Dear Nakago,

I want to asked ya something?
Beside the Demon Sisters who told me atlitle about you but they didn't
last for long..

Are you serious what you told the Suzaku Seishi?!
You was sorry about what happen in the past with them?...
If so, then I guess that's good *smiles*


Dear Guni-Chan,

    I checked the Suzaku site, and whoever that was, it is an imposter. I would never say anything of the sort, and I intend to chi-blast whoever was stupid enough to write those lies!


Dear Ashitare,

Hey Ashitare...its me Jials, sorry to bother you so much, but I'm feeling quite depressed
now...have you ever felt so lonely that you don't even know how to reach out to other people anymore?You see, I seem to have this problem, whenever I'm nice to people, they seem to take it as a sort of weakness, a point to their advantage. It seems like everytime I try my best to accommadate or help a friend, they simply take it for granted and they betray me. Each time I sacrifice something for them, they don't even appreciate it, and they turn around and say mean things to me instead. I'm just sick of having only spite and betrayal in return for my friendship.I'm sorry to bother you (again) with all of this...but I have noone else to turn to. Maybe I should just stop being such a stupid sap.At least if I'm more hard-hearted, people won't ditch me all the time.

Jials the Bitter and Enraged Pervert

Dear Jials,

    Never think that there is something wrong with being a feeling, caring person, my dear. A friend that treats you badly for being yourself is no friend at all. Have
you tried talking with them, and letting them know that you don't appreciate their attitudes and indifference?


Dear Nakago,

I knew you didn't want to be Seiryuu seishi but did you ever
think that you had some advantages being one?(e.g. meeting Soi)


Dear Mimi,

    No benefits could ever erase the horrors I endured.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

What would you do if you had the opportunity to meet Watase-sensei and spend a day with her with no outside interruptions or interference?


Dear Silver,

Amiboshi: I'd probably ask her why there is so much suffering in her writing.

Suboshi: I'd ask her why she hates us all so much.

Ashitare: Opposable thumbs. I'd persuade her to give me opposable thumbs.

Nakago: I don't have anything to say to her.

Soi: I'd be honored to meet her and I'd just like to talk to her for awhile, maybe take her to lunch.

Miboshi: Nothing really...

Tomo: I'd put on a show for her.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Reading mikura's letter I discovered most of you guys like Michelle
Branch. I'm a BIG Michelle Branch fan, and yes, I am SO obsessed with her
song with Santana, "The Game of Love". I can't get it out of my head!
And Michelle Branch is unique. So different from the others who don't
rely on pure talent to sell records. Anyway... last time I asked you
which dynasty you were most interested in. Just a random bit of trivia: I'm
most interested in the Zhou dynasty, particularly Western Zhou and as
for Eastern Zhou, the Spring and Autumn period.

So here are my gifts for you:
For Nakago -- A book on Battle Strategies. Just in case you're planning
on another battle with Konan. Not that you need it, though. Your
strategies are well-planned already.
For Soi --- Drop earrings, a charm bracelet, and a pretty blouse that
looks like something Michelle Branch wore. Hope Nakago will find you
even more impressive.
For Amiboshi --- A collection of books of melodies for you to play on
your flute. One of them is totally about Michelle Branch's music.
For Suboshi --- A polishing kit for your Ryuuseisui's to always be in
tiptop shape.
For Ashitare --- Koji Suzuki's novel "Ring". I sure hope you can
understand it, 'cause it's in Japanese. (I wish I could read it but I can't
read Japanese) If not, then I hope these Stephen King books can make up
for it. (I sure hope you like Stephen King. Sorry but I don't know what
kind of books you like!)
For Tomo --- A makeup and a book on performance arts, so your skills
can improve.
For Miboshi --- A do-it-yourself voodoo kit. Complete with a voodoo
doll! And I've arranged a date with Sadako from Ringu for you, so you can
talk about your plans on making the world suffer.

And for all of you, an Oriental Christmas feast complete with yang chow
fried rice, egg rolls, dim sum, lemon chicken, fried noodles, seafood,
and for dessert----cheesecake! (Sorry, this isn't an Oriental dessert!)
Again, Merry Christmas!


Dear crystal_tiara17,

Amiboshi: Thank you! You know I always enjoy musical gifts.

Suboshi: *holds up polished Ryuuseisui* It even got all the blood off! Thanks!

Miboshi: Most excellent gifts; thank you!

Ashitare: The book is most well received. I am a very well-traveled person in my own way; I speak several languages, so there's no trouble at all. ^_^

Soi: these are lovely; thank you! Nakago is pleased with the gifts as well.

Tomo: Thank you. In addition, we all thought the food was wonderful!


Dear Suboshi,

 How did you like my little party? I trust you got enough
*ahem* amusement to keep you occupied for the upcoming year. And thank you
for guarding all the food from the "good" me. She is always thinking
with her stomach.

Anyway, as a reward, you can have this. *gives him an apple pie and
some vanilla ice cream* Please feel free to share some with your aniki,
after you finish wiping the blood off your weapon. (Tetsuya was laughing
a little too hard that night, wasn't he!) Heh heh heh...

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make sure that baka that is only
identical to me in looks isn't slacking off in cleaning up the kitchen.
Oh, and can I use that weapon when you're done? The Suzaku no Baka has
been known to take naps in the kitchen...and she SNORES!!!

P.S. Like my green hair ribbons? Now between that and my darker makeup,
you won't have as much trouble telling us apart. Say hi to your aniki
for me...*cracks vicious-looking whip* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


Dear Akaim,

    You're welcome! It was lots of fun *smiles deviously*


Dear Nakago,

He's been there for 5 hours.Please keep him.Think of him as a gift.

Maiko Tenjou

Dear Maiko Tenjou,

    I appreciate your efforts, but somehow I'm not interested in the help of someone quite so...dysfuntional.


Dear Amiboshi,

Hi Amiboshi! I just ike to say that your my favorite Seiryuu Seishi.

It's to bad you can't play your flute for fun. I would like to hear a song from you to relaxed. I enjoy the flute very much. *smiles*

Well, Late Merry Christmas present *hands him a smell favor candle of his favorite fruit*


Dear Guni-chan,

    I get to play my flute for fun, now. I just have to be careful not to put too much chi into it, is all. ^_~
Thank you for the candle!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

woookaaaay....*fumbles through mountain of packages*i'm quite
terrible at choosing presents so you can all fry me if you like ^_^;;
the silver chess set and the dim-sum recipe book is for nakago...the
collection of poems and short stories and the calligraphy set is for
ashitare, the estee lauder winter cosmetics set and the stilettos are for
soi, the extra tamahome doll and the flamethrower*grins* are for
Miboshi,the Chinese Folk Songs music sheets and the bandana(don't ask) are for
Amiboshi,the boxing gloves and punching bag is for Suboshi,and the
leather jacket and cologne set is for Tomo. *phew* hope you like 'em! Oh
yea, and Merry Christmas too^_^ myra bought these for all of ya * hands
out penguin plushies*
and send my regards to the cats XD

Jials the Dazed and Psychologically Exhausted Pervert

Dear Jials,

Ashitare: Thank you for the poetry, my dear! I'll curl up in my favorite chair with a cup of tea while I read it.

Nakago: These are wonderful gifts; thank you.

Soi: Just what I wanted! Thank you!

Miboshi: *cackles* Oh yes, I will enjoy this....

Tomo: Oh, very nice...

Suboshi: Can't wait to try these out! Thanks!

Amiboshi: I always enjoy learning new music! Thank you!


Dear Nakago,

I'm surprised with one of your response on the last archive.
Why won't you get jealous if someone will court Soi? I thought if you
really loved somebody you won't let anyone to steal her away from you. I
knew you trusted her for her faithfulness but what if her feelings changed?


Dear Magnificence,

    If her feelings change, that's her decision. What she does is entirely up to her.


Dear Soi,

 huh. don't listen to that Potter fella. He's just jealous and
angry because I got to hang out with a cool babe like you *winks*. By
the way, you're supposed to eat those Chocolate Frogs. I think that
Ashitare guy should know quite a bit about it. By the way, it's so great to
know that there are so many would-be Slytherins in here!!* grins* Hope
to see you all some time soon. Maybe we could all murder Harry Potter
together *claps hands together in malicious glee*

Draco Malfoy

Dear Draco Malfoy,

    These are quite cute candies. Just when they were hopping I wasn't sure if I should eat them! thank you. I'm sure Suboshi would be happy to go after Harry Potter for you, if you pay him enough...


Dear Nakago,

*does the happy dance*

I am getting a copy of Seiran Den! Wai wai wai!! :)

BTW, did I mention that you're my second-fave character? :-D

The FY Goddess

Dear FY Goddess,

    Enjoy the story. We thought it was quite well done.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Have you seen Rurouni Kenshin Seisou Hen yet? What were your
opinions towards it? Did you hear the new soundtrack? Happy Holidays!


Dear Elia,

    Amiboshi: I think it's sitting in our stack of DVDs, but no one's watched it yet.


Dear Soi,

ur the only female here, so I thought I'd ask you. <I don;t
want to insult tomo by treating him like a girl..I am not sure if he
would like that, so I thought this was my safest bet...>

what would u do to get ur boyfriend to kiss you? mine is really shy and
has said he wants to kiss me, but i am too shy to kiss him first.

now what?


Dear KitKat,

    Kissing should be a spontaneous thing; too much planning and it loses its spark. If you find yourself in the moment, try kissing him first! It can work wonders. If you're too shy, wait a little. It'll happen eventually.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Hey again!!

Suboshi-- I'm sorry all I could give you was cookies but I didn't
really know what you wanted. Well actually I do know what you want but I
can't give you that. Gomen nasai!! ;___;

Soi--Thank you so much for welcoming me back!! *hugs* Well after I
wrote the 1st letter; things kinda got messed up between that guy I was
supposed to go on a date with. It turns out the time he was talking about
goin on a date with me is that he's been dating this other girl who I
knew about just don't actually know her but I didn't know they were
dating until now. -_-; aiyah! So no more date. But I'm glad you enjoyed the
present!! Oh yeah before I forget...the party was excellent. ^___^

Amiboshi--I actually took a semi piano class back in the day but that
was so long ago. So I'm going to try piano again and hopefully I'll be
able to play as beautifully as you can(even though you play the flute);
and who knows maybe some day we can both play together? ^___^ heehee.
I'm glad you're happy.

Nakaga-- I'm glad I got you something that you actually enjoy. That
makes me feel better now. ^__^;

Miboshi-- I thought you could use some new spells. Just if you decide
to try them out on the Suzaku seishi,please don't do anything damaging

Ashitare--You're so welcome ^__^ glad I could get ya what ya want!!

Well; I do need some advice but I dunno who to ask though...okay since
I already told Soi there's not going to be a date anymore; My friend
and I were talking about it last sunday night and well; he told me he's
dating that other girl that he was mentioning a lot to me. So I told him
that I liked someone else (who he also knows)and he sounded fine with
it and told me to tell that someone else how I feel. So I listened to
him and I did. Now all of a sudden I'm getting told that I used my friend
whose dating that one girl to get to our friend. But I didn't use him
though. He's also saying that our friend told him that I was using him
to get to our friend which isn't true. So what should I do? Should I
confront these two about it or just confront our friend who I like (I've
liked him for a long time btw); or should I just drop it? What should I
do? Well I shall end this letter here. I'm so sorry for the awfully
long letter and if it didn't make any sense. I'm so sorry. Well I h!
ope y'all have a merry christmas and happy new year!!! P.s. Suboshi--
I'm sorry again I could only give you cookies. Is there anything else
that you want that I can actually give you???? *Smiles*


Dear Shukumei,

    If this is really bothering you, the best thing to do is sit down and talk it out with them calmly. They may not be aware of your feelings.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

*a girl with red hair and sea green eyes walks out in the
Genbu no miko robes walk in)Hello I'm Tokiko Okuda.I am the reincarnation
of Takiko and the new Genbu priestess.I want to wish you all a Merry
Christmas.Oh and one more thing *wacks Tomo with a frying pan* that's for
nearly erasing me and maniplatin the reincarnations of Urumiya and

Priestess Tokiko

Dear Princess Tokiko,

Ashitare: You know, I think that sight was the best Christmas present I've ever gotten. Thank you, my dear!

Amiboshi: ...hey, can we have an instant replay?

*Suboshi rolls on the floor laughing*

Soi: Excellent! Hit him again!

Tomo: Hey! I don't remember doing that! You must have me confused with someone else!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

hmmm...there seems to be a sudden rush of people wanting to be the way, Merry Christmas all!* hands out slices of
christmas pudding to all the seishi* eheh, sorry for that meager gift, but i'm
kinda skint from buying presents for all my dumb relatives...


Dear black_dawn,

Soi: I can understand wanting to be adopted, but every other letter asking...wai. But I'm glad we're so popular! This pudding looks wonderful!

Suboshi: Yeah! Pudding!

Ashitare: I've noticed the trend myself. I'm not certain what to make of it. Thank you for the pudding, though - if it's well made, we will enjoy it indeed.

Amiboshi: I think it's kind of strange that so many people want to be adopted. I think maybe people don't take what it means to be family seriously enough -
that's all I can guess. Thank you for the pudding!


Dear Nakago,

* taps Nakago solemnly on shoulder* Can you get rid of that Malfoy-brat for me? I'll give you something in return for that. Pleeaaassseee??? * paranoid look*

Harry Potter

Dear Harry Potter,

    I suppose, if you give me a good reason to do so.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

*drags in a crate of Martinelli;s Sparkling Apple Cider and glasses*
Here you go! Happy New Year!
I brought a crate so that each of you get two bottles, okay?
Enjoy! It's non-alcoholic! :)


Dear Yakouju,

    Ashitare: A fine gift, my dear. It will go well with the dinner I plan, though I have a feeling that some of us will be drinking wine and leaving the cider for a
bit later...

Suboshi: Nakago says I can only have cider because I'm too crazy when I drink. *sigh* Still looks good though.

Soi: It's wonderful, thank you! (Tsutsuji *loves* Martinelli's...)


Dear Nakago,

I am feeling lonely baby. Can you come over tongiht and sleep
with me. You know that I am scared of the dark and a girl needs some
loving. Plus I have a early Christmas prsent for you. I'll be waiting. I
can't bear. take me away....


Dear "Soi",

    There is no way you are Soi. She doesn't talk like that, first of all, and secondly, one of the things I like best about her is she's not afraid of anything, least of all the dark.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Which of the seven capital sins do you think you are most
guilty of? I know, for sure, that Suboshi is most guilty of wrath. Come on,
be honest! I hope you won't be embarrassed to admit it.

Scarlette Rose, of the Night

Dear Scarlette Rose,

Tomo: Pride, I suppose, if I had to pick one.

Soi: Lust...and envy.

Nakago: Pride. It was my downfall.

Ashitare: I've certainly been guilty of wrath in my time. Also greed - for books, at least - and pride, I suppose.

Amiboshi: I don't really know...I guess wrath, since I've certainly lost my temper before. And maybe lust... ^_^;;;

Suboshi: Oh yeah, wrath....

Miboshi: Greed...trying to acquire too much power at once.


Dear Ashitare,

All right! *cheers*
So, what do you want to borrow, big brother? *pulls aside a curtain to reveal a secret passageway to the world's largest book collection* This is my Nirvana...^_^ Take one to keep and call it your christmas gift! Meri Kurisumasu!

Flame the Whip Girl

Dear Flame the Whip Girl,

    Excellent! How about "The Bone Setter's Daughter" -I'm trying to catch up on my more mordern reading, and I've heard that the book was quite fascinating. You are, of course, welcome to peruse my collection now as well...


Dear Suboshi,

 please, allow me to apologize for my brother, TOri.
He is stubborn, selfish and crel.
I however, think you are totally cool! *smiles*


Dear Sakura,

    That's okay...


Dear Nakago,

It's hard to believe you would even HELP Ashitare translate!


Dear Elia,

Ashitare: This was a man who brought about a war, ruthlessly manipulated his opponents, and murdered me. In what way is him being less than cooperative a

Nakago: I'd elborate, but there isn't much else to say.

Nakago and Ashitare

Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

The reason why I kidnapped him from Ohtori is because he is a
man whore.Yes that is correct because he is engaged to the chairman's
daughter Kane (she is a really nice person) and Akio is cheating on her
with my cousin Utena,his sister Anthy(No she is not his stepsister.She
is his full blooded sister),and Kane's mother.He also wants to bend the
world to his own will. Bye for now.

Maiko Tenjou

Dear Maiko Tenjou,

Ashitare: So, I am forced to ask once again...did this exercise HAVE a point?

Nakago: *looks disgusted* And why exactly do I want this person around?


Dear Ashitare,

Happy New Year, aniki! *glomps you and hands you a new year's gift* Ta-da! It'a gift certificate to yer fave bookstore inside a gourmet cookbook! I hope that you like it!

Happy New Year!

Flame the Whip Girl

Dear Flame the Whip Girl,

    Why thank you, my dear little sister. For you I have a leather-bound copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets. I hope you enjoy them as much as I.


Dear Nakago,

What will you do when you meet Soi's family after knowing that
they sold her to the brothel?


Dear Magnificence,

    I don't think we'll ever meet them. We have no idea where they are, and Soi wants nothing to do with them ever again.


Dear Ashitare,

Have you seen a certain deranged nincompoop by the name of Sirius around here? I have a few 'things' to settle with that pinhead.


Dear Snape,

    You know, if you want to pretend to be Severus, I don't suppose I should object, but for Seiryuu's sake utilize your vocabulary. Snape is an intelligent man,after all.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi! My name is Tanya, crystal_tiara17's hyper cousin!!!! ^v^
I'm also a fan of Michelle Branch, but I like Pink too! (crystal_tiara17
likes Avril Lavigne, Michelle Branch, and Vanessa Carlton).

So to those of you Seishi who are Michelle Branch fans, which Michelle
Branch song...
a) ...can you relate to the most?
b) you like most?
c) you like least?

Enjoy your Christmas!


Dear Tanya,

Ashitare: I relate to "Sweet Misery", and I have to say that it's my favorite song. I don't really care for "You Get Me".

Amiboshi and Suboshi: We like all of the songs. We think the one we relate best to is "Everywhere".

Soi: I like "The Game of Love" best.


Dear Nakago,


*glomps you and runs away*


Dear Kwee,

    Stop that!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

You guys are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong about
DBZ!!!!!!!!! It has some of the most interesting people in it.There's Goku who
is the greatest fighter in the universe,Gohan the kind hearted son of
Goku who has an extrodinary power sleeping inside if him,Vegeta the ego
manic who's the last prince the great Sayins,Piccolo the silient Namek
warrior and so many more! You should look into it! Anyway how was your
I am about to go shoping for a preasent to me from me ^^*. Do you guys
like movies? My fav's are Pearl Harbor,The Princess Diaries,Kate and
Leopold,Titanic,The face on the Milk Carton,Miss Congeneality,The
Rock,and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.Anyway heres the questions,
1.What is your fav movie?
2.Would you like to be present during a birth?
3.In my last letter a asked a question concerning Ashitars parents.He
said that he answered it before. Could you tell me what section that
answer is asked. Merry Christmas!


Dear Mer,

Soi: I have actually seen a little DBZ and read the manga, and I'm afraid I just can't get into it; not really my style. For your questions: 1) Gone with the Wind 2) if I could help, I would. 3) Check the archives; we don't really keep track of where things are exactly located.

Nakago: 1) I don't really have one, but I like war movies. 2) No

 Ashitare: I am sorry to say that it's rare for me to be wrong about anything - and this is not one of those cases. I have no interest in Dragonball Z - if I
wanted to see legendary Chinese figures ripped off, I'd much rather watch Gensomaden Saiyuki. As for your other questions: 1. Much Ado About Nothing, 2.
Absolutely not, and 3. Knowledge comes to those who look for it.

Amiboshi: I like quite a few movies. Right now, I'm on a real Lord of the Rings kick, so those are my favorites. ^_^ I also really like the Harry Potter
movies. I guess I wouldn't mind being present for a birth if I was married and it was my wife...

Suboshi: 1) Lethal Weapon, Die Hard or any good action movie 2) No

Miboshi: 1) The Exorcist 2) Maybe, depends...

Tomo: 1) Farewell My Concubine and The Emperor and the Assassin 2) Not really.


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