Out Takes

By: Angeteen



Discalmier: I don't own digimon. Nuff said? No. To bad. *******************

Jay: *looking at his suroundings* Where am I? Where ever I am it better have a phone booth so I can call the #^@% home.

Director: CUT!!!

Jay: Hey what's this? *picks up amulet* Hey maybe I can sell it for some cash.

Director: CUT!!!

Jay: *looking at spell being thrown* You wnat me to do what? You got to be kidding me. I hope he kills them.

Director: CUT!!!


Jay: I promise that no matter what I do I will not harm you. Unless I'm paid for it.

Director: CUT!!!

Jay: *decending staircase* Woah! This guy REALLY needs to quit tripping.

Director: CUT!!!

Genaai: There is a prohecy that says he will become a dark force.

Jay: Really!? Great! When does it happen old man!?

Kari: Gatomon quick! Digivolve into Angewoman!

Gatomon: *does so except she is nude*

Director: Now that's more like! I mean... CUT!!!

Piedmon: *falling* HELLLLP!

Director: CUT!!! And bring out the paramedics!

Jay: Hey T.K.. Do you have a white flag of somekind?

Director: CUT!!!

Digimon: *attacks hit Caliga and kill him*

Director: CUT!!!

Caliga: Not bad! But what good...

Lucis: *spins around and cuts his head off*

Director: CUT!!!

Lucis: So you see. While Caliga existed so did Lucis. Even though I liked being Caliga more.

Director: CUT!!! *starts crying*

Jay: *imaptient* What's wrong?

Director: Your so dumb! I can never get anything done with you!

Director: *leaving stuido finds a slip of paper in his pocket*

Slip of paper: I'm stupid huh? Well I know how to pull a trigger on a gun.  ~Jay


Must sill be suffering parts from the last story to wright this. Either way I thought it was funny. Oh yeah. Just one more thing. REQUESTS ARE STILL NEEDED!!!!

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