Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

::A little boy dressed like Amiboshi walks up:: Trick or
treat! You guys are cool! Can I have an autograph?!


Dear Kamada,

Suboshi: That's so cute!

*All of the seishi give him some candy and other treats*


Dear Nakago,

*all sad and stuff* Gomen nassai but i failed....I tryed so
many things to get his head on the pike. But sadly...none worked....i
tryed just choping it off perhaps im not discreat enough to accomplish it.
*glares at Suboshi*But i sware to you my love I will one day! *gives
him some cookies he made instead*


Dear Tamahome,

Nakago: *takes the cookies* You know I don't tolerate failure. You'll have to do more to make it up to me.

Suboshi: *laughing* You're really pathetic. Just cut off the idiot's head when he gets drunk and passes out! Just how dumb are you, anyway?

Nakago and Suboshi

Dear Nakago,

guess what your an idiot too! maybe i should have sesshoumaru
put your head on a pike!!!! bet that wouldnt be fun would it! anyway
summoning Seriyuu is a waste of precious time! Kylie said so! and besides
i think the only reason you hate Tasuki is cause that he killed Soi but
he was really trying to kill you *feels bad for poor Soi* see even
certain people risk their lives to save you!!!!!!!!!


Dear Rei-Rei,

    What is "sesshoumaru"? And the gods know, "Kylie" is the authority on war and celestial affairs. Forgive me if I'm not convinced.


Dear Soi,

Hi *smiles and hugs her* your nice....^_^ How come Nakago-sama
doesn't like my Uncle Shun'u....?


Dear Lita,

    *hugs her back* Thank you. Nakago and your uncle have a long history, and they've been fighting for a long time. Tasuki hurt me once, and Nakago hasn't forgiven him.


Dear Nakago,

All:Hi Sir Nakago!

Ling Ling:We want to tell you something that you might want to know....

Lung Lung: That's right...*holds her fan alittl cross her face* We
found out a woman..told Tasuki about you want to kill him...

Lou Lu: Not to mentain....if you want this woman dead...we'll be glad
to do it for you...We also know the woman named Guni Ryuuzaki that
ruined our plans in the past....
So what do want to do? *evil smile and shows her fangs*

The Demon Sisters

Dear Demon Sisters,

    Go right ahead.


Dear Ashitare,

Doesn't the 'Nakago will translate for you' thing sound like a suspicious plot to prevent you from bad-mouthing him to your fellow fans?


Dear M!sdeme@nouR,

    It's been a problem in the past, but now I ask Amiboshi or Suboshi to translate for me when I have something less than glowing to say about our fearless leader. Soon, I shall master the keyboard, and then I will need no translation.


Dear Tomo,

I have a few questions for you...
1)I would like to know what your makeup stands for.
2) I would like to know what KIND of makeup you use. (I can;t find any
lipstick that lasts! Wah!)
3) Would you EVER date a girl?


Dear Rashii,

    1) The blue is loyalty, the black is strategy, the white is evil, and the red and gold are for the dynasties and for godly qualities.

2) It' sunlikely you'd be able to find my makeup, and I don't use lipstick. But Tsutsuji says Clinique Long Last lipstick is very good.

3) No.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Dear Seiryuu Seishi(specially to Nakago-sama )
Hey . I'm a very 'boyish' sorta girl, in the sense that I like
playing first-person shooter games, or real-time
Counterstrike, QUake 1,2,3, Warcraft 3 blablabla and I don't go drooling over
those stupid boybands (no offense to anyone out there) , I prefer rock,
gangsta rap,etc. My mom says it's because I might have been influenced
by my bro when I was a kid...and at first I didn't expect my boyishness
to create problems for me. Now in my new school( I changed) , all the
girls single me out just because they think I'm different..and well, I
don't think much of them either. ALl their life ,they can only talk
about boyfriends, cute guys, and the same sorta thing day in day out. THey
even tried to make other people isolate me, so one day I lost my temper
and I punched one of them in the nose. That girl was telling a whole
lotta people that I said horrible things about them, which I couldn't do
since I don't EVEN KNOW THEM. SO in the end, her nose started bl!
eeding like crazy and I was scolded by the disciplinary teacher and
blablabla ( " Why can't you be more like a girl?! SO violent!!!") and when
I went back, I got even more from my stupid parents. I don't have
anyone to talk to now, and I feel so angry. No one wants to be my friend
now, and my parents don't even want to talk to me.Sometimes I wish I could
wake up in the morning knowing that I can go back to my old school,
where I know people really like me and respect me for the rough-n-tough
person I am. What should I do??

Worried, Irritated,Enraged Badass Tomboy

Dear Tomboy,

Nakago: The important thing is to be strong and proud of who you are. I know how lonely it is to be an outsider, but eventually it does pass, and you find people who appreciate you for what you are.

Ashitare: I know from experience how difficult it is to be different and isolated. Whatever you do, don't change. It will be hard but you will eventually find people who are able to appreciate you for who you are-- don't waste your time with abusive jerks no matter how badly you want a friend. Keep reading, as well, since books are always there for you...

Amiboshi: Don't become someone else, but try to control your temper. I guess the best you can do is ignore those girls, since it'll only get worse if you do anything else to them. Can you find boys to be friends with instead of girls? You'd probably get along with them better.

Soi: Don't change just to accomodate people like that. Just be yourself, and you'll meet people who like you. And we're always here if you need us!


Dear Amiboshi,

Hello Amiboshi, i'm Niyaka. And i'm from Nepal. I'm a great fan of urs and ur brother Suboshi. I really like you and you are a very generous and kind hearted person to save Miaka from that wild cat when she got hurt by falling(i think). And u tried all your best to save Miaka from not getting fooled by Tomo's tricks in a shell. But some questions for you, how did you feel drinking that green medicine from your brother's mouth? Did you fallen in love with any of the girls or had/have a crush on a girl? Why did u let go when Miaka tried to save you from that current river which you tried to escape?

I don't want to ask you further 'cause u might not have enough space to reply me. But it was very happy and exciting sending a letter to the person i really like(alot). PS: I hate none of the people in your group, i love them all. And thats the truth. Thank you.

Thank you once more...


Dear Niyaka,

    Hello Niyaka! It's good to meet you. I mostly felt sad when I drank the kodoku from Suboshi, because I knew he was the one that would end up suffering the most. I let go when Miaka tried to save me because it was the only way that everyone would think I was dead - that way I could hide from the other Seiryuu Seishi. I had a crush on Miaka, and I also loved a girl named Touka, once. I'm glad that you don't hate anyone. You must bea very kind and generous person!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi! Holly-chan desu! I have a few questions /comments for
you all!
Nakago: Do you need a hug?
Soi: Will you teach me how to use lightning and things like that?
You're awesome! ::waves "Soi is #1!" flag::
Ashitare: What form do you prefer? Wolf or...yeah...the other one?
Amiboshi and Suboshi: ::Bows to the greatness of the 'Boshi twins::
Will you two be my older brothers? I've never had brothers before...I'll
be obediant! I promise! I'll give you candy too!
Miboshi: Do you ever just possess someone for the heck of it? I
mean...Sitting around with your top thingy all day -has- to be kind of dull.



Dear Holly-chan,

Nakago: No.

Soi: I can try, but that seems to be a power unique to me.

Tomo: "Shudder?" What's that supposed to mean?

Amiboshi and Suboshi: Sure, we'll be your brothers.

Miboshi: It's a PRAYER WHEEL and I only change bodies when I have to.


Dear Ashitare,

Are u trying to insulte me if so, i know u can do better....


Dear Piro,

    Are you attempting to spell? I know you can do better...


Dear Nakago,

I have been wondering this for a long time.Are you related to
Akio Ohtori(the junior chairman of my school Ohtori Academy in the
Revolutionary Girl Utena universe)?The reason I think so is because you
both manipluate people but I like you much better(because Akio sleeps
around.)Anyway will you tell me if you are related to him.

Maiko Tenjou the Dark Rose Bride/Duelist

Dear Maiko Tenjou,

    Not that I am aware of.


Dear Tomo,

are you really that talented or is it because of your makeup
which i believe has ...*erie halloween nose from somethign outta sci fi*


Dear Minako-chan,

    I am truly talented. the make-up is only for added effect.


Dear Tomo,

I'm 14 now. My b-day was on the 30th. (like soi's...)Okay,
I'll draw you the piccy and send it to ya. ^_^ I just hope Nakago wont
kill me...... You wont show him, or if you do, you wont let him get me,
right? Cool.Halloween RULES!!!! My favorite holiday of the year. What's
your fave holiday? Did you dress up as anything special? Well, take


Dear Kalypso,

    Congratulations! Thank you for the picture; please send it to Tsutsuji and I'll get it. We'll post it in a fan-art gallery if you want us to. My favorite holiday would be Chinese New Year!


Dear Nakago,

Tell me - has anyone ever mentioned to you how much you look
like a blonde version of Hotohori
You do! <snickers> Oh, this is too funny...

The FY and Shopping Goddesses

Dear FY and Shopping Goddesses,

    I don't see any resemblence.


Dear Amiboshi,

hey long time no letter, Well I thought I better cheak up you know see how things are going. God I miss wrting letters to you guys mainly you. I bought you something as a thank you *pulls out a gold flute with egyptian/chinese symbols etched on it* I really have to thank you for how much you helped me. I must have all the luck in the world ^-^ oh I mad you these *pulls out a shirt and nice pants to go* I know they arn't the best know. *puts out her hand to shake his* I know you don't like hugs....*eyes get teary*


Dear Urei,

    It's good to hear from you again! We've missed you too. ^_^ Thank you very much for the presents...but aren't they a bit expensive? *shakes hand*


Dear Soi,

I'm sorry I forgot to e-mail ya on your birthday.... We have
the same b-day, cool, huh? Well, late happy birthday! (gives
cheezcake)Take care, Soi.


Dear Kalypso,

    Thank you so much! Did you have a happy birthday?


Dear Tomo,

err, youve probably heard this before but you look ALOT better
without the makeup.

ummm I have a small request, it was my birthday on the 23 of october
and I was wondering if you would do somehting nasty to Soi for me???

oh and my Friend Mina Sakura says that you give her nightmares cause
she went and watched the episode where you die late at night (not my

that all I guess

oh and say hello to Ashitare for me


Dear Hotaru,

    I'd do something nasty to Soi anyway, but certainly, I'll do that for you. *Soi shrieks in the background*

Ashitare says hello back.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi! It's me again! here to annoy you for my own pleasure. Ok,
you said you could not find my story a few weeks ago so I'll give you
the exact address. Maybe that will help. The fanfic I would like to
have you read is entitled 'man I feel like a woman'

Melyn the Otaku (please don't hurt me...)

Dear Melyn the Otaku,

Now this is just cruel...funny, but cruel. Why would you do that to us?


Dear Soi,

Um... why DON'T I hate Tomo?
1. He tricked my aniki (Chichiri)
2. He tries to take Nakago from you... I hate anyone who steals things
from people
3. He's mean to you, and ur cool
4. His make-up is screwed up
5. He needs a hair cut
6. He carries illusion worlds with him... yeesh!
Now then, Soi, why do u hate him?

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

    It would be impossible to list all the reasons I hate him! Mostly I hate him because he's pompous and sadistic.


Dear Nakago,

I heard you're very very good at being sarcastic. It so
happens I have to be well...sarcastic most of the time,now that I've just
made an enemy who likes to annoy the hell outta me, so can you give me
some good pointers on delivering some good stingers that'll really
destruct her ego?

Nakago Admirer

Dear Admirer,

    Well, it really depends on what she says to you first. Give me an example.


Dear Tomo,

Friends is ok with me, I love your make up (I'm putting on
some like it on halloween) But it makes me mad how people make fun of you,
I was on my bus and these people (ahem.. Cameron and Kyle) were making
fun of you, they are like "Tomo is a Homo, I mean what kind of weirdo"
Then I'm like "you better not diss Tomo" and they stopped for a little
bit but likw usual they started again. What should I do to defend you? :'(


Dear Atsumi,

    Just ignore them. People who don't recognize true greatness when they see it aren't worth your time.


Dear Nakago,

Do you like to play chess, I think you'd be really good at it!


Dear Alita,

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.


Dear Tomo,

Honestly now, who is better looking? You or Nakago? <you sans
make-up, of course, you bishounen, you!>

Crazy Tomo Fan

Dear Crazy Tomo Fan,



Dear Suboshi,

Sometime do you get jealous of Amiboshi geting love letter
from girls well Im a girl well Amiboshi and me are friends.Well don't love
you but I like you.Suboshi would you be my friend to.Tell Amiboshi I
said hi.

Allen B

Dear Allen B,

    I'm not jealous. Aniki deserves all the attention he gets. Sure, I'll be your friend.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

HELLO!! It's Jials, the Big Bad Pervert who asked u guyz about
the 'forever ' food thing. Here's another wacky question. Ahem...can
you think of any good insults for a certain
*************************************************** girl I
know. ^_^ I think my friend YP( YP: Sorry for the long letter)
mentioned her before. Japanese or English, all are welcome!!

Jials the Big Bad Pervert

Dear Jials,

Ashitare: How about "Plebian, tasteless worm that actually enjoys reading Faulkner."

Amiboshi: I'm not very good with insults, really. I think the others will come up with much better ones than I...

Suboshi: Eh, I can think fo a few, but our site is PG so... "baka yarou" isn't too bad.

Tomo: I like "philistine" if your friend has the mental capacity for it.


Dear Nakago,

*dances around Nakago and sings childish taunts*
I know something you don't know! I know something you don't know! I
know something you don't know!

Rouge the idiot

Dear Rogue the Idiot,

    I highly doubt that.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Dear Seiryuu Seishi.
1) To Nakago: 'friend' introduced me to this site. Question:
How would you get rid of a fat ,annoying hippo of a girl who thinks
that she's the greatest at everything ( Jials The Big Bad Pervert: yeah
the flabby putz) ?
2) To Soi: Heyy! You're sooo cool!!!! Ok, down to business. If you had
a choice, would you deep-fry Miaka or would you just stab her all over
before you kill her. I cannot make up my mind. Please help me.
3) To Ashitare( Jials: the 'stylo' man) : Hi! I'm a big fan of yours,
even if you hate cats.( Jials: o.O) uhh....uhh.....*tongue-tied*
..between german food and italian, which one would you choose? or maybe thai?
vietnamese? mongolian?
Do you really like Miaka? ( Jials: Do zebras have stripes?
*sarcastic*)( To Jials: Eiii dun b sarcastic 2 me ah..I'M SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR BEST
5) To Suboshi: Umm...(Jials: She likes you so she doesn't know what to
say. What a freek)( To Jials: Oooo reaaallly *dangerous voice* Don't
forget I know where you live) HIII!!!
6) To Tomo: Ehhh do you look like without your makeup? Jials told
me that you look even more attractive without your makeup on.( Jials:
@#$%^&**&^$#@) She was supposed to show me your pic but she NEVER
showed. AHem. NEVER SHOWED ME.*nudges Jials*
7) To Miboshi: I'm really impressed with the monster-controlling
thing.(Jials: She was wondering whether you could use it on her mom)Damn
chun!! ( Jials: Chun is Malaysian slang for really really cooool)

YP ,Jial's cold-hearted fren(Jials: I--)(To Jials: SHUT UP LAH)

Dear YP,

Nakago: Chi blast.

Amiboshi: Yes, I do really like Miaka. It's nice to meet both of you.

Suboshi: Umm, hi.

Ashitare: There is no choice. Italian, of course. It's my favorite cuisine, though I enjoy cooking most others. I do like cats, actually...they're quite good when sauteed lightly in a white wine sauce

Soi: Ashitare, that's disgusting! As for Miaka, whatever would shut her up the quickest.

Tomo: There are lots of places to find those pictures.

Miboshi: Thank you, and no.


Dear Tomo,

Since I am just too weird, can I please be your imouto? I know
you won't go for me 'cause I'm a girl and all, so.. ^_^ Please?


Dear Rashii,

    I suppose so.


Dear Miboshi,

Did you know that Hoptohori has a kid who looks just like you?
(In one of the OVAs, I think)


Dear Cat,

    I do NOT look like Boushin!


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