out! : Way to go, Pikachu! Satoshi : Wha.... Satoshi : I'm home! Prof : Welcome home. Kasumi : Thank you, Porygon! Takeshi : We're saved, thanks to you! Kojiro : You'll pay for this! Musa : You have not felt the real power of Rocket Team! Meowth : But for today... All : Thank you! : My invention! : Blown to bits! Prof : It would have been a boon to mankind! Satoshi : Make the next model safer, OK? Joy : Everything's OK. : The Transport Program is back to normal! Satoshi : Nobody knows that we risked our lives. Takeshi : No problem! Kasumi : Now that the Transporter is fixed, everyone can get Pokemon again! : Yeah, okay. Joy-san, everything's okay now, right? : Okay, okay! Satoshi : Joy-san, please take care of my Pikachu! Joy : We'll look after him! Voice : This case is closed, and Pikachu is alright now. Voice : But the story of Satoshi and friends will continue! : Translated by Masaki Nishimura, Timely Writer, and Nozomu Voice : Timed by Nozomu Voice : Subbed by Anime Daisuki