Dear Amiboshi,

Since you're a talented flute player, I want to know what your favorite song is that you can play on it. (I've learned a rather unwieldy trombone...)

Have you considered other small woodwinds like an ocarina?


Dear Silver,

    Like I've said before, I don't really have a favorite song; it all depends on my mood and what I feel like playing. The trombone looks like an interesting instrument; I wish I could try one, but I've played flute for so long that my lips are ruined as far as brass goes. I've played the ocarina before; it's a very nice instrument, actually rather similar to the flute that I normally play. I try to keep an open mind toward trying new instruments. ^_^


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hey..could you ask Katsu this question for me....does she hate Nakago?

The Dude

Dear The Dude,

    Dude, here's your answer -
To put it poetically, yes, with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. He was manipulative and quite selfishly evil; I'm not a big one for liking villains to begin
with, and he just takes the cake as far as nastiness goes. I also think it says a lot when most of the seishi on his own side didn't like him. If you want a more complete set of answers as to why I dislike him so extremely, you can go look at my archived anti-Nakago page:
Just be warned that the page is old; I haven't updated it in something close to four years, so the writing is generally incoherent and a bit juvenile. If you have
any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Dear Nakago,

Er...uh...okay okay let's just get this over with...uh...Happy
Valentine's Day, Nakago-sama. I suppose sending you a fluffy pink teddy
bear and a card full of simpering poems would be out of the question ya go! *gives black dragon plushie and silver card with
words " Cut the Mushy Stuff, You Da Man!!" to Nakago * Hey...waitta
minute, I don't remember buying THIS CARD!! *glares at grinning Myra * Oh
yeah, Myra sends you her regards...since after this she might not have
anything left to send them with....

Jials the Very Very Very Embarassed Pervert

Dear Jials,

    Thank you for the gift and the...interesting card. Thank Myra for me, too. And thank you for not sending me a pink teddy bear; Suboshi would have never let me hear the end of it.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Aha! Yet another one of them wonderfully interesting questions
!! Okay...if all of you were suddenly dumped onto a desert island
without food, know, the " Robinson Crusoe" situation...what
would be the first thing you would do?
And another one, if all of you had to be a Disney Cartoon character (
no Nakago, you cannot run away from this one) for a day, who would you


Dear Mukalajam,

Suboshi: The first thing I'd do is try to find food, and build a fire. If I was a Disney character I'd like to be Aladdin.

Ashitare: As a Disney cartoon character, I think I would be the Beast. He was rather a good chap. As for your other question, the first thing I'd do would be
voting Nakago off the island.

Amiboshi: The first thing I'd try to do on the island would be explore it, looking for food and water. That seems like a good idea. If I were a cartoon character,
I think I'd be Simba from the Lion King.

Soi: I'd be Cinderella if I had the choice. As for the island, the first thing I'd do is try to find some way to get help.

Miboshi: I'd find food first if I was stuck on an island. If I was a Disney character, I'd be Maleficent from Sleeping beauty--of all the Disney villians, she's the best.

Tomo: On the island, I'd find shelter first. As for the Disney character, how can I choose? Of course I'd have to be in the spotlight....

Nakago: If I have to pick, I'd be the genie from Aladdin...all that power... As for the island, finding food would be my priority.


Dear Soi,

*comes running into the room and glomps you*
*runs back out*


Dear Yakujou,

    *hugs her* Congratulations! That's wonderful!


Dear Suboshi,

Oh and will you hit Tomo with that hammer for me? Just make sure to wack him REALlY hard.

Priestess Tokiko

Dear Priestess Tokiko,

    *shrugs* Sure. *whacks Tomo* Now can I go hit Miaka?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

You guys don't answer often. Oh well.I found this cool site and I was wondering what you guys would be in it. The game is called Dungeons and Dragons.

I'm a Lawful Neutral Mage or Cleric of Tyr. And I don't like Chaotic evils.

Dragon Champian

Dear ,

    This was fun, and actually fairly accurate:

Nakago: Chaotic Evil Human Fighter/Ranger Follower of Talos.

Soi: Chaotic Good Half-elf Ranger/Bard Follower of Thelaidria.

Tomo: Lawful Evil Gnome Bard Mage Follwer of Urdlen. Actually the description fit me quite nicely.

Amiboshi: The quiz said I should be a Neutral Good Half-Elf Bard Ranger, Follower of Oghma. I think that makes sense...I'm definitely a bard!

Suboshi: Lawful Neutral Human Fighter/Paladin Follower of Helm.

Miboshi: Neutral Evil Elf Mage Cleric Follower of Velsharoon---god of necromancy, right on target...

Ashitare: I would be a Neutral Good Elf Mage/Druid, follower of Mystra. After reading the provided description, I suppose that works. Scholar was
apparently not an option...

And as a bonus, Tsutsuji: Chaotic Good Gnome Mage/Ranger Follower Of Mystra

Guess you don't like Nakago then, eh?

Seishi and Tsutsuji

Dear Ashitare,

 I think people underestimate you! From reading about you ,you seem to be a smart, intelegent kind, being.I think people should give you more credit! I would like to get some pictures of you but don't know were to look.Could you tell me? and one more thing,which one of your parents was the wolf?


Dear Mrs. Piccolo,

    Thank you for the compliments my dear. I'm afraid that there aren't very many pictures of me around, and the few that exist are quite terrible. I'm unfortunately
not very photogenic. As for the question about my parents, I've answered that once and I really don't feel like speaking of it again. You'll have to forgive


Dear Miboshi,

 I need someone to fill in for me at a babysitting job next week. Would you...?


Dear Mrs. Popo,

    Wow, you must really hate these people...


Dear Suboshi,

How old are you? Are you with anyone?


Dear Gwen,

    I'm fifteen. While I'm currently single, my heart belongs to Lady Yui.


Dear Ashitare,

* massages temples* Wow...Evil Princess Sara's vocabulary is overwhelming...though I find what she said about Sephiroth a little...offensive. "Compensating" is just not the word. But anyways, Happy Valentine's Day Ashitare! ^_^ You are the coolest.

Sephiroth's Slightly Miffed Worshipper

Dear Sephiroth's Slightly Miffed Worshipper,

    Thank you, my dear, your wishes are most well received. Ah, if only those of us with large vocabularies would use our abilities for good rather than evil. It would be rather like the League of Justice, except with English majors.


Dear Amiboshi,

Oh I see...

well? *thinks to herself*
How about trying to play your character vocal song in the flute?

Can you try to do that? *smiles soft*


Dear Guni-chan,

    That would be just fine! It's a good song.

*Plays Nocturne.*


Dear Tomo,

dude, i know almost everyone hates you 'cause of the Suboshi
thing, but, dude, i think you rock! by the by, you recently got a letter
from "copper haired" and you responded that you didn't want to give
away much stuff about the series, but (trust me) i don't think she'll mind


Dear jigoku,

    Thank you. As for copper-haired, we enjoy her letters and are glad she visits; we just wanted to warn her in case she didn't want the series spoiled...


Dear Nakago,

Well he can get very involed and he turns out the lights and as for Tamahome, I said I'd pay him 1 billion dollars

Maiko Tenjou

Dear Maiko Tenjou,

    All right, thank you. *draws whip* ...finished. Please take it back to where you found it.


Dear Miboshi,

Hello Miboshi, i'm Niyaka and i'm your great fan. I like you
as well. Mmm.. can u give me some few spells like moving objects, make
myself invisible, etc? I wud like to learn some magics from you. Can u
please teach me some spells, magic words, anything? You are a great monk
and i don't hate u and to tell you the truth i love all the people in
your group, they are great..

It waz Nice sending you mails Miboshi. Thank you.


Dear Niyaka,

    Thank you for your compliments! As for spells, I use my chi to cast mine, so I'm not sure how much I can help you. I'm sorry, but we don't send personal emails.


Dear Nakago,

Hi there! I got a question.How come Soi never got pregnant?And
if she did would you ever want the child?

cat 55

Dear cat 55,

    We were just very lucky. I suppose I'd be happy if we had a child, but it would have been terribly inconvenient.


Dear Amiboshi,

 *glomp* YOU ARE SO KAWAII!! *hugs Amiboshi*How come you're so kawaii? *hands him and Suboshi (your cool too Suboshi) Chocolates* Valentines was two days ago, but who cares?! *hugs them both and POOF disappears*


Dear Baka-chan,

Amiboshi: Er...thank you for the chocolates. I don't know if I'm really that cute, but thank you any way.

Suboshi: Thanks for the chocolate!

Amiboshi and Suboshi

Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Oh noo....what's happening ?! I can't log into
Fanfiction...such as in, the log in button has completely dematerialised. Oh
you guys think that something has gone kookoo with my com....

Jials the Frantic, Upset and Disappointed Pervert

Dear Jials,

    We don't know, but it's probably not your computer. Maybe trying waiting awhile and try again.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Hello. I am Vampire Yuki. I am a shinma vampire who sends the
shinma back to the darkness. Well, the new guardian Miyu is having
problems with a doll who is a total smartass.*holds up a brown bag* he's in
here and I am giving him to you guys and reiha (the snow demon who owns
him) was asleep when I took him. Please don't give him back to Reiha.

Vampire Yuki

Dear Vampire Yuki,

    Thanks! I'll take good care of it.


Dear Miboshi,

I was wondering, what would you do if you were stuck in a
school filled with countless @#@%#$&^%&*&*@#$ people who think their so
much more better than you when their not. The people here in my new school
are snobby, arrogant, immature and expect5 everyone to do as they say.
I try talking to my parents about it but all they ever say is " You're
over reacting" or "Give it time". Well I have given it time! TWO MONTHS
WORTH OF MY TIME!!!!! I can't take it anymore!!!! I try to be nice but
I fear that I'm losing it. I mean, if anyone of those @$%@#$%#%^%^&$$%
disturbs me ever again, the school will have to scrape the remains of
that kid off the walls once I'm done with 'em! Anyway, what would you
do? It's hard ignoring them when you have ears and it's even harder when
they throw pencil cases at you when you least expect it.

a very dangerously close person to commiting a homicide, Triste

Dear Triste,

     First off, what grade are you in? I know it's really hard to go to a new place, especially when people are treating you badly. You may want to join some clubs, to find people like yourself. If that doesn't work, try finding clubs in the city (most cities have an anime club--those people definitely make good friends!) Try talking to a school counselor, or even a teacher you particularly like. Teachers often can offer excellent advice and are almost always willing to help their students. (Interestingly, many of them were picked on when they were students as well, and understand well what you're going through) And keep talking to your parents; just keep calm and tell them exactly what's happening; maybe they don't fully understand the situation. I hope this helps, and remember we're here to listen if you need it. Take care and good luck!


Dear Nakago,

I love you I love you I love you I love you. You are so hot I
love your hair and your eyes.I love you I love you I love you so much

tive P.S I love you

Dear tive,

    Thank you for your compliments.


Dear Miboshi,

Hey...could you tell me how to decapitate some one by using a
spell? There are many people that I would like to use that on.


Dear Sabin,

   I don't have a spell for that, but it's certainly an interesting concept.


Dear Seiryuu seishi,

Hi there...okay, I really have to ask you guys for some help
here...lately, my parents have been becoming more and more
irritating..forcing me to abide by their tradition, forcing me to think their way,
forcing me to understand them...but since when have they actually tried
to understand me? Everytime I try to talk to them and explain how I
feel, they never get the point. They accuse me. They preach and preach. I
HATE THEM!WHY CAN'T THEY JUST ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM?! Everything has got to be about THEIR way of thinking... I have to understand THEM, but how bout understanding me??? NO! THAT"S NOT IMPORTANT IS IT! I'M JUST A DAMN KID!! ...sorry if I'm just so overemotional...this has been
bottled up for years and years, and now I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I FEEL LIKE KILLING SOMEBODY!..I'm just scared and angry. Scared that I'll be
forced into believing something that I can't grasp. Forced to oblige
everyone. Forced to abide by what they say! FORCED TO "UNDERSTAND" EVER!

disillusioned, dismal and destructive

Dear disillusioned,

    We're afraid this is too big for us to handle. We suggest you go to a counselor--your school or job should have one, and if not, look in the phone book. Many of them are free and can help you far more than we can. (Trust us, it helps--we know from experience.) Best of luck.


Dear Ashitare,

Thanks for writing me back! Your suggestion helped me alot.I figggered out what my story was going to be about.The girl,Isabel,had to leave her home because of persecution from her family .See they didn't like the idea of her becoming to smart,so they were going to send her away to a convent.Isabel though had other plans.She and her friend decided to escape their life of confinning cages,and left for asia.Thats is when they meet up with Nakago and co.Resently the army had lost their doctor so Nakago said that if Nicole,Isabels friend who's a hearbelist, would be there doctor they could stay.Thats when it all begins.Isabel sees you oneday and overcome with pity beges Nakago to let her take care of you.He finally agrees.You both soon form a relationship,and as time passes love begins grow. But will fate allow this couple a future together,or will tragidy strike?
Tell me what you think!


Dear cute,

    While in many ways you have a good idea, I think that you're giving Nakago a bit too much credit. I don't think he's that reasonable.


Dear Nakago,

yes, yes I patted you darling :pinches cheek and kisses it: mwah! I love you nakkie

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

    *rolls eyes* This is incredibly undignified.


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