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Somewhere around July, 2001: Nooooo!! My second sister site vanished! It's like it wasn't there in the first place!!! STUPID ANGELFIRE!!! All my pics... My pages! Gone!! There are a lot of broken links on this page now since Angelfire took my other page away... I dun think I'm gonna keep the site running... I get pissed off too easily. But I don't know, might keep it might not. I don't feel like taking out all the broken links right now so if you run into em... Eh well... I dunno... Well thats it... Adios NOTE: Some people have been adding us to their sites. DON'T!! This is a private page and is intended to be viewed only by friends. If you have linked us to your site, please REMOVE US. Thank you. Notice: Adjust page window. Best viewed with however small or big so it looks right. We aren't messy and the way we have our page set, it looks as its supposed to. The format of the page may vary from computer to computer. Mood: happy as a clam o-o Pocket Change: My beautiful pic of Shin! Listening to: absolutely nothing! Activity status: Buggin Mukara Obsession: None for the time being! O.o Weird! Nothing: Weird... Last thing said before time of update: ''It's very simple, give him tuna and he'll love you forever'' Quote of the Month: ''Pride cometh before a fall'' - Tori ^^ He says no stealin! My second-in-command bodyguard! P.S. Oh yeah... Take any pics or WAVs without my permission (I know some of you sneaky people do that!) and I'll hunt you down... Have a nice day! ^_^ I worked my butt off and I dun want anybody taking my stuff!! So make sure you ask (Tell me which pics/wavs)!! OR ELSE... Got another one... Directly link me and DIE!!! Hmmm... Ryo is my main bodyguard... Dun mess with him or he'll... SMACK you! What's this?! Chibis? More Chibis?! Where are yer mothers?! Help me!! Chibis are taking over!! Ahhhh!! And they look weird too! Not even cute chibis!! Waaaaah!! How's that for justice Wufei?!

Introducing: Webmistress Meag

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