Well, here's another one. You should probably read the first couple if you aren't familiar with them. They're @ http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Slacker ********************* "Down Payment" Yet ANOTHER Revenge fic. By: Slacker (r_heins@yahoo.com) ********************* Andrew paced the room they were stuck in. Chibi-Slacker was huddled in the corner, twitching and muttering "Bad bunny. Bad bunny.". The 'Bun-bun episode' had managed to actually affect his massive store of sarcasm. (On a good note, even Chibi-Usa's hairstyle wasn't immune to Bun-bun. What even Nair could not accomplish, Bun-bun did: He changed Chibi- Slacker's hair. It was now in a simple ponytail and only shoulder-length.) If Chibi-Slacker had been capable of rational thought, he'd would have cheered. In this situation, that was the only thing keeping him from catatonia. Andrew finally got sick of the constant muttering and decided to fix the problem, in the most expedient way: massive violence. He grabbed Chibi-Slacker and slammed him against the wall repeatedly while screaming into his face. "Snap out of it!" Chibi-Slacker blinked. "What the hell did you do that for!" He demanded. "I got sick of your muttering!" "Yeah, you ain't the one who had Bun-bun take out his anger at missing the thong episode of Baywatch on!" "Oh, yeah! Well who's fault is it that we're here in the first place! Huh? Answer me that!" "Actually, that's mine. Wanna make something of it?" A voice said from by the door. They turned to see Nemesis standing by the door. He had something in his hand. "I've got a deal for you. If you do this, you go free. No strings, no conditions." He continued. "What?" They chorused. "Ever read Private Bet #8? You're gonna make Shade a happy man." With that, Nemesis threw what was in his hands towards Andrew, who reflexively caught it (dropping Chibi-Slacker on his butt). As Andrew lifted up the items, he stared. Chibi-Slacker spoke up. "Is that leather? Not much to it, is there?" Andrew finally managed to gasp out "Naga wears more than this!" Nemesis smirked. "I know." Chibi-Slacker started laughing. ***************** Pluto spewed her sake all over Urd. "I'm gonna kill him! That little bastard!" Urd slowly wiped the sake off of her face. "Why? So it's a leather thong. A rather small one, but it's no big deal." Q inquired. "Because it's MINE! I had to have that thing custom made! You don't want to know how expensive it was!" The other three just stared at her in shock. "And Minako-chan loved the way I looked in it, too. Now I'll have to get a new one." Pluto muttered. "At least he didn't get the whip, too." The other three fainted; Q and Xelloss with nosebleeds, while Urd just had a happy smile. ******************* "Don't laugh. He's getting off easy. I pity you." Nemesis continued. Chibi-Slacker's laughing cut off with a gurgle and a thud as his legs gave out. Nemesis smirked. "Overfiend, my friend. Overfiend." *BLAMBLAMBLAM* Nemesis dropped to the ground as three large splotches of blood blossomed on his chest. Chibi-Slacker stared at the Desert Eagle in his hands. "I'll be damned. THAT'S how they do it." He murmured in shock. He blinked a few seconds and came back to life. He looked over at Andrew. "Well. You gonna do it?" "Hell, no. I have my self-respect. Even in this body." Andrew replied as he threw the...garment on Nemesis' body. "He can destroy the world, and gets taken out by a spore with a gun. That's pretty pathetic. Can you tell me what's wrong with that picture?" "He's not dead. Just out of action. He's an Animate basically, remember? He can't be killed permanently. Now let's leave before he wakes up. There's got to be a way out of this hellhole around here somewhere." As they exited the room, Nemesis began to twitch. It took a few minutes before he could muster the strength to whisper "Now, I'm mad. That little shit's gonna pay. Screw Thrawn's grand plan." ************** "So, what do we do now?" Andrew asked as they ran. "We get the hell out of here. Let's try that door." Chibi-Slacker replied. "Why that one?" "It's convenient." Chibi-Slacker replied with a shrug. "And I've got a hunch." "Ain't no way in hell I'm going in that door." Andrew stated emphatically. "Wuss. What's the worst that can happen?" Chibi-Slacker goaded as he opened the door. Andrew hit the floor. (He knew something bad always happened after any statement like that.) "Holy... Shit. I've hit the mother load." Chibi-Slacker said in a happy voice. "What?" Andrew looked up. "Wow. That's a lot of guns." "Think they'll mind if we `borrow' a few?" Chibi-Slacker said with a grin. "Probably not." Andrew's grin was just as large. ***************** "You know, that trick with subspace is cool." Andrew remarked as they continued on their run. (Having emptied the arsenal.) "I prefer the term `Mallet-space.' But it is useful. Who would have thought that it was that easy?" Came the reply. Andrew's response was cut off as they came around a corner to see two figures standing in the hallway. His response was near- instantaneous. He pulled out a BIG rifle. Chibi- Slacker pulled out a Desert Eagle. Both figures immediately raised their hands in surrender. "WHOAH! FRIENDS HERE!" One of them yelled. "I know that voice...Outlaw?" Chibi-Slacker called. "Yup. Me and Darth here know the way out. Follow us." ************** "Well, that was a most... interesting strategy. What was the goal? Let them know just who exactly their enemy is, then let them escape. Brilliant." Thrawn's voice was extremely cold. "Hey, the spore shot me three times! I thought you said he couldn't pull the `Weapon from Nowhere' Technique!" Nemesis protested. "Apparently, he can. It's immaterial now. Because of your screw-up, a change of strategy is necessary. We need some new pieces on the board." "'New pieces'? Who?" "Hi, there. Nice planet. Hopefully, we won't blow this one up." Nemesis turned to look at the person who had spoken. He groaned. "You brought in them?" "The Lovely Angels have a perfect success rate. They were an obvious choice. And they were responsible for obtaining Slacker originally. They still bear a grudge against him and wished to see this through." "Great. Who else you gonna bring in?" "Him." Thrawn pointed behind Nemesis, who turned and saw a very large, weapon festooned figure. "Hi, there." Nemesis said without looking. There's no way I can change your mind, Thrawn?" "None." "Great. Hey, Hunter, right? First things first. Lose the plasma weapons. We want them hurting, not dead. And the grenades, and the plastique, and the graser, and the..." Thrawn sighed. This was going to take a while. ******************* Author's thingie: Well, it's another one. How many of you want to hurt me? Wow. That's a lot of hands. Cool! I'm flattered! As you can probably guess from the fic, this baby is going to be around for a while. How long is a while? Until we get bored with it. Don't hold your breath. (Or do, but don't blame me when you pass out.) Ja Ne! Slacker