Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:9 Bloodstained Truth A darkened room... A small array of lights was the only source of light... It was unable to penetrate the gloom... A figure floated in a tank of water, a mask covering its face was also providing them with oxygen... Jonathon was trapped... Ritsuko walked into the room that Jonathon was being stored in, she pulled a clipboard up from on the table and started to make notes Jonathon's red eye's looked down on her, they were like Kat's only they were a crimson red and not just a plain red... He grinned underneath the mask slightly and floated to the side next to her He pointed to the top of the tube and the mask on his face and then to the clothing he had left on... Ritsuko sighed and shook her head, she couldn't let him go no matter what without any order saying that she was to... Kat was sat next to Asuka, they were both with Maya again... In between lessons and sleeping all they really did was wait here with her... Kat looked at Asuka to see her asleep on the chair she was sat on, he looked at Maya and envied the look of peace on her face If only his life was that simple... All his life he had been lied to and used and what had he got to show for this? Little more than a few scars and medical records detailing broken bones from all the things that he had been forced to do... Kat lay back and watched the corridor outside... There was the sound of a medical trolley being pushed along it... Probably Rei... Kat looked up to see the trolley going past with... Jonathon... He sprang to his feet and ran to the trolley... Nobody was pushing it... Kat looked back at the trolley... Jonathon was still there... He shook Jonathon... Long dead... The body was cold... he looked up to see a shadow advancing on him down the corridor... This was just a dream... " Just a bad dream..." Kat sighed, he looked up at the black shape to see it weilding a scalpel... There wasn't a scalpel in the corridor though... The thing attacked him furiously taking him by surprise All went black Kat opened his eyes... Asuka was sat next to him, a look of concern spread across her face " Hey... What's wrong? " Kat grinned, he realised that Asuka's hands where covered in his blood " Kat... What happened? " Asuka looked like she was on the verge of tears " That wasn't a dream... " Kat looked at his chest to see... Asuka looked at Kat as he screamed " Kat... What is it? " Asuka ran over to where he was sitting " No... This can't be..." Kat looked at himself as if something was wrong " Did you have a bad dream? " Asuka smiled slightly " I guess... " Kat calmed down a little " Happens to all of us... Just some more than others... " She grabbed Kat's hand and smiled before sitting in her chair again As Kat closed his eyes again he noticed a bloodied scalpel lay on the shelf next to him and his hand's where inexplicably covered in blood... Kat shuddered - it was all a dream... Wasn't it? Maya started to move... Asuka was the first to go to her side, she grabbed one of her arms and tried to calm her down - something was wrong... She glanced at Kat who didn't need to be told, he ran to fetch help Asuka moved back slightly as Maya opened her eyes and smiled " Asuka... Where's Jonathon? " Maya asked slowly " He's dead... " Asuka smiled sadly " What? He can't be... " Maya burst into tears " Don't you remember? " " Yeah... But..." Maya looked to the side as Ritsuko walked in " Finally awake... Can you answer me a few questions? " " She's only just woken up..." " Would you leave us please? " " Uh... Ok... " Asuka walked out of the room to join Kat outside Ritsuko looked down on Maya as she put a few papers in order " Why did you try to kill yourself? " Ritsuko sighed " I didn't... A black shape attacked me... " " A black shape... Hmm... What was it like? " " A big black form... Strong and fast... " " And it tried to kill you... " " Yeah... Jonathon wasn't around to help me either... " " I suppose you'll be glad to know he wasn't killed... " " I know, he stayed with me for a while... " " What? And you never said? " " SEELE were after him... They would have killed him for real... " " Hmm... So do you think he did this to you to stop you telling? " " He didn't touch me... " " But he could have been... " " No, there he wouldn't have done that... He drove that thing off once or twice... " " Drove it off? " " Yeah, did you think that it was him? " " Well... " " You did? He isn't like that, he was happy to do what ever was needed of him when it was needed " " But you came into work hurt... " " Look... I'm really tired... I just want to see Jonathon and then go back to sleep... " Maya sighed " Hmm... I suppose we could arrange for him to come and see you... " Ritsuko walked out the room allowing Asuka and Kat to go back to their seats She headed down into the room where Jonathon was being kept A dark shaped was sat next to a panel tapping in commands at random, Ritsuko ran toward it as it tried to achieve an unknown goal... Jonathon was sat inside the tube hammering at the glass, he hadn't got an oxygen mask now... The shape turned to face Ritsuko before darting off into the darkness of the room Jonathon continued to hammer on the glass to no avail, it was too tough for him to even crack... Being underwater may have been why he wasn't able to get any momentum to his punches She sighed and tapped in the release code, Jonathon climbed out the top and flopped down onto the ground next to her " What was that thing? " He asked her seeing her attention on him " I thought that you would know... Maya has requested to see you... " " She told you about me? " " No... She's been in a coma for a short time... " " Oh... How is she? " " She's not up to much... I think it would be best if you were put into a room with her though... " " If you think so... " Jonathon sighed " Now we have to get you up there... " " Easy... I'll walk... " Jonathon tried to climb to his feet... He couldn't... " Hmm... We'll have to take you up there on a stretcher then... " She sighed Kat lay back in his seat while Asuka tried to make a fuss over Maya A medical trolley was being wheeled up... No... This wasn't a dream... Kat sprang to his feet... The trolley was being pushed up with Jonathon on... Ritsuko was pushing it... " What the? " Kat backed away as Jonathon was pushed in next to Maya Maya ignored Asuka when she realised that it was Jonathon " Jonathon! " Maya reached out with one hand " I see someone got you to... " " What happened to you? " " I haven't got any idea... I woke up one day in a glass tube... " " I woke up here... " " I wish they would tell me what was going on... They keep dropping hints that I attacked you... " " If anything you would have stopped this... " Maya said showing two thin white scars on her wrists " I know... I wouldn't let you get hurt... " Jonathon yawned " Did you find out who was after you? " " Yeah... SEELE... " " Oh... Why? " " Cause of who I am..." Jonathon watched as another bed was brought into the room " You never told me how you faked your death... " " I didn't... I'll explain it when I can stay awake though... " Jonathon yawned " Why are you so tired? " " They left me in warm water... Sapped all my strength... " " I always knew they were evil... " Maya watched as Jonathon was encouraged to climb into the fresh bed " Is the offer of living with you still on? " " Anytime... You know that I would prefer to live with you over anyone else... " " Oh... " Jonathon looked up as a woman dressed in a short black dress who looked similar to Maya ran in " I cracked the program... " Ayami looked at Jonathon " Hi... " " Who's he? " " I'm Jonathon... I can speak for myself... " " Oh... I cracked a... Hang on... You made this program... " " Yeah... " " What is it? " " You cracked it and haven't looked? " " No... " " It's a few personal files... Diary... Pictures... All the stuff I managed to collect about myself... " " Are you sure? " " Yeah... They are personal files though... " " You can't really stop me though... " " Wanna bet? " Jonathon grinned and rolled over " What? He... Oh god... " Ayami started to run " What did you do? " Maya asked with a slight grin " The same as you... Didn't say about something major, like you have a sister... The program is going to encrypt itself again... " " It will? " " Yeah... " Jonathon grinned and lay back, he grabbed Maya's free hand and closed his eyes Kat watched as Jonathon drifted into a deep sleep, in what way was the dream related to this? He would have been happy to know that Jonathon had been alive... If it hadn't been for the dream where he had seen him... He looked at the wall and sighed, he really ought to tell the others... But it would be best that he didn't... For the time being at least... Kaji walked into the room where Jane was being held, she had been separated from Leona for the time being to make sure that she didn't cause any trouble... " What do you want? " She growled seeing him " Hey, I'm here to make sure that you're ok... " " Really " Jane didn't seem to be convinced " Then what do you think I'm here for? " " I don't know yet... But with the way you look at me I have a few ideas... " " You're a nice girl... " " I am not a girl... I may be female but I am not a girl... " " Then what are you? " " If what I know is true then I am nothing more than a creation... " " I still think that you're a pretty little girl " " Call me a girl again and I'll rip you a new... " Jane trailed off seeing Kaji had a gun in his belt " Rip me a new what? " " You bastard... " Jane sighed " I was only told to come and make sure that you're ok... They said that if you want to help they'll let you pilot... " " Pilot huh? " Jane grinned evilly " Yeah... But with what you're thinking I don't think that's a good idea... " " Can you blame me for thinking of killing you all? " " I can't understand why you would want to... " " You are a pervert... All you want to do is sleep with me! " Jane shouted " I would if you would give me the chance... " " I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man alive... " " If I was then you would have to! " Kaji grinned " No... I would prefer to see humanity die than sleep with you... " Jane growled A man walked into the room dressed in a black suit " I'm here to take the girl... " " Go ahead... " Kaji turned and walked out of the room " Come with us please... " One of the men held his arm out to Jane " No... There is no way that I am going with any of you... " " Either you come with us or we will take you by force... " The man was deadly calm " Oh? Take me by force huh? " Jane grinned " The target refuses to work with us on this one... " The man said to one of his partners, two more men walked into the room " Either you come with us now or we will be forced to hurt you... " " Go ahead... " She sighed Jane climbed to her feet and held one arm out One of the men grabbed her roughly by the wrist and dragged her out of the room Something was wrong... Jane swung her arm in one fluid motion sending all the men around her into the walls, she grabbed a gun off one of the men and started to run down the corridor The men clambered to their feet and started to chase her... Jane continued to run, she was easily faster than the men chasing her... there was the little to stop her... But... Jane turned to face the men brandishing the gun They stopped and tried to take cover... There was none " What do you want? " One of the men shouted " I want you to let me go... " Jane growled " Shoot her... " One of the men tried to whisper, Jane anticipated this and let off a volley of gun fire... The men all fell either dead or wounded... " Freeze! " A man shouted behind her pressing a gun to her head Jane dropped the still smoking gun, she sighed and allowed the man to cuff her The man walked in front of her, he grabbed the gun off the floor and checked the ID cards of the men... All SEELE... " What's going on here? " The man asked himself puzzled " What's wrong? " Jane asked him casually " SEELE were all wiped out... " " Then why are they from SEELE? " " Maybe they are the last remaining operatives? " " What happened to SEELE? " " Blown up or something... Big thing did it... " " Oh... I thought that it was something interesting for a second... " " Cheeky little... " " Can you hurry up? " " Feeling remorse? " " No, these cuffs are cutting into my arms..." " Right... " The man walked over and started to lead Jane toward Kim's office, why did she get treated differently? Jonathon lay in the hospital bed next to Maya, he looked across to see Asuka and Kat having an animated conversation with Maya She looked at him for a split second and smiled before sighing and turning back to Asuka... It was as if Asuka had started to feel some kind of respect for her... He had heard from Kat that Asuka had found Maya in her apartment or something he wasn't sure of the details anymore now his mind was clouding from exhaustion He wasn't sure what was going on around him to be honest... Kat walked over leaving Asuka to bug Maya, he sat next to Jonathon and placed his legs on the bedside cabinet " What happened to you? " Kat asked suddenly " What do you mean? " Jonathon yawned " When you disappeared... " " I was attacked as I walked back to Misato's apartment... " " I heard that much... We were all distraught when we heard you were dead... " " I was attacked by some people form... SEELE I think... " " SEELE? " " Yeah... They said that I was to go with them to help them with something... " " How did they know you were there? " " Must have been following us..." " So they attacked you... " " Yeah... I was forced to kill a few of them... I saw one who looked just like me before that... " " Just like you? " " Yeah... They said that I was a clone... Said that being the original that I was the purest and that's why they needed me... " " Clones... Do you think I am? " " I asked if we all were... " " And what did they say? " " No... Just me and Jane... " " Jane... " " How is Jane? " " She's fine..." " And Leona? " " She's fine too... " " Oh... So what's been going on recently? " " Jane and Leona where brought in after someone tipped off NERV... They are currently being held in cells to make sure that they cause no more trouble... " " Oh... So anything else happened apart from that? " " Uh... I get to sleep with Rei? " " What? " " They said that I have to sleep with Rei until they find me a place of my own..." " I was supposed to be her bodyguard... I think SEELE were after both of us... " " Both of you? Why didn't they come after me? " " Maybe it was something to do with the lack of when you were alone? " " Maybe... " " How's Misato been? " " She didn't take hearing that you were dead well... " " Oh... I'll have to make up to her... " " Could you do so for me as well? " " Why? " " I did something that I shouldn't have... " " Oh... I'll see if I can... " " Thanks... " Jonathon and Kat paused as Asuka walked over to join them, Maya had fallen asleep at last... " What are you two talking about? " Asuka asked calmly " Nothing much... Just trying to catch up on what happened since I've been gone..." Jonathon grinned " I better get going... I won't tell the others that you're alive yet... " " Why not? " " It would be better for you to tell them yourself... " " Oh... " Jonathon turned back to Asuka " You know... The other kids speak highly of you... " " Really? They don't speak highly to me... " " So? " Asuka shrugged " What is it between you and Kat? " " Excuse me? " " All the hugging each other and stuff... " " Oh... Well... I... " " You can't explain... " " No... " " Then you may be in love... " " May? " " Ok, you are in love... " " I suppose... " " What happened between you and Maya? " " I found her... Dying... She tried to reach out... She wanted me to help her... " Asuka nearly choked " Oh... I didn't get told that... " " I suppose she's one of the few people that I like now... " " Few? " " Yeah, I suppose you are a little like me in a way... " " In what way? " " Cold and uncaring... Stop yourself getting hurt again that way... " " I dunno... I just push people away to avoid having them get close... " " To avoid getting close? " " Yeah... I just don't like being social... " " Why not? " " It means that the person tries to learn about me normally... I just like to keep who I am to myself... " " Really? " " I heard that you like to be the centre of attention... " " Yeah... Well... " " Don't bother to explain it to me, I don't know your reason to be like you are but you don't know my reason to be like I am... " " I suppose... " " I really need to get some rest... " " Ok... Tell me one thing... " " What? " " Are you all this intelligent? " " No... I am the least intelligent... " " Least? You can take a person apart to see how they tick... " " It's a simple thing to do when you know what to look or.... " " It isn't... Some people spend all their lives learning to do one area and they don't have such a way of doing it... " " If you know how to throw in a little flash language and know what to look for you can fool people most of the time " Jonathon grinned Asuka watched as Jonathon closed his eyes and fell asleep too " Maybe I should avoid talking to people who are in hospitals... All they seem to do is fall asleep on me... " Asuka walked out the room to join Kat Kat walked down the corridor past Kim's office, he paused for a second before knocking on the door and waiting " Come in... " Kim's voice was clear even behind the door Kat sighed and opened the door He walked into the room nervously and sat on the chair in front of Kim's desk " Kim... " " What can I do for you? " " It's Jonathon... " " Ah... " " I thought he was dead... " " We did as well, we found his body or so we thought... " " Do you know what happened? " " He may be responsible for wiping out SEELE and a few of the attacks on our staff " " You think? " " Yeah... The descriptions that we collected of the survivors matched a few things about him... " " Survivors? You mean he killed them... " " Mainly he killed them in cold blood... " " He wouldn't do that... He only kills a person when it's needed... " " I don't think he's been thinking the same recently... " " What do you mean by that? " " I wish I could tell you but I don't have anything to tell you about it yet... " " What happened to him then? " " We don't know and he doesn't either... " " No one knows... " " Exactly... If it turns out to be a real bad scenario then we may have to kill him... " " Kill him, no there is no way I can allow you to kill him... " " Why? " " We where all raised as a family... When I found that I didn't have to kill Jane I was relived... When I found he was alive... " " You are weak... " " Since when has having feelings made you weak? " " It clouds the way you think... " " Try telling that to Jonathon, his feelings are something you don't want to get on the wrong side of... " " Why? " " When you anger him he doesn't feel pain... try killing someone who has a body working at a much higher level... " " But you could just shoot him then... " " Been done... Didn't work and it resulted in a massive cleanup... " " Then what can stop him? " " Nothing can really stop him to my knowledge... " " Hmm... And that's what we have on our hands... " " Anyway... What happened to Jane and Leona? " " I maybe seeing them later on... At this moment they are being examined to see if they are fit to pilot... " " Have you told them about Jonathon? " " No, they aren't to know about the fact he is alive until he wishes to let them know...That will be all " " No... You can't tell me that will be all... You keep avoiding telling me the direct truth about everything... " " The truth is something that you don't need to know " " Actually I hate being lied to... " " If you're trying to threaten me... " Kim clicked her fingers and two guards lay their hands on Kat's shoulders " You expect me to work for you when I can't even be trusted? " " Most of our key staff don't know anything so I don't see why you should... " Kim watched as the guards dragged Kat out of the office and beat him up, She sighed and got back to her paperwork That would teach the little kid to mess with things he didn't understand... Jonathon lay in the hospital as people walked in and out of the room checking on Maya to see if she was recovering He looked across to see her sigh with frustration and throw down a pad of paper that she was trying to draw on " Are you ok? " Jonathon asked " No... I can't actually keep my hand stead anymore... " " Why? " " The injury... " Jonathon hung his head in shame " If only I had been there to protect you... " " It's not your fault... " " It is... If I had been there then you wouldn't have been injured... " " You were too busy chasing that thing... " " Yeah... But somehow I think I am little better than the thing I was trying to catch " " You mustn't say that... " " Pass me the pad... I'll try and draw something for you... " " Go ahead... " Maya passed the pad over to Jonathon Jonathon closed his eyes and focused his thoughts... Maya watched as Jonathon burst into a flurry of movement and quickly sketched what looked like an Eva... Only... It wasn't... He continued to put detail into the picture trying to get it to take the right form and shape Maya watched as he quickly finished the sketch... Jonathon passed the pad back to Maya with the picture completed... It wasn't an Eva but it looked like one... Roughly... " Well? " Jonathon gave Maya a slight smile " What is it? " " I don't know... The picture just... " " Hmm... It's well drawn... I wish I could draw like that... They both paused as Kat walked in bruised and bloodied " What happened? " Jonathon growled " That bitch... Kim... " Kat sat in the chair next to Jonathon's bed and wiped blood from his mouth " Who did this? " " The guards... " " Why didn't you fight back? " " What would happen if I did? " " You would kill them... " " Exactly... " " I'm not letting them get away with this... " Jonathon growled pulling on the clothes that where next to his bed " Jonathon no... " Kat sighed " No, they took this too far and I can't let them get away with it... " Jonathon didn't look like he was in top condition at this point... " You'll get hurt... " " If you try to stop me I'll hurt you as well... " Jonathon growled jumping to his feet and running down the corridor without his boots " Jonathon stop... " Maya sighed " Not until I get revenge for what they did to my little brother... " He shouted back " But you aren't related... " Maya said confused " It's like we are... " Kat sighed trying to wipe more blood from his face " What's he going to do? " " Probably beat them to half to death... " " Oh god... " Maya put her hand to her face and tried to hide the shocked expression " That's if he's in a good mood... " " A good... Mood... " " Yeah... if he isn't then he'll probably cripple them..." Kat closed his eyes and sighed " Can't we stop him? " " He's not going to stop until he's done this... " Maya almost choked on her tears, how could Jonathon go and do this now he had a future?