Dear Nakago,

May I please be your assistant, Taking care of that stressful
paperwork. I cook I clean, I can even scare off other rabid fan girls!
Even if my friends think I am odd, I think you are the best!* sparkley
strawberry back ground*


Dear Pixi-Chan,

    That background makes my eyes hurt, but I suppose you could help me if you wanted to. *waves hand at stack of paperwork* You can read and write Chinese, can't you?


Dear Nakago,

I have noooo ideal...maybe because they don't do anything evil
then they don't attribute to the team...???? I have NO idea....

Anyway, did you know that tomo liked you( in the series)? If you didn't
how does that make you feel?
If you did, did you try to date tomo, or at least explain to him how
you felt, or did you give no signs at all on how you felt about tomo
liking you?

P.S. You are really really hot!!! And i don't hate you not one bit!


Dear Matura,

    Yes, I knew, and the thought still repulses me. And he knew that the idea repulsed me because I told him so. But Tomo has an amazing way of blocking out information he doesn't like.


Dear Tomo,

Hello Tomo. It's me, you know, the lesbian? *smiling
awkwardly* Well, a lot of girls at school know now because my twin just informed
them that making fun of homosexuals bothers me. The thing is that they
don't mind. One girl said it was cool.
But if I know the girls at school they're lying! I'm not at all mad at
my twim but I don't know what to do.


Dear Guardian,

    How do you know they're lying? Moreover, if they are, why would you want to hang around with liars? If you know that people are false, you shouldn't worry about their opinions because those opinions are worthless. I know that's much easier said than done, because we all want people to accept us for what we are. But there are a lot of shallow people who get their kicks making fun of other people, and you have to learn to not take their words to heart. I know it can be difficult, but I think you'll be fine. Good luck, and we're here to listen if you need us.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi! Belated happy mooncake festival! *hands out mooncakes to
everyone* Do you know the legend of the moon maiden, Chang E? We studied
that before (I'm Chinese, that's why ^v^!), and we're studying it again

I'm in sixth grade now. I'll be graduating this year from elementary
school. Imagine, next year I'll be in High School! I hope to be one of
the "top five" outstanding students for this batch.

So, who are your favorite Ayashi no Ceres characters? I like all those
involved in the C-project.


Dear crystal_tiara17,

Soi: Thank you so much! I love mooncakes! I like Touya the best of the Ayashi characters.

Amiboshi: Thank you for the mooncake! My favorite character is Aya - she's very sweet and reminds me a lot of Miaka.

Suboshi: Thanks! As for Ayashi...I kind of like Aki, although the thing with his sister is a little sick.

Ashitare: Ah...mooncakes. If you had dropped by in time, we could have exchanged - I did a very good job this year, if I do say so myself. I should get back on topic, though. I suppose my favorite character would have to be Yuuhi - I have a great deal of respect for anyone that can create a gourmet meal, then turn and use his utensils as a weapon.

Nakago: Thank you. I don't have a favorite character.

Miboshi: Thanks for the cake. I don't really have a favorite character, either.

Tomo: Thank you for the gift. I am fond of Shuro in Ayashi.


Dear Nakago,

I think I really made a mistake chasing after Miaka all this time. But now, ive finally realised the person i truely love and cherish.
I bet you can guess who it is sinnce Im expressing my feelings in this
letter to you. How do you feel about this? I know I havent been the
greatest guy in your life but I wanna change. Will you help me become as
amazing and wonderful as you?

Wo Ai Ni , Tamahome

Dear Tamahome,

    *smirks* You'd have to work pretty hard to make up for all you've done...but you might be useful. Let me think about it.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

What do you do when you are bored? I mean really bored. After
you do that thing you do, do you realize that it's amazing what boredom
can do to you?


Dear Dradigo,

Suboshi: I exercise and train with my ryuuseisui. I don't really have much time to be bored.

Amiboshi: I never really get bored - I can always practice my flute, after all!

Ashitare: I read or work on new recipes. Yes, boredom is an amazing thing, isn't it.

Soi: I experiment with new makeup, or lacking that, I do laundry.

Nakago: I go horseback riding.

Tomo: I take a nap if I'm bored.

Miboshi: I summon new and unusual demons.


Dear Soi,

My fine Lady, May I learn your techniques and secrets? I worship the ground you've touched!* bows down, fluffy black with pink striped hair showing*


Dear Pixi-Chan,

    What wonderful compliments, and thank you. I'm not sure what techniques you're referring to, but I'd be happy to teach you...most of them.


Dear Nakago,

Would you enjoy eating the Taco Bell dog?


Dear Tana,

    No. But I would be happy if I never saw it again.


Dear Soi,

She Went away from the summer but then decided to stay. So what sould I do?

Soi of the real world

Dear Soi of the Real World,

    If she decided to stay of her own volition, then it's her choice and there isn't much to be done about it.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

I sort of think you guys are cool! But anyway, here's the
questions.1.If you were married to who
would it be? 2. If you had kids how many would you have and would you
prefer a boy or girl?,
and last but not least, what is your opinon of your fellow Seishi?
I also have a message for my fav chareters,
Nagako,I wish you could be a little nicer to Soi! I meen the girl
risked her life for you and you don't even cair!
Soi,I think your really pretty?And I love your hair!I just wanted to
say that you shouldn't give up on Nakago!
Amiboshi,your really sweet and I think you and this guy from Gundam
Wing Quatre would get along really well! And I love your flute!
Suboshi, as much as I like you,why did you have to kill Tamahomes
family?! I can just see those little kids dying at your hands!I don't see
your brother doing anything like that!


Dear Mrs. Piccolo,

Ashitare: Interesting questions, my dear. I'm not really certain if I'm the marrying kind, however. If I were to embark upon the great adventure of having children, I think I would be equally happy with either sex. As for my opinion on my fellows...well, I feel I
have made myself abundantly clear on what I think in the past, so no need to repeat.

Amiboshi: In a perfect world, I'd want to marry Miaka! If she wasn't already in love with Tamahome, that is. I think I'd like to have daughters. ^_^ Sons might turn out like my brother and I, and we were difficult kids. Like Ashitare said, I've already given my
opinion about everyone need to repeat! Please check the archives.

Suboshi: I'd want to marry Lady Yui! If I had kids, I think I'd want boys, but I'd would like to have either. I'd especially like to have twins, like my brother and me. As for Tamahome's family...I still really regret that. I lost my temper, which was wrong.

Soi: I'd marry Nakago, of course! I'd like to have a daughter, and give her a better life than I had. thank you for your compliments!

Nakago: I suppose, if I were to get married, I would marry Soi. I do not want children, however.

Miboshi: I don't think it's possible for me to get married or have kids...

Tomo: I'd like to have Nakago, if I could. I have no interest in having children.


Dear Soi,

I'm starting a group called "Girls (and guy... I'll ask Nuriko) who want lives they can't have". Ya wanna join?

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

    What do I get for joining this club? Will it cost me anything? Who else is in it?


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Can you dance?
If so, what kind of dancing do you do?
Are you proud of it?


Dear Dradigo,

Tomo: Of course I can dance; it's what I do for a living, after all. I'm am very proud of my abilities.

Amiboshi: I can dance okay, but my brother's much better than I am. I'm better at playing music so everyone else can dance!

Suboshi: Aww, Aniki...I'm not that good, really. I mostly know folk dances.

Ashitare: I dance well when I put my mind to it. I just don't get very many oppotunities. I'm best at the waltz and the tango - I only wish competition were an option for me. As you can tell, I am indeed proud of my abilities. ^_^

Soi: I know a few dances, but I'm not very good at them.

Nakago: No, I don't.

Miboshi: I don't, either.


Dear Tomo,

You talk a lot about the Chinese Opera Troupe you perform
with. Aside from myself attending one just to stare at you, what is it
like? What happens in the performances? What do you do? Okay, enough
questions. *throws arms around Tomo's neck and squeezes him tight*
Sorry. being the fangirl that I am, I just *had* to do that. Will you
hug me back?


Dear Mitzi,

    Basically, a Chinese opera involves music, singing, dance and acrobatics, along with carefully choreographed stage fights. I highly recommend seeing one. I suppose I could hug you, if you promise not to muss my costume.


Dear Amiboshi,

*trying to keep calm* Hi. Do you remember me? I wrote to you about once or twice. It's not a big deal but I'm getting so frustrated with a kid in my drama class. He won't even compromise his ideas with mine. He just wants it all to be him. I nearly blew up in class because he doesn't cooperate. I told my teacher and luckily she understood so now I won't ever have to work with him again. *struggling to ask a question* If...*shakes her head* Never mind. I promise I'll write again so you won't forget about me because I'm a loving fan too!


Dear Guardian,

    I'm sorry that you've had such a difficult time! It's hard to deal with people that won't compromise - in fact, you can't really deal with them at all, since you can't force them to be reasonable. You did the right thing, making certain that you wouldn't have to
work with him again. Try not to stress too much!


Dear Suboshi,

no of course i aint happy bout Tamahome beating on you! i
personally beat on Tamahome every time i see him! ^^


Dear Kylie,

    Well, that's good, I guess. I'd like to beat on him every time I see him, too.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Do you have english names? How old are you? Did Nakago reborn or any of you who died?


Dear Keen,

Ashitare: None of us have an English name. My age is better if known only by me and guessed by everyone else. ^_~ I'm not certain about the reincarnation, but I sincerely hope that Nakago will not be making it back into the cycle for quite some time.

Amiboshi: I'm fifteen years old. I don't know if anyone's gotten reincarnated - I think that doesn't happen until a new Seiryuu no Miko is going to show up.

Suboshi: I'm also fifteen, and as far as I know none of us has been reincarnated.

Nakago: I'm twenty five years old.

Tomo: I'm twenty one.

Soi: I'm nineteen.

Miboshi: *smiles* My age is a's part of my mystique.


Dear Miboshi,

How much bodies have you taken over when the old ones died?


Dear Dradigo,

    Quite a few...I don't remember precisely.


Dear Soi,

How do you get a shy guy to notice you more then the stuck up snob girls?


Dear Michi,

    Well, there's a few ways, but the best is really to just go over and strike up a oncversation. Try to make friends and go from there. Good luck!


Dear Nakago,

Hey, Nakago-sama! Just a quick question this time that I need
for a fanfic... you ever wish to be reincarnated, and if so, for what reason?
I'm just interested...


Dear Irhus-sama,

    Not particularly, but I imagine I don't have much choice in the matter.


Dear Amiboshi,

can you send me or just give me your flute charts


Dear monique,

    I'm really not sure what you're asking for - sorry!


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hello Seiryuu senchi! I am a happy fanfiction writer and I was
wondering what you might think of a story of mine. It's posted at under the pen name of 'Melyn the Otaku.' The fanfic itself
is called 'Man! I feel like a woman.' I was just curious on what you
think of it. (this is also a shameless self promotion, if you couldn't

Melyn the Otaku

Dear Melyn the Otaku,

    We tried to read it, but we couldn't find it....sorry...


Dear Ashitare,

I think you are under estimated! I think you are a kind,gentile,smart being! Anyway,were can I find pictures of you?Also I want to know which one of your parents was the human? Thanks!

P.S.Knowing how you like Shakespeer,I recited almost all of Mark Antonys funeral speech! Did you ever read it? If you did what did you think?


Dear Mrs. Piccolo,

    There aren't very many sites out there with pictures of me. I do admit that I'm not terribly photogenic, so I can't really help you with that.

I have to say, this is one of my favorite sites:
Beautiful in its simplicity.

I think that all Shakespeare is art and poetry. What more can be said. Thank you for the letter, my dear.
