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Lodoss: The Interactive Story!

It was the feeling of most of the scribes at Vivid that our Interactive Stories were dying because of overplanning. Then, just like that, the story was posted and people started writing, the blood of the scribes flowing strongly in their veins, intoxicantingly strong, urging them to write! I know, a little high on exageration, but mostly true.

That's how it was started, now for what it is. Lodoss is an interactive story that really has nothing at all to do with very excellent 'Record of the Lodoss War' animé aside from sharing a continent of a similar name, and a protaganist named 'Parn'. If you're looking for stuff on the anime, I suggest searching the web or buying it. I may put up stuff related to it once this story reaches completion, or if I get bored, but it isn't likely. Regardless of that, it's a fun read, so enjoy the story! ^_^

Angelfire blows goats. I'll just link it here.
Enjoy! ^_^

I love kittie cats -12.19.01, 1:06 AM
Story Total: 101
OK, we all know I added some stuff. I still need better writer profiles, a fanart section is coming, as well as some more general redesign. Patience, as they say, is a virtue. Much thanks to D'nel and Rwing for writing two more new chapters!! Thanks sooo much for helping to keep Lodoss alive!! (Wing's will be up when he fixes a continuity problem). -Choc

First you must choose your destiny...
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