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::Welcome to the Temporary Dreamcatcher Page::

Yo all!! *looks around* Seeing as you're here, I'm assuming dreamcatcher is down. *sighs* *ahem* Anyhoo, everytime you see dreamcatcher down, jus' come here, and I'll be here. ^-^;; Also, My e-mail addy: stops working along with the site, seeing as the server crashed. Or the modem. o_O Or whatever. So my alternate e-mail is:
Ano... have fun? ^^;;;;
But... first of all, before wandering around here, you might wanna make SURE that dreamcatcher is down. Go here:
--Akane Miata & D-chan


Ok. *sweatdrop* I'm alive. *looks around* But dreamcatcher kinda moved... >_< And ftp isn't set up yet. ;_; Sooooo... no updating from me until one of my brothers sets it up.. ^^;; Which could be a very, very, very long time. *sweatdrop* I'm not even entirely sure anyone ever comes here, but oh well. ^^;; *ahem* I've been working on Crucifix, and I'm thinking about jus' posting chapter 1, no matter how unhappy I am w/ it. >_< And then..lesse.. *blinks* Everyone seems to think I've completely given up on When You wish Upon a Star. ^^;; I haven't!! Not yet! I'm jus' not working on it. o_o That's all. *nervous laugh* BUT! O_O;; I DID write something!! It's.. *wince* it's from Sailor Moon. My god. >_< No, I haven't gone insane. ^^;; I happen to REALLY like Seiya, ok?? @_@;; So this ficcy is all 'bout him. ^-^ I've posted (or will post. ^^;; One of the other. O_o Not sure.) the prologue to that fanfic. S'called "My Dear Angel". Hope you like. ^^;; Kay. That's all for now. Ja ne!

7/25/00 -- It's still down. O_O Why is it still down?? Oy. Well, my e-mail is working, so I don't know why the page isn't. Anywayz, the reason we've been kinda iffy on the whole online / offline thing is cuz, well, someone apparently tried to hack into my page and mess w/ it. grrr... we could find out who did it, but we're too lazy. Anyway, luckily, we stopped 'em before they did anything, but we're going through a security update right now, (which was why I couldn't update, even though my page was online; I needed to get a more secure ftp connection. O_o or something.) so... I guess dreamcatcher'll be down for a lil' bit more.

7/10/00 -- Mouuu... >_<;;; Why is dreamcatcher ALWAYS down?? Well, anywayz, gomen ne, minna! O_O I don't know what the problem is! It won't be down for long, I hope...

6/14/00 -- 'Ello!! O_O It sucks not having an AC when it's 106 degrees outside.. it really does... ;_; Anyhoo, I have NO idea why dreamcatcher is down, nor how long it'll stay like that... but anyways, here I am. @_@;; *looks over to D-chan, who's wailing at the top of her lungs "I'm meeeelllllltttingg!!!!!"* *sweatdrop* Have a nice stay! ^^;



Sorry people. No fanfics will be put up yet. @_@ I only have some old stuff, and I really don't want anyone seeing that. ^^;;;; Just be patient. When You Wish Upon a Star and Crucifix will be up again someday. @_@ And wanna know a secret? I am indeed working on a few new fics... but.. Not all of them are pure Ranma. ^-^ OY!!! I dun do crossovers. I HATE CROSSOVERS!! I'm doing my very first fusion. With none other than Saber Marionettes J. *claps* Yay! It'll be called Falls Apart. ^^;; I have NO idea when it'll be out. But... like I said, if you haven't seen SMJ, SEE IT NOW!!! It could never take Ranma's place, but it certainly is kawaii. ^-^ ... >=/ Cept for Cherry. *shudder* She's like a mix of Kasumi and *ugh* ukyou. *_* Evil. Pure Evil. *blinkblinkblink* Woo. I'm rambling. O_O Think I'll shut up now...



Hello. D-chan speaking. Umm.. y'know? Akane-chan's mauve elephant? You might know me as E-chan's friend, or from my temporary residence at fallen's page. *evil cackle* *ahem* Anyway... Due to heavy request, Anti-ukyou has been put on the mirror page. And apparently, there are a few people that are afraid of me. (ME!! can you believe it?? Jus' a harmless little elephant that is attempting to take control of Earth!! Ha!) Thus they are afraid to e-mail Akane-chan in fear of being eaten by me. And rightly so. (Sorry Vivian.. *burp* I just couldn't help myself!) So, we've created a form that you jus' quickly copy and paste onto an e-mail and send to Akane Miata and she'll add you!! Isn't that just SPIFFY keen?? *D-chan explodes into fits of hyterical laughter*


Anti-ukyou Addition Form

Simply copy these questions onto an e-mail, answer them, and send! Everything you wish to be displayed on the member page should be filled in here.
(start copying)
E-mail Address:
Homepage URL (Optional) :
One or two reasons you think
ukyou is annoying/useless/boring:
Want a postion? (ie:ukyou smacker;
True okinomiyaki chef; Akane and
Ranma proctector; etc...)(optional):
(stop copying)
Maybe one day we'll have one of those fancy forms... but Akane-chan doesn't know how to work with all those fancy editors yet. ^-^;;;

Oy! Example Form.

Name/Nickname:Akane Miata
E-mail Address:
Homepage URL (Optional):
One or two reasons you think
ukyou is annoying/useless/boring: Her whole "Best friend" act makes me sick. And what's up with that spatula?
Want a postion? (ie:ukyou smacker;
True okinomiyaki chef; Akane and
Ranma proctector; etc...)(optional): *salutes* I will provide the purple nail polish to E-chan, so he can beat her up!!

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Bye bye! Hope you enjoyed your stay!

Disclaimer: Really, we're all just simple teenagers (some of us brinking on pre-teen...) so just don't sue us. @_@ And don't bother whining about the horrible html skills displayed herein, seeing as D-chan and I really just did this within a few minutes...

All comments / flames / small furry animals / questions should be sent to Akane Miata.

Bwah. Look'see who added a counter, eh?? (That doesn't make sense... does it? O_o; *sweatdrop*) Oy. ^^; Hits since..9/11/00: