Dear Nakago,

umm....*sits next to him* a story 'bout you ^^


Dear Lita,

    Tomo's really better at this, but i'll try. Once, in the cold and rainy country of Kutou, there lived a cruel and greedy king. In his army were seven special warriors chosen by the great dragon Seiryuu. The strongest and most mentally sound of them was their leader, me. In a distant land ruled by a weak king and a giant red chicken were seven other warriors, and they prepared to fight against our country....


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Hi! I'm really, really happy since school is over. No more
worrying, late-night studying and cramming---but I'll miss my friends. Not
just that, it's also my last year in elementary school. Next year I'll
be in high school. Some of my friends might not be able to graduate
because of low grades, and some will be transferring. So graduation's kind
of like a 50% happy and 50% sad event. Anyway, graduation ceremonies
are on March 29. I hope to be in the Top Five students in our batch! But
I feel a bit sad for my friends who might not make it to high school. I
wish I could've done something to help them. But then, most of them
doze off in class, do foolish stuff, or cheat, and what's more---MOST OF
TO GRADUATE---because they feel they were doomed from the start, but if
they'd studied harder, then they might even get a chance to graduate.
Don't you agree with me?

On to the questions:
(1) Who is your favorite Greek god or goddess?
(2) If you could visit any country, what would it be and why?
(3) Who's your favorite Ringu character? (from any of the three
Japanese movies: 1, 2 and 0)


Dear crsytal_tiara17,

We've only seen Ringu 1, and it was awhile ago. Miboshi really likes Sadako, but we don't have favorites otherwise.

Amiboshi: I'm sorry that some of your friends won't be graduating. Maybe they'll keep trying? My favorite Greek Godesses were the Muses. If I had to pick one, it would be Euterpe, since she's usually holding a flute in pictures. If I could visit any country...well, it depends on the day. Right now, I'd like to visit Chile and meet the musicians there.

Suboshi: That's too bad about your friends. My favorite Greek god is Apollo. If I could visit any country, I'd like to go to Italy and see the Roman ruins. I hear the collesseum is incredible.

Ashitare: Well, I've always said that hard work is its own reward. How sad that your friends have chosen to give up on school, rather than reaching for the golden
ring of knowledge. If they fail, they indeed have none but themselves to blame. I hope they pull their heads from their posteriors before it is too late. For
yourself, my dear, you should be proud that you are graduating. As to your questions, my favorite of Greek Gods is a goddess, Athena. You should be able to guess why. If I could go anywhere at the moment, I would go to England, and visit the birthplace of the Bard.

Soi: My favorite Greek goddess is Aphrodite. If I were to visit any country, it would be Costa Rica. Lay on the beautiful, empty beach, tour the rainforest and eat fresh fish....

Tomo: I would travel to Germany or Italy to see art and shows. Like Amiboshi, I would choose the Muses.

Miboshi: I like Hades, you can probably guess why. I'd go to Romania and explore where Transylvania used to be.

Nakago: I admire Athena as well for the war skills. As for traveling, I would like to go to Africa to see the savannah.


Dear Tomo,

Me? Well, aniki, in my spare time I try to figure out new
languages! And then I love to paint and draw...I am quite good at it!
I can hit every note in "Carmen". (I do not know if you have heard that
French opera or not,so..*shrug*)
Glad that you liked your gifts! ^_^


Dear Rashii,

    Excellent hobbies, all. What languages do you study?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 First, Ashitare, how are the gloves? Hopefully they've been

Second: Right on, Scintilla. Even here, in post-secondary education,
there is a predominance of flautists.

Katsu's right, too. It's a bit difficult to switch embrochures from
brass to woodwinds, but it's easier to go woodwind to brass. For some,
that might involve having to learn a new clef of music as well as a new
way of playing, since trombones are certainly... unique in that respect.
However, that's not to say it's impossible. Everyone should try to
learn an instrument at some point in their lives.

And now, for the real question. Tomo's admitted to being part of an
opera many times over. Is opera in Kutou and elsewhere different from
opera in the West?


Dear Silver,

    Ashitare: They're wonderful, my dear! I've made my way through several volumes now, and not nicked a single page with my claws. It's a grand thing.

Katsu sez: I learned the difficulty of switching to flute myself, actually. I was extremely good at trumpet, but I couldn't ever get the flute to even so
much as squeal for me; my lips just don't work that way any more. So for my new instrument, I've taken up the koto. ^_~

Tomo: Chinese opera is very different from Western opera. The pitch and variety of music is different; it's meant to emphasize the acting, not to be melodic. Moreover, Chinese opera relies much more on acrobatics. In additon, costumes in Chinese opera are extremely symbolic and create the character the moment he walks on stae. There are some good pages on your links page if you want to know more.

Ashitare, Tomo and Katsu

Dear Amiboshi,

Hey Amiboshi i was just wondering if you ever went to the real wrld if you would ever join a High School Marching Band. oh and i was wondering if you ever liked Miaka and why?


Dear Tamachick,

    I like Miaka because she's a very kind, generous person. I think I'd give marching band a try - it looks kind of fun, and I'd probably do well!


Dear Miboshi,

 Yes. please don't let Reiha know

Vampire Yuki

Dear Vampire Yuki,

    I don't know who that is, so it shouldn't be a problem.


Dear Soi,

how old were you when nakago saved your life?


Dear Lady_Dark,

    I was twelve.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hey again everyone!

Wow,you guys were a lot more helpful with suggesting things for me to
think about,unlike the Suzaku Seishi -_- (). Well; I'm glad everyone had
a great chinese new year. Did you know that my 20th birthday was on the
new year? ^_^ Well; anywho; as for the name I would really much like it
if it did have a meaning to it,it doesn't have to be a GREAT
meaning,but a pretty one. It could be from anything you want. I'm not really
picky just as long as it sounds pretty. I'm sorry if that doesn't help
much. Ya know what I noticed after watching Fushigi Yugi again? I've
noticed that the Suzaku Seishi are uhmmm...a bit whiners? I mean I like them
and all but I think I maybe turning over to your side! *gasps* And...I
think I may have a crush on Amiboshi... *hides quickly* squee....I
think I'm hyper today...I dunno why...Well; I can't really think of
anything else to say so I guess I'll leave you be for now. Thank you so much
for welcoming me back. It made me feel really welcomed. Except..!
.Nakago didn't say anything...the big...bully!!! *hides behind Soi,and
Suboshi* Don't hurt me!!?

Shukumei (who needs a new name)

Dear Shukumei,

Happy birthday! We've compiled some names; if you want to know the specific meaning of one, let us know. We've have noticed that about the Suzaku...glad you're coming over to the best side.

Soi: Here's some Japanese girls' names I like:

Shiori, Amiri, Shione, Satomi, Tomomi, Ayaka, Akemi, Kaori, Chieri, Fumika, Moeka, Riona, Tsukie, Wakana, Miyako, Kana, Yuki, Tsukasa, Ayumi, Naomi, Megumi, Kasumi

If you have a specific meaning in mind, like a flower or something, let me know and I'll try to find it.

 If you want a Chinese one, this dictionary works really well; type in a word you like and see what you find!

Tomo: Ever thought of naming yourself for a star? (like us, named for the stars in our god's constellation) Try here or here.

Amiboshi: *blushes* Ummm...well, I don't think I'd call them whiners. They were put under a lot of pressure, like the rest of us, but they were on the losing side for a long time. For a name, you could always have a musical one. Something like Symphony, maybe?

Ashitare: I would definitely charaterize them as whiners. They weren't the only ones with rough lives; they were just the ones that couldn't deal with it stoically as I did. For a name, I'm still thinking of Shakespeare. Perhaps Beatrice, who was a very clever, witty woman, or Titania, the queen of the fair folk.


Dear Amiboshi,

 Hm, call it musician's compassion, but I play the harp and harmonica (self-taught!), and semi-play piano and guitar! Well, I say that you are by far the coolest Seiryuu. (glares at Nakago) And I love that flute (oh, um, whad'you call those little hollow reeds strung together like a waffle? I self-taught learned those too. And briefly played flute when I was younger, much like you.) that you play. Jus' wanted to say, that as a fellow musician, you are very admirable, as your songs can make people go insane, fall asleep, or die, etc, etc, and might want you to join my seishi as I know you have been said to dislike being a Seiryuu Seishi. Besides, as the Abused and Ignored Characters no Miko, I'd be glad to help watch over you and your fellow AICs, no da! So, aid me in my quest for Seishi and salvation for the weak and hurt!



    Congratulations on being able to play so many instruments. I'm not certain what you're talking about with reeds strung together like a "waffle"? Could you
be more specific, maybe? Thank you for the compliments and the offer to be your seishi - I think I should probably stay where I am for now, just because Suboshi
is here and I need to look after him.


Dear Suboshi,

what are your yoyo thingys called?


Dear Lady_Dark,



Dear Suboshi,

 you dont now how I can love you..i like when you are bad , you
are so cute , and i cry when i see you dead,

love you, your are the best bad boys in the world ^^


Dear Miyako,

Thank you for your kind words!


Dear Amiboshi,

where did youm get your magic flute?

P.S. i love the way you play your flute!


Dear Lady Dark,

    Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my music! My flute isn't really magic, itself. I make it magic by putting my chi through it, but I could do that with any flute. I got this one from my father.


Dear Miboshi,

were you orignally amiboshi and suboshi's triplet but your
orignal body died and you had to therefore go into this body?

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

    No, I'm not related to them directly.


Dear Seiryuu seishi,

Hey!What be up? OK,question time!
1.Soi,lets say if you got pregnant,and Nakago said you had to kill the
baby would you?
2.Nakago,if Soi got pregnant would you tell her to kill the baby?
3.This is to everyone else.If Soi and Nakgo had a baby would you be
happy and play with it?


Dear Mrs. Piccolo,

1 and 2: No.

Ashitare: I would be kind to the little tyke. I of all people know better than to hold genetics against someone. Besides, perhaps the wonderful genes from Soi
will manage to balance out those of Nakago.

Amiboshi: I enjoy being around kids, so I wouldn't mind playing with the baby at all. Maybe being a daddy would get Nakago to settle down and be a little less

Suboshi: Yeah, probably. I do like kids if they're well-behaved.

Tomo: No, I don't like children.

Miboshi: I don't think they'd let me near it.


Dear Nakago,

Hello Nakago it is me again, iwas just wondering if you could also tell me a story.


Dear Tamachick,

    All right, what about?


Dear Ashitare,

 Grow rowl rowr!



    And your point, aside from the one atop your head, is...?


Dear Miboshi,

I don't like you very much. I'm sorry, but you seriously creep
me out. Also, have you met Chichiri? He's a monk too but he is so
sweeeet...*hugs Chichiri* *no da* I like Nakago tho but he could try to be a
little less creepy...Amiboshi: my friend loves you. Soi, Tomo, and
Suboshi: I don't kno you very well. Ashitare: you are very weird. when you
answer letters you aound so sophisticated and kinda nice even but then
i heard you killed Nuriko that was totally uncalled for not to mention
seriously evil, dude! be careful who you kill next time! jeez!

* i love tasuki and chichiri* no da


Dear Teiraka,

Miboshi: I met Chichiri one time. Needless to say we don't get along.

Ashitare: Dude? Do I sound like some sort of mouth-breathing throw back with a bad haircut? I think not. I've explained my reasons for what I've done a
countless number of times at this point, and I see noreason to do so again.

Miboshi and Ashitare

Dear Miboshi,

If it isn't an eye, then what is it?? Bob is just Bob. When
you are confused, don't know the answer to a question or just bored,
you say Bob. Thanks for agreeing with me. Seiryu is the best.


Dear LaCroix,

    It's just a decoration. Bob to you, too. And yes, we are the best. Thank you!


Dear Soi,

 Hi, you and Nakago are my favorite characters. ^^; Does Nakago
get mad if you call him things like Nakkie-poo? On a more serious
note, how would you have reacted if Nakago had died first in the series?


Dear KL,

    Yes, he would, bu I've never dared to. Of course, is he died I'd be heart-borken...and probably mush more vengeful.


Dear Ashitare,

Hello! I'm sorry for not writing in lately but I suppose it would have given you more free time to read a book or something without an extra letter. Do you actually like cats only when they're served on a silver plater with salad on the side? I happen to have a cat at home and although it sleeps all the time and doesn't seem to be of uch use I really love it. It would be a sad thing if one of my favourite Seiryuu no Seishis hates cats. So..... if I ever invited you over to my house to celebrate my cousin's birthday, would you mind if I served Italian or Thai food instead of cat?


Dear Triste,

    My dear, I do not hate cat, as long as it has been properly prepared. You must understand, I have a difficult time dealing affectionately with a creature
that is normally a quick meal for one such as myself. Think of how humans reacted when pot-bellied pigs first became a trendy pet. However, should you invite me over, I would never be so uncouth as to lay even a claw on your beloved pet. That or Italian is more than acceptable, as almost no one knows how to prepare cat properly.


Dear Miboshi,

can you teach me how to fly or to some sort of spells


Dear whitch39021,

    I use my chi for my spells; I don't think you could use them.


Dear Nakago,

Hey! I have some advise for you,about when your with Soi..
1.If you to are alone just for a minute take her in your arms a kiss
2.Play with her hair,girls like that :~)!
3.Smile at her.
4.When your eating together,cut up her food for her.
5.Hold her hand touch her.Do something to let her know your there,for
6.Help her pick out her clothes.
and most importantly,
Thats all I could think of.Ask Soi what she thinks!


Dear cute,

    Cut up her food for her?! Hardly behavior for a warrior, for both of us...


Dear Soi,

 Hi Soi *hugs* You know out of all the seriyu seven yu are my
favorite. I really look up to you.
Well i hope we can talk again soon *hugs*


Dear Samiko,

    I hope so too! You're welcome here anytime!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Whats everyones favorite flavor of ice cream?


Dear Tamachick,

    We've answered this many times. Please check the archives.


Dear Ashitare,

You said you know how to get along with crossddressers. Well then why the heck did you kill one?! Remember episode 33?


Dear Marushi,

   I've answered this question so many times that I'm sick to death of it. If you can't manage to remember why I was forced to kill Nuriko, I suggest you toddle
off to the archives and start reading.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Who would you chose to be your mate from the suzaku shichi
seishi? I kno you hate them alot and you might not be gay, but pleasse
tell meh this...well exept subi! *glomps suboshi* HEZ MINE!!!!!!*steals
suboshi's yoyo's and play wif them...* ooo...i want's sum of these!!!!!

BE HONEST! dun be stupid! and Dun dodge the question by saying none of

Yumiko -chan

Dear Yumiko-chan,

Amiboshi: But...I like Miaka. I'd want to be with her, not one of the Seishi.

Suboshi: Thanks for excludng me, because my answer is "are you out of your mind?!"

Ashitare: I will, indeed, 'dodge the question' as you put it. Frankly, I don't swing that way, and while they're nice enough chaps, I can not possibly have
interest in any of them beyond pure academic discussion.

Tomo: Hotohori.

Soi: Probably Tamahome. He treats Miaka so well, so he seems like a nice man, and he's a good kisser.

Nakago: I will abstain, thank you.

Miboshi: Umm...any would be fine. They'd end up demon food anyhow.


Dear Miboshi,

Thanx for wishing Jials a happy birthday. I'm not sure whether
she saw the updated responses yet though. About the talking to teachers
and not feeling comfortable about it, thanx for allowing me to come
here instead. BUT be warned; I am one of the best complainers in my
family..... so, if you're having second thoughts about reading my letters,
it's okay. Thanks anyway. Oh, and if you were to work for the goverment,
what would you be? A judge, lawyer, police, etc.?


Dear Triste,

    That's all right, you're welcome any time. I'd like to be a judge...imagine the power!


Dear Nakago,

NO I WON'T DO IT AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maiko Tenjou

Dear Maiko Tenjou,

    Want to bet?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

You're welcome! And Amiboshi, by 'Crud' I mean Cards, roses,
chocolates, stuff like that. And sure I'll take the job! *Attempts to do
all that* Ho 'bout half the job? That sound okay? *hugs Amiboshi and
disappears again*


Dear Baka-chan,

Oh, I see. Thank-you then! By the way, you got Katsu to giggle. She says that if you can manage to work both her jobs and Tsutsuji's, then you should
apply to be a superhero.


Dear Nakago,

^_^ I dunno you were really dreamy in it. Not that your not
dreamy by yourself. So...^_~ why havent you gotten revenge on me for my
little stunt yet?

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

    I'm biding my time.


Dear Nakago,

 Ok I will.I mean he is a big fat jark who should be killed.thanks

tive P.s I love you.

Dear tive,

    Good luck.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

I'm making a website for Fushigi Yuugi. I also found profiles
for you guys and the person or peoples that put it up gave Tomo and
Ashitare (and almost everyone) VERY negative and maybe inacurate interests
that didn't include their real interests, such as for Ashitare: His
only interest was eating human flesh.
Now since I have been talking to you guys and reading other people's
letters to you guys, I know you have other interests. Take Ashitare for
example: Reading. And Tomo doesn't just like to manipulate people at
will. He likes to act too (Which is really awsome).
Name two of your interests that may make you seem like not so bad guys.
Like to ones I mentioned for Tomo and Ashitare. Amiboshi, you can do
this too, but I think I already have your interests down.
The website that I got your profiles from doesn't exist anymore. Be
Oh, also, I could not find Tomo's or Miboshi's English Voice Over
Person. Could you tell me who they are?
Arigato Gozaimasu.
Gomen. It's such a long letter.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

First of all, what you read was the real translation of the manga profiles. Watase Yuu didn't like us much. In general, they're pretty accurate, especially as far as Tomo, Soi and Suboshi are concerned. If you're going to make a website, we suggest you use the manga ones for accuracy. However here are our intrepretations:

Nakago: I like strategy games.

Ashitare: Oh, darn that Manga-ka. She and I did not get along at all, so she chose to depict me MOST inaccurately. I think human flesh tastes rather disgusting, actually. Either too fatty or FAR too stringy. My interests lie in reading and cooking. (Not to mention a spot of teaching.)

Amiboshi: Well, my interests are music and protecting my brother. I really don't know what else to say, since that website has been down, so I can't look at

Tomo: Of course I love the arts, opera, music, everything.

We don't remember who did the Englihs voice acting, we're sorry.


Dear Tomo,

TOMO-SAMA!! *glompattack* ^^
Nenenene! When you get a chance, no da, you should check out the yaoi
fic I'm writing about you and Nakkie-poo. ^^ You're both reborn and
such. It's on o.o My pen name ish Keiko Bug...yea. Thought if I
told would murder me like Nakkie-poo would probably do. o.o; is my favorite cackling man? ^^


Dear Keiko,

    Thank you, I'm doing quite well. I'll try to read the fic when I have some free time.


Dear Soi,

 OI!i read nakagos diary,and this what i read:
dear diary,
i love this girl!her name is lana-yasha and is the sister to
inuyasha.^_^give inuyasha brown hair and thats her!i am haveing hentai thoughts
about her.^_________________________^;
HELP!i dont want nakago,hes yours but this is outta hand!SOI HELP

lana-yasha(ps:if ya do ill put ya on blind date with Nakago^_________________________^)

Dear lana-yasha,

    Nakago doesn't have a diary...


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