Sora frowned as she listened to the soulful notes. She began to wish she hadn’t gone after this lone wolf. At least with the others she had someone to talk to. Matt was always off in his own mind, brooding over one thing or another, and TK was sweet, but too young to really understand what the big kids got so worked up about. The digimon were nice enough, but they didn’t always make the greatest conversationalists for humans.
Little did Sora know that Matt was wishing he had someone to confide in. He’d never really had people to talk to before, because he usually ignored them. He had always been kind of quiet and he found it hard to talk to people-- to really talk to them seriously. At first, he had wanted to talk to people, but just couldn’t quite seem to time it right. Later, everyone-- including himself-- was accustomed to his silence, and he stopped trying. He just kind of kept everything he felt to himself, bottled it up. This made him seem cold and antisocial, ironic for a sensitive guy who longed for a true friend, but had had too many bad experiences with people who called themselves his friends to go and seek someone to trust.
Trust. Matt’s thoughts hovered on that, as did the music. Had he ever really trusted someone? Slowly, he let the quavering note die away and lowered the instrument from his lips. He pushed the depressing thoughts that arose from that point to the back of his mind, willing them to be forgotten.

Sora heard Matt making his way back toward the fire and looked up to see him step into the area of forest that was lit by the fire.
“Hey,” she said gently, “is your headache any better?”
Matt chewed his lower lip as if trying to decide whether or not to tell Sora the truth.
Come on, Matt, you can tell me, she urged him silently. Tell me the truth. The whole truth.
“No, not really,” Matt finally admitted. “To be completely honest, it’s almost worse than it was before.”
Sora had a look of genuine concern on her face. That was generally not something Matt was used to. “You don’t have to take a shift tonight. I hope you feel better soon.”
Matt smiled faintly. “I think I’ll take you up on that.” he said, lying on the ground near TK. His last coherent thought was to try not to look at the shadows the fire cast on the trees, and then the welcome blackness of sleep enveloped him.
Sora smiled a little. She had succeeded in getting Matt to open up to her, even if it was just the tiniest bit of truth about a headache. A win is still a win, no matter how slight, she thought to herself. Now if only she could get to his feelings...
All the others were always so open and readable. Matt, with his near-unshakeable air of indifference, fascinated and frustrated her. He seemed uncaring, but Sora knew that was just about as possible as Tai was perceptive.
Sora watched his sleeping form. A slight frown rested upon his features. He looked so... vulnerable. Sweet. Innocent, like his brother. Peaceful. That was it. Free of whatever tormented him during the day.
And what torments. He was perpetually worried about TK, even in his dreams, which were progressively becoming nightmares more and more frequently. Matt also worried about the rest of the group-- especially Tai, who had an innate ability to get himself right into the middle of any trouble there might be. Yes, as much as he hated to admit it, he probably worried about “that idiot Taichi” the most-- second to Takeru, of course. He constantly tried to work out what would be best for the rest of the group. He would also replay scenes from the past in his head, trying to figure out what he could have done differently to make things better.
Sleep was only where these torments could become a warped reality, in vivid Technicolor, but it could serve as an escape, too. An escape from the stress of his waking hours.

Sora resolved to be patient until he inevitably told her why he always seemed to use Tai as an outlet for his aggression. She also resolved to talk him into going back to the group and to patch things up with Gabumon. Sora hated to see two people who were usually so close giving each other the silent treatment like this.


“AAH!” TK screamed, his eyes fluttering open. He had been having an awful nightmare about a scary monster-- an evil digimon who said he was going to kill someone.
“TK, are you okay?” Patamon asked, just as Matt turned over to ask the same thing.
“I’m okay, just a nightmare.” TK said calmly, as the butterflies that had been swarming in his stomach settled down to the usual occasional flutter.
“Good. Go back to sleep, TK,” Biyomon, who must’ve been on watch, advised soothingly.
“She’s right, TK. Sleep tight, kiddo.” Matt said. TK drifted back to sleep. Matt, however, got up and yawned. The fire wasn’t dead yet, but the pile of wood had decreased. He blinked some more and laid back down, waiting in vain for the pounding in his head to subside.
“Headache any better?” Biyomon asked.
“N-” Matt began, but stopped.
“I’ll take that as a ‘no,’” the bird said, sounding almost disappointed.
Matt, still exhausted from their last “adventure”, as Tai liked to call them, was asleep again before he had a chance to reply.


He heard Sora’s voice saying his name.
“Matt, wake up,” TK’s voice sounded sharply in his sleep-deadened mind.
“I’m awake. What?” he answered without opening his eyes.
“It’s almost noon,” Sora said.
“What?” Matt yelped, his eyes flying open. He saw the faces of TK and Sora looming over him. “Where’s-” he began.
“The digimon are swimming. Well, Gabumon isn’t, but Patamon and Biyomon are.” TK said cheerfully.
Matt sat up slowly. Something was... different, somehow. Then he realised what it was. The migraine that had been plaguing his waking hours and turning them into a living hell was finally gone.
He grinned broadly at his brother and stood. “Uhh, where’s Gabumon?” he asked quietly.
“With the others. This way.” Sora answered, beckoning. She led him to a small stream where Patamon and Biyomon were splashing happily. Gabumon lay on his stomach, trailing one paw in the water and splashing at Patamon halfheartedly.
“Gabumon? Can I talk to you? You know, alone?” Matt asked to digimon, who was pointedly not looking at him.
Gabumon nodded briskly an stood. He followed Matt downstream.
“Gabu, I’m sorry. I’ve been an impulsive idiot.”
Gabumon smiled slightly. “You’re right, you have been an idiot.” he said, looking at the blonde seriously. “But it’s alright. I know how much Tai gets on your nerves, and I know you had a headache. I probably would have been just as much of an ass in your place.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Matt argued.
“I would if I was you. Not if I were still me, but if I were you.” Gabumon agreed. Matt smiled.
“I think I can go back without biting anyone’s head off.” he said. “Do you remember the way back? Because I sure don’t.”
Gabumon nodded. “With this nose? Of course! I’ll lead you to them in two shakes of a digi-tail!” laughed the digimon, tapping his sensitive nose with one claw.
“Great.” Matt said, relieved that Gabumon wasn’t angry with him. “We’ll get going right away!”
The two friends headed back to the group.


Sora was awash with relief. Matt had decided on his own to go back, so she wouldn’t have to deal with cajoling him into agreeing to return to the others, and he claimed that his headache was gone. His fairly pleasant disposition gave her reason to believe this.
TK seemed happy to go along with whatever his brother said. Sora had an impression that TK’s mood reflected Matt’s own feelings. The child had seemed unusually put out the last few days. Sora thought in a moment of rare irrationality that Matt must have been a lot like TK when he was that young. Of course, years had changed him a lot, if he had been as sweet and open as his younger brother.
The group of six had been walking for hours, but all were in good spirits so the back-tracking continued. Sora slipped up to walk alongside Matt. “Hey,” she said. Matt looked at her briefly. A good mood was fairly evident on his face. Not smiling, but cheerful.
“Yeah?” he asked, turning back to face Gabumon, who was sniffing out the was in front of all of them. Sora contemplated what she could say to get him to reveal his feelings, his soul, to her.
“Why do you always fight with Tai?” she finally asked, each of her words carefully chosen.
Matt’s eyes seemed to darken. He glanced at Sora again, measuring his need to talk to someone against the likeliness of her attitude toward him to change. “It’s just... he’s so insensitive. Completely tactless. I can’t stand it. He doesn’t even realize how much what he says hurts people.”
“They know he doesn’t mean to be insulting, Matt,” Sora said in defense of Tai. “You’re usually the only one who gets all worked up about it.”
“That may be so,” Matt said coldly, ”but it doesn’t change how offensive the stuff he says can be.”
Sora sighed exasperatedly. Tai may be insensitive, but Matt was way too sensitive, especially on the behalf of others. “Matt, I think you’re being kind of hard on Tai. He’s just trying to lighten the mood a little.” she said to the blonde.
Matt didn’t answer. He certainly didn’t think he was being hard on the other boy, but he let the subject drop, as he didn’t really feel like sharing all of his motives with Sora, who would doubtlessly analyze them and ask more questions that he didn’t want to have to answer.

Sora glared at his profile, as the boy was staring straight ahead, revealing nothing. In contrast, she was mentally berating herself for causing him to snap shut again when she was so close to gaining his trust. She contemplated why he was o suspicious and impenetrable. Could it have been something from his past, like when his parents divorced? Sora had heard it was rough for Matt, but that was several years ago... Was there some other hidden cause? Or was he just afraid of looking weak? Normal male hardheadedness, or was there something else?
The six entered a very familiar clearing: the last place the DigiDestined had all camped as one group-- and the site of the most recent fight between Matt and Tai.
The others weren’t there, of course. It had been three days, after all. they couldn't be expected to stay in the same place for that long-- it would be too dangerous.
Gabumon walked around the clearing until he found a scent trail leading away with only the scents of Tai, Kari, Izzy, Mimi, and Joe, and their respective digimon counterparts. He waved at the others. “Here!” he called. They flocked around him as he followed the scent once more. They made good time, but Sora was angry with herself, TK was whining because he was getting tired, and Matt was withdrawn again, and the digimon who weren’t occupied were worrying about the humans.
TK tugged at the hem of his brother’s shirt. “Matt? Can we stop? I’m tired.”
Matt chewed on his lip. “We shouldn’t stop yet, it’s only 4:00, but I’ll carry you for a little while,” he offered.
“Okay!” TK said brightly. Matt hoisted the child up onto his back, settling TK’s legs around his waist.
“Hang on,” Matt advised, shifting under the added weight. He had to lean forward for balance as he walked.
Sora smiled inwardly. Matt had an unconditional love for his younger brother. TK really brought out his good side.
TK was rambling happily, and his brother was giving noncommittal answers. The expression on his face was inscrutable. Sora searched it desperately for some trace of emotion, of which Matt’s face was completely devoid.
Biyomon watched Sora carefully. She was watching Matt. She seemed to be arguing with herself. She was getting really worked up about his being so closed and withdrawn all the time. A little too worked up, of you asked Biyomon, but that was just Sora’s way. Always so concerned about the wellbeing of her friends. Her interest bordered on nosiness. It appeared that Matt was the current object of her friendly concern. It was also apparent that he wasn’t giving the desired results (forced emotional spillage) and wasn’t about to comply with Sora’s good-natured prying.
It was well after dark when they finally stopped, for the moon was bright enough to light their way. TK and Patamon had long since fallen asleep, the former still clinging loosely to Matt’s shoulders and the latter draped on the former’s head. Gabumon used his Blue Blaster to start a fire and Matt gently set TK down after Sora had removed the dozing digimon from the younger boy’s head.
“Wha?...” TK asked, only partly awake, half opening his eyes and gazing blankly at Matt.
“Shhh,” Matt hushed him gently. “Go back to sleep, kiddo.” The child nodded and closed his eyes; soon he was fast asleep again, breathing heavily.
Matt sighed and stretched, cracking his back. “He’s getting heavy,” he remarked to no one in particular.
Sora looked at him. “You know, he’s not just a little kid anymore, Matt,” she pointed out.
Matt stopped in mid-stretch. He looked at her, then stared at TK. Abruptly he turned away from the fire and disappeared into the trees. Sora smacked her forehead with the heel of her palm. She had made him snap shut again.
As if on cue, the remaining three heard the haunting notes of a blues tune, played on a harmonica.
Not too far away, Izzy and Joe heard it too. They both looked up, Joe from the fire and Izzy from his laptop.
“Judging from the clarity of the notes, I’d say he’s rather close to our current position.” Izzy stated in response to Joe’s unspoken question.
Joe nodded. There was no questioning who Izzy meant by ‘he’. “Should we, I don’t know, check it out?” the bespectacled boy asked.
“I see no reason why we shouldn’t.” Izzy reasoned. He poked Tentomon, who had fallen asleep. “Get up, we’re going to find Matt and the others.” he informed the insectoid monster.
“But shouldn’t we tell someone?” Joe asked, shaking Gomamon.
“You’re right. Who has next watch?” Izzy inquired.
“Tai and Agumon.” Tentomon answered, hovering over the two sleeping figures.
“Wake them up and tell them what we’re going to do. And don’t electrocute them!” Izzy ordered.
“We’re coming with ya!” was Tai and Agumon’s response, predictably.
“No, Tai.” Izzy replied. “You should stay. For one thing, I don’t think Matt would be particularly happy to see you right now, and for another, someone needs to stay here with Mimi and Kari,” he said reasonably. Tai couldn’t argue with that, so Joe, Gomamon, Izzy, and Tentomon set off.

“Matt!” Matt looked up, hearing his name, and saw Izzy, Joe, Tentomon, and Gomamon waving frantically from between some trees. They scrambled over to where he was sitting and grinned as he tucked the harmonica into his pocket.
Joe had been the one to shout, and now he said, “We heard your playing and followed the sound.”
Gomamon smirked. “It sure was loud enough.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Matt replied.
“Where are Sora and TK?” Izzy asked.
Matt stood and beckoned for them to follow. He led them back to camp, where Sora and Biyomon were up talking. Gabumon had fallen asleep the minute his shaggy head touched the ground; he wasn’t really built for walking long distances.
“Joe! Izzy!” Sora cried.
“Gomamon! Tentomon!” Biyomon said similarly.
“Yeah, it’s us alright.” Gomamon grinned.
“We found Matt by following the sound of his harmonica,” Tentomon explained.
“Wow!” Biyomon said, impressed.
“Where are the others?” Sora queried.
“Not too far off. When we left, Tai and Agumon were standing guard, and Mimi, Kari, and the other digimon were sleeping.” Joe said. “It’s a nice walk; if you don’t mind the dark we could take you there now.” he offered, the other three nodding.
“Sure!” Sora and Biyomon said, and Matt nodded briskly. He shook Gabumon and TK slightly.
“Hmm?” both asked.
“We’re going back to the others,” Matt said.
“In the middle of the night?” Gabumon protested.
“Yes.” Matt replied bluntly.
“Fine,” Gabumon acquiesced.
TK picked up Patamon and placed the sleeping digimon on his head, and then clambered onto his brother’s back. The group trooped back to the camp, where, sure enough, Tai and Agumon were up and staring into the darkness.
“Hey guys!!” the bouncy leader called.
“Shhhh! You’ll wake everyone up!” Agumon hissed.
Sora, who hadn’t heard, waved and called back, “Tai!”
Mimi stirred awake and sat up. “Oh, hi... Matt? Sora? You’re back!”
“Really, Mimi? I hadn’t noticed,” Matt muttered, but no one heard him.
Kari and Gatomon sat up sleepily as Mimi reached out to wake Palmon, but Sora stopped her.

Section 3