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<> Furallover Exotics

An Exotic is a short-haired Persian ( the coat is very plush and about 2cm in length )

we hope you will enjoy looking at the selection of photos below

Furallover Elle McFurson
Seal Point Exotic

Eva 8 wksMaggie 11wks
Furallover Eva Purron      Furallover Maggie Scratcher
                 Blue Cream Tabby Point Exotic           Brown Tabby  Exotic                                      




Furallover Monica Mewinski
Seal Tabby Point Exotic

Monia 4 wks      Furallover Henry Huggins
  Furallover Monica Mewinski               Furallover Henry Huggins
Seal Tabby Point Exotic                                             Black Exotic

Rochelle 12 wks      Mabel 4 mths
Furallover Rochelle                           Furallover Mabeline
Seal Tortie Point Exotic                                          Seal Tortie Point Exotic

Furallover Dragonfly-in-Amber
Furallover Dragonfly-in-Amber       Tortoiseshell Exotic           
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Furallover VincentFurallover Vincent
Furallover Vincent 
         Seal Tabby Point Exotic      

Furallover Fifi, Blaze and Charlie  
Furallover Fifi-TrixieBelle, Modesty Blaze & Champagne Charlie
Seal Tortie Point Persian, Tortoiseshell Exotic & Red Tabby Exotic

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