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This beautiful songfic was written for me by Sentora. It explores a 'possibility' of Kenshin's feelings in my fanfic.(starry eyed) Thank you so much Sentora!!

Smile like Mona Lisa.

(The video opens in front of the Abaeko, The Kenshin-
Gumi, Misao and Aoshi, Tae, Tsubame and even a cocky
looking Satiou preparing for a picture.

Everybody poses and smiles as the photographer tells
them to get ready…unfortunately putting Satiou and
Sano together. The Music starts as the picture
captures the resulting chaos of a fox eared
Megumi laughing as she holds (More like groping, actually)
Sano back from the smirking Saitou,
Yahiko and Misao arguing while Aoshi suspiciously
scratching his nose to hide a smile, Tae and Tsubame
sweatdropping and looking ready to bolt.

Only Kenshin and Karou remain in pose, holding hands
and smiling.

The picture turns Grey, and the camera pans back to
see Kenshin sitting
in the corner of a dark room, Karou’s room, looking
at the picture with a sad

I carry a photograph
Girl of the way you used to be
Love looking back at me, now it's just a memory

(He brushes a finger on her smiling face, sighing.)

You were all laughter then
And you were my light when it was dark
How did we lose our way?

(Looks up at her sleeping form on the bed,
unfantomable sadness in his
eyes….as well as anger.)

how did we fall apart?

(He leans back and remembers how she nearly folded
over in pain when he
caught her by the waist earlier, how she lied that she
was fine.)

'Cause something in our kisses
Said love would never end
And deep down you still feel it too

(His fist clenches.)

But you won't let me in….

(The camera pans around Kenshin as he bows his
head, ‘ghosts’ of Karou
appearing around him and vanishing just as quickly
, each one first wincing
in pain or gasping for breath before looking up to
smile at him and lie
that nothings wrong as Kenshin sings the chorus.)

So when you smile like Mona Lisa
My heart falls to pieces
'Cause smiling just can't hide
All the sadness in your eyes
If I could only hold you

(Kenshin reaches out at the closest only for it to
Love you like I used too

(Leans back against the wall sadly.)

But girl what can I do
When you smile like Mona Lisa

(Kenshin sighs and closes his eyes to remember back….)

When you smile...
La la la la la...

(The scene changes to that of the hug from the
Sayonara scene,.)

The way that I held you close

(Closeup of Karou’s crying face.)

The way that you whispered my name

(The camera switches back to their hug…)

We made it a work of art

(…only to fade.)

Now there's just an empty frame

(Kenshin looks up at Karou as she moans in her sleep,
an array of emotions
flickering across his face.)

All we had
Baby we could have again

(Silently he stands up and walks over to her.)

And deep down you still feel it too

(Carefully strokes her cheek, Karou murmuring in her
But you won't let me in.

(He stands there as he sings, just admiring her….)
So when you smile like Mona Lisa
My heart falls to pieces
'Cause smiling just can't hide
All the sadness in your eyes
If I could only hold you

(Glances over at the other sleeping occupants of the
room, looking a more
than a little envious of the cute scene Sano and
Megumi make in the
corner….especially how content Megumi looks as Sano
pulls her closer in his sleep.)

Love you like I used too

(Reluctantly pulls away.)

But girl what can I do
When you smile like Mona Lisa

(He slumps dejectedly back against the wall, resuming his silent vigil
as the short musical interlude plays before
resuming the chorus.)

(Kenshin’s voice singing as the scene unfolds.)
So when you smile like Mona Lisa
My heart falls to pieces

(Karou awakens…..)

(Kenshin’s voice)
('Cause) smiling just can't hide

(Realizes that Megumi examined her….That they know ….Unseen Kenshin
watches nervously….Then hears
the sound of a weapon leaving it’s hilt….)

(Kenshin’s voice)
All the sadness in your eyes

(His eyes widen in shock as she draws the tanto…..)

(Kenshin’s voice)
If I could only hold you
Love you like I used too
(Stabs toward her heart….)

(Kenshin’s voice)
But girl what can I do

(Kenshin screams and dashes forward….)

(Kenshin’s voice)
When you smile like Mona Lisa

(The camera focuses on the picture as it drifts to the
floor in rhythm
of the last verse and lands face up.)

(Kenshin’s voice)
I carry a photograph
Girl of the way you used to be……

(And Kenshin and Karou fade from the picture…..)