Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Attribute: Virtue
Armor: Armor of Wildfire/ Armor of Inferno
Weapon: Twin Katanas (Wildfire Swords), and the Soul Swords of Fervor
Super Move: Flare Up Now and Rage of Inferno
Element: Fire
Birthday: 15 August (Leo) 1973
Height: 165 cm (about 5'6")
Weight: 57 kg (about 125 lbs)

Ryo is the leader of the Ronin Warriors. He was the first Ronin to appear and challenge Talpa's forces. Ryo wields both the Wildfire Armor and the Inferno Armor. He is impetuous but strong.

Powers and Abilities
Ryo's powers are two fold. First he wears the Wildfire Armor which draws strength from fire. This enables Ryo to heal merely by being placed in fire. Also it causes him to become nearly invincible in volcanoes or any intense source of fire. When in the Wildfire Armor, Ryo wields twin katanas. His special attack in the Wildfire armor is "FLARE UP NOW!" which sends forth a massive blast of fiery energy to disintegrate anyone in its path.
Ryo is also the wearer of the Inferno Armor, which is formed by calling together the power of the Wildfire armor and any other 4 of the nine armors splintered from Talpa's armor. The Inferno Armor is immensely powerful. In fact its true abilities have yet to be revealed. Talpa believed that that the Inferno had the power to destroy this world and then rebuild it. Weather he was right or not remains to be seen. When he is wearing the Inferno Armor he wields the Soul Swords of Fervor, two incredibly powerful weapons. His special attack with the Soul Swords is "RAGE OF INFERNO!" an incredibly powerful version of "Flare up now!"
Other then his armor and natural fighting skills Ryo has relatively few natural abilities.

As Ryo possesses the most powerful armor he also possesses many weaknesses. The Wildfire armor appears to be exceptionally vulnerable to the Venom of Sekhmet's armor. When in the water the Wildfire looses much of its power and becomes incredibly vulnerable to Sekhmet's poison.
The Inferno Armor drains all those whose armors it took power from, making them week and less able to fight. Also the Inferno's power is very temporary and difficult to control. Weather this is because of a weakness of Ryo or is inherent to the Inferno Armor has yet to be seen.
Ryo is also impetuous, rash, and easily excited and provoked which makes him a good target for most traps.