Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:8 Failed Child Jane lay on her back in the middle of a darkened cell, she sighed as time slowly passed, time dragged by for someone as aware as she was Jane looked to the door, someone was coming but she hadn't yet heard him or her... Time to put all the training that she had been forced to do into practice... Kaji walked to the cell of the child that had been captured, so far they had done well... All the children had either been sent to them or they had caught them... Only... One was dead, without the strength there would be no real punch to them... He was glad of that, the man guarding the door nodded and allowed him through He looked around the cell, the girl had escaped... Kaji raised his arm instinctively and fell to his feet as an irate girl slammed her fists into his chest " Hey! I'm not here to hurt you... " Kaji said trying to hold her off " Lying bastard... What have you done to Leona? " Jane trembled with rage " Nothing... We aren't going to hurt you... Do you know where you are? " " No... Where am I then? " Jane grabbed Kaji and held him between her and security Jane watched with some amusement as the guards babbled about a hostage situation, she grinned and dropped Kaji " You're in the main holding area of... " Kaji trailed off when he saw a tear trickle down Jane's porcelain white cheek " NERV... Where Jonathon died... " Jane swung her head to one side trying to hide the fact she was crying only to splash a tear on Kaji " Jonathon? " Kaji had heard the name but... " My... " Jane fell to her knees but continued to hide her face " I don't really know what's going on... I was just told to fetch you so we could go and see Kim... " Kaji put his hand on Jane's shoulder " Get your hands off me... " Jane snapped " Hey, just trying to help... " Kaji backed away, he had heard that she had been shot already and made a near full recovery " You men are filthy... " Jane trailed off as Kaji waved his finger " And who told you that? Not all men are that bad... " " Men are like that... I had to find out the hard way... " Jane sobbed " Hard way? " Kaji thought for a second before a look of realisation dawned over his face " Yeah... All men are... " Kaji put his hand on Jane's " I think you were unlucky... What makes you think that all of are? " " Jonathon told me... He found out about what happened to me and made sure that no other man could take advantage of me again... " " But surely he was drawn to other women... " " No, that was what I loved about him... He would never so much as look at another woman... they practically fell at his feet as well... " " Really? " " Yeah, he had a high level of something in his sweat that acted upon the female... " Jane realised that Kaji wasn't able to follow " And why didn't he ever follow up on these women? " Kaji wondered how one man could resist so many women " He was different... He tried not to think of women as objects and he tried to treat them like people... " Kaji looked even more confused " I don't get it... How? " " You really want to know the secret? " Jane teased " Yeah... " Kaji grinned " He was shy... " Jane whispered " We have to go... Kim will kill us if we don't hurry up " Kaji grabbed Jane's arm and led her toward Kim's office Kat was sat in school talking with Toji and Aida as they copied his work The teacher must have noticed that there was something going on but hadn't said anything about it " Hey Kat, how did you get this clever? " Toji asked as he finished copying the sheet " Born like it... I don't think you want to hear about genetic selection though... " Kat grinned, Aida sat there with his mouth open wide Kat wasn't modest, he knew he was clever and he didn't hide it Toji looked up for a second to watch as William walked in " Hey freak, been to scared of the little kitty here? " Toji teased, Kat smiled as William backed away nervously " Yeah William, where you been? " Kat said grinning at William " You know what happened to me... You bastard... How could you try to kill us like that? " William shouted causing the entire class to turn toward Kat " Hey, you came at me with a knife... If it hadn't been for the fact your face pisses me off I wouldn't have got so aggravated " Kat said grinning " You are sick! " William shouted " Wanna come over here and say that to my face? " Kat said laying back " What? So you can try to kill me again? " " Trust me... I won't try to kill you... Much " William didn't like the way he seemed to bolt 'Much' onto the end of the sentence Jane walked down the corridor toward Kim's office, she tried to avoid chatting to Kaji but he just didn't want to stay quiet " So what did they train you to do at the base? " Kaji asked trying to find out more than she would let on " They trained me to kill " Jane snapped, Kaji didn't like the coldness in her voice " Kill... They wouldn't do that to a kid... " Kaji stuttered " Oh? Apart from that, my training allows me to keep the world in perfect clarity even when I take a serious injury... " " You must be kidding... " " No, I almost drowned once and I was fully aware when I was dragged out the river... I think it was three hours later now... " " Three hours? " Kaji looked amazed " I'm not sure about that... I might be thinking of how long I can run for... " " Run... For up to three hours? " " No... Usually over... " Jane sighed, Kaji didn't want to stop questioning her now she had tried to get him off her back " You can sprint for that long? " " No, I can't... I can only keep up a pace above normal running speed " Jane snapped Kaji backed away involuntarily at this sudden outburst " Sorry... I suppose you would like to meet some of the other children here... " " No! " Jane snapped again " Hey, just trying to be pleasant " Kaji sighed and backed away a little " You expect me to give a... " Jane paused and sneezed " I don't care what you think... Sooner or later you're going to meet them anyway... Just watch out for the white haired kid... " " White haired? " " Yeah... I think he's called Kat or something... " " Kat... Oh god... " Jane suddenly turned pale, she shook free of Kaji's grip and started to run She didn't get very far before two guards grabbed her Gun's where placed against her back " Hey calm down... " " You ever seen bullets rip through the soft skin of a child before Kaji? " " No... But... " " I don't want to have to experience that again but if you don't let go... " " Hey... What was it? " " Kat... He's been sent here to kill me... I'm sure of it... " " We won't let him touch you... Trust me, he won't harm you... " " Really... If that was the case then why haven't you let me go? " Jane sighed Kaji nodded and the guards grip loosened on Jane's arms " I don't think he's anything to worry about... " " If that's so why do you think I'm scared of him? " " Let's get to Kim's office... " Kaji didn't like the sudden reaction from Jane, maybe there was something about Kat that he wasn't being told... Leona was sat in an office with a person claiming to be he head of NERV At fist she had just laughed for a full minute but the way the person sat there waiting for her to stop was eerie... Kim Davis sat in her office with a red haired girl, the shade of red was a natural one at least she told herself recalling the pale white hair of the other kid She looked at her watch for a second wondering where the other girl and Kaji could have got to... The door opened showing the girl in question... Why was she so pale? Why were they all so pale? First there had been Jonathon... She had seen that he was pale in his picture... Then there was Kat... She had seen how pale he was first when he had spoken to her... But these two girls... Jane had porcelain white skin that contrasted with the slight pink tint to Leona's skin tone... " Welcome... I suppose you two are wondering what you've been brought here for... Well? Are you wondering?" " Not really but I suppose you're going to tell us no matter... " Jane sighed " You should watch your mouth... " Kim growled " And you should knock before you burst in! " Jane shouted as loud as she could " Look... We provided the genetics section of what ever little army you seem to have come from with the contract to create you... " Kim growled " Genetics... Create... " Jane fell to her knees and burst into tears " It's true then... " Leona sighed " Yes... Kaji... I don't think we'll get much more out of them today at this rate... Get them sorted and bring them back tomorrow... " Kim sighed " Yes... As you say... " Kaji shook his head and helped Jane to her feet Kim looked up briefly as Kaji led the two girls away, who would have thought that they could be so much trouble when they were almost perfect... Kat was sat on the rail on the school roof, Toji and Aida were sat with him " Where do you think Shinji got to? " Aida pondered aloud " Dunno... All I know is until things quiet down I have to sleep with Rei... " Kat chuckled as he looked down " You get to sleep with Rei? " " Sorta... I don't like to actually share the bed though... " " Share the bed? " " Yeah... The room only has the one bed... " " Hey Kat... Isn't that Shinji? " Toji butted in pointing to a figure as it headed toward the school building " Hey Shinji! " Kat shouted out cheerfully " What? " Shinji shouted back trying to keep calm " Come up and say hello at least " Kat sighed Toji shook his head " I dunno what it is about you he doesn't like... " Kat watched Asuka push her way through all the other kids to get to Shinji " ...But it isn't a good thing... " Aida continued Toji's sentence " ...And it can't be good for the atmosphere here either " Toji said shaking his head " You want me to make up with Shinji? " Kat asked raising one eyebrow " No... We want him to make up with you " Aida said shaking his head " Oh... " Kat turned to see Shinji and Asuka walk toward them " Hi Kat " Asuka grinned like a child " How could you two... He tried to kill us... " Shinji shook with rage " Lighten up Shinji... " Asuka sighed " No, he tried to kill us and I'm not going to let him get away with it " Shinji shouted " You know Shinji... At first I thought that you might be serious but... " " You haven't done anything about it... " Asuka sighed " What? What do you mean? " Shinji paused " It looks to me like you can't come to terms with what happened... You know that it was William that triggered me off... " " Shut up, you're just trying to get out of this " " And despite that you keep trying to blame me... Looks like you really can't accept the fact that your nice little family isn't as safe as you thought it was... " " He's right Shinji... It looks pretty stupid trying to blame him when he isn't even to blame... Why don't you just drop it and hope he doesn't hold it against you? " " No, he tried to... " Kat looked up at Shinji " I have had enough of all this self pitying whining that you do... I can't take you trying to blame me for a little thing I had little control over... " " Kat... Calm down " Asuka stood between Kat and Shinji " If you don't drop all this crap that I am to blame for this then... " Kat slammed his fist down on the rain putting a dent in it " Kat no... Don't hurt him " Asuka begged " What is it to you anyway? " Kat growled " It wouldn't be right to hurt him over this as it would just make him belive he was right even more... " Asuka looked at Toji and Aida who had turned pale " I guess... I'm still going to beat the... " Kat grinned as Shinji ran " Kat, just try to let it go... " Asuka placed her head on Kat's chest causing him to blush, she was surprised at the amount of colour that it gave him " I guess... " Kat sighed, he sat back on the railing and watched as Shinji ran toward the William who was stood next to the gate Asuka rested against the railing next to Kat and placed her hand on his lap " I guess we should leave you two alone... " Toji said after a short pause Asuka watched as Toji and Aida walked back down to join Shinji Jane and Leona had been left together in a room by Kaji, they were both tired from a sedative that had been introduced into their bloodstream somehow Leona was still awake but Jane wasn't able to keep awake under the circumstances " Now if I wanted to get out... How would I? " Leona asked herself trying to keep herself awake Leona climbed to her feet unsteadily and placed a blanket over Jane before walking around the room, there were few ways of getting out... The only way she could think was getting someone to use a forged security card with the electronic lock... " And electronic lock huh? " Leona walked over to the door to examine the lock, she ran one hand down it before trying to force it open with her mind There was a beep and the door opened " Jane... " Leona shook Jane trying to wake her, it took a short time before Jane opened her eyes " What is it? " Jane yawned " We can get out... the doors open... " Leona smiled helping Jane to her feet Leona walked out of the room supporting Jane, she headed down the corridor that looked most likely to get them out of the base... She walked past a security camera without triggering it, her ability did have it's uses... Voices... Nowhere to hide... Leona tried to run but whoever it was placed their hand on her shoulder Pale fingers wrapped around her shoulder " Leona... Jane... What a coincidence... " Leona span round to see Kat level a gun with her head " Kat... Where did you come from? " Leona asked trying to think of a way out " School... I got bored and came back... " " They took us prisoner... " " Why didn't they tell me? " Kat asked aloud " Maybe they didn't tell you what they told us... " " And what did they tell you? " Kat yawned " That we were created for them... We are here to work for them... " Leona sighed placing Jane on the floor " Really? " Kat lowered his gun " Yeah... As far as they are concerned we are here as nothing more than playthings... We mean nothing in the big picture though... " " Right... So that would explain the 'cover' that they gave me... " " Cover? " " I'm a pilot... " " That must be what they intended all of us for... " Leona sighed " How did they catch you? " " I don't really know... I just hope that Robert is all right... " " Maybe he was the one that betrayed you? " " No... I don't think so... " " You have to remember that despite everything that we were taught we are still kids... Basically that means we have the right to be naïve... " " I guess... " " I was going to kill you just... But they lied to me so I can't tell what to believe anymore... " Kat paused, he looked at Leona for a second and holstered his gun " What is it? " " Probably nothing... " " No, what is it? Tell me... " " I thought I felt the ground shake slightly... Like a small explosion... " " You sure? " " Yeah... Pretty sure... " Kat looked to the side as Kaji ran up to Jane and Leona grabbing them by the wrists and leading them back to their rooms " What are you doing out? " Kaji enquired " Escaping... " Jane yawned " If you hadn't sedated us and kidnapped us and so on... Maybe we would have been happier with the idea of being here? " Leona yawned " Glad to see the sedative is still working... I thought you said Kat would kill you though? " " We told him the truth... " Leona grinned " What? You didn't... You did? Oh shit... Kim won't like this... " " You think we care? " " You should... Huh? " Kaji looked down to see Jane had fallen asleep again Ritsuko was stood before Kim as she was filled in on a recent incident... " What was the cause of the explosion? " Ritsuko asked trying to figure it out " They belive that someone detonated a man sized N² mine inside the base... " " What kind of damage did it inflict? " " It took out all the area that it was required to... Looks like they won't be able to replace the people that were killed..." " Who was killed of any importance? " " All the main staff of SEELE are dead... All the chairmen were having a meeting at that point... They were the targets I believe... " " Did any of them survive? " " No... I think they were killed instantly... " " What can we do now? " " Take full control of NERV, without them to give us the orders we'll have to become the new 'masters' I guess... " Kim smiled " Any idea of who would so that? " " No... They may have got away after planting it or they might have been caught in the blast... We can't tell at this point... " " We'll have to assume that they planted it with a timer on... Maybe if we get some security footage... " " The main area of the base is intact... Just the interior was destroyed... " " So there should be some footage that we can use... " " Let's find out if that is true first... " " We'll have to send a recovery team to the base to find out if there is actually anything left that we can use... " " I'll leave you in charge of sorting this one out... I have other matters in the form of three kids... " " Three? " " Yes... We have all three of the kids now, as such the budget to complete the assassins has been boosted to encourage their completion... " " So the E project has been abandoned? " " No, with what happened the government has gave us direct control over all of this... The E project still stands... We are now trying to recruit more pilots... " " I see... So when do the assassins have to be completed by? " " By the time the kids are ready to pilot them would be best... " " So what do I tell Kat? " " Hide the truth from him for now... It would be best he didn't learn about your part in his life yet... " Kim sighed " Ok... So what about the other two? " " Kaji had said that Kat seems to have lost interest in killing them... He also may know the truth about why he's here now... He'll have to be monitored for now..." " So now all I have to do is sort out the rescue party..." " Exactly... I want you to report back with anything that may be of interest... " " Ok... " Ritsuko turned and walked toward the door Ritsuko watched as a group of men in hazard suits walked about the wreckage of the SEELE headquarters She rubbed her gloved hand against the outside of the glass screen on her suit and sighed, her breath steamed up the inside of the helmet " Why did this have to happen today? " She asked herself The men walked around the perimeter of the base ripping down the security cameras and trying to get into the shell of the building One of the men set a thermal charge on the ruined door and set it before running back and getting thrown to the ground by the blast The door lay open showing... Mainly an intact area... Strangely the base was intact on the interior... It was more of a burnt out shell that a building ruined by an N² mine... Ritsuko followed the some of the men into the building to see what she could find out, the few men left remained outside with the security tape they had found They walked down a maze of corridors until... They came to a room that was completely destroyed by... Flame? No... It couldn't be a simple fire that had destroyed the entire building She looked around... This actually looked familiar... " What is it? " One of the men asked seeing her concern " I'm not entirely sure at this moment... " Ritsuko frowned " Do you think this was a fire? " " It was supposedly an N² Mine... " " An N² mine would have taken out the entire area... " " That's what I thought... Oh my god... " " What is it? " " I think I know what did this... We have to get out... " Ritsuko turned to leave the room, A large black shape stood in the way " What is that? " The man asked aloud " Don't ask - Shoot it... Quickly! " Ritsuko shouted " Ok... " The man levelled his gun with the black shape and squeezed the trigger A burst of machinegun fire slammed into the shape without any visible effect " Oh god... What is that thing? " Ritsuko whispered " Uh... Miss... What should we do now? " The man asked, backing away from the creature nervously " We may have another chance... " Ritsuko pulled a flare out of the pocket of the suit, she fixed it on the end of the man's gun and activated it... The black shape Backed away from the flare nervously, it found itself in a corner with the flare pointed at it " How did you know that would work? " The man asked " It was more of a guess... We have to capture it though... " Ritsuko sighed " Did it do this? " " Possibly, we probably won't know until we can run some tests... " " Shall I try shooting it again? " " No... The black form seems to be fading... " Ritsuko watched as the blackness that surrounded the creature slowly faded " What was so important that happened here? " " All the chairmen were in this building... They had come to see a sample I think... " " How do you know that? " " I was also invited to see this sample... " " So what stopped you? " " Work... " " Huh... Seems about right for NERV, all work and no play " The man turned back to the creature as it tried to look for a way out The flare obviously frightened it as it refused to get close to it "Try shooting it now... " Ritsuko commanded " Yes miss... " The man pulled the trigger sending the creature flying into the wall behind it, it slid down the wall and lay still... " We better get this out of here... How are we going to hide it though? " " Well... We could get another suit and take it out on a stretcher? " The man commented " Yes... I thought that I was supposed to be the genius though... " The man shrugged Ritsuko and the guard walked out of the SEELE base, two more guards carrying a stretcher followed them, all of them were clad in the hazard suits " We need to get this one back to base as soon as possible... " Ritsuko sighed " What shall we do with the subject? " " Put it in a secure room... We need to find out what it was doing there and what it is..." Ritsuko growled " Yes miss... " The guards placed the stretcher in the back of a transport plane, Ritsuko and the remaining guards followed " Well then Miss Akagi, what have you got to report? " Kim asked as Ritsuko removed the hazard suit " Don't you have anything better to do? " " No, I can assign anyone to do anything if I want to have some free time..." " Can you assign me someone to do that? " " No... I hear that you captured something while at the SEELE base... " " Yes... We caught a creature with a shadow like body... " " Shadow like body... Sound familiar to you? " " No... What do you have in mind? " " It's not important... It just sounds like... " " Like what? " " Look, both of us as well as two others where involved in the project that made these children... " " Yes... I wonder if the other two are here as well... " " I have heard that they may be here... If I find out I will inform you..." " Thank you... " " Now about the thing that you caught... " " It's a shadow bodied creature... Afraid of light and didn't get hurt when shot until we put a light on it... " " It took light to weaken it huh? " " Yes... Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and see to the subject..." " Yes... Just remember that I want a full report on this, as well as any of the security footage that you may have recovered from the base..." Ritsuko stood before a glass tank filled with water, in it floated a human form with an oxygen mask, why she hadn't been allowed LCL was a mystery... The form hadn't yet lost the blackness that surrounded it but they now knew for certain that it was a human... Probably male... Ritsuko looked up at the figure, a pair of red eye's opened as the figure hammered its fists against the glass tube " I wouldn't try that if I was you... I don't think you have the strength to break free... Not from something that is based off the atomic structure of titanium... " Ritsuko smiled and started to tap in a few commands on the console before her, she brought up an analysis of the thing in the tube... It wasn't even there according to the scan... Was it because the body... No wonder, it was nothing more than a shadow at this point in time... It wouldn't be much longer though before the shadow state that currently enclosed its body dissolved and was no longer there... Ritsuko taped up a few more commands trying to find a way of penetrating the shadow before then... It seemed to be hopeless... The sensors wouldn't even pick up the fact that there was a water displacement... Was there nothing that she could do? Ritsuko looked up to see the things baleful eyes follow her around the room, it was intelligent she knew that much... But what was it? Kim walked into the room reading a report on an incident that the magi had picked up on, she sat near Ritsuko and looked at the thing She was surprised to see the creature look back at her, not out of interest like she did but out of contempt Kim shook her head and settled down to read the report " What can I do for you? " Ritsuko asked seeing Kim "Anything on the big black thing? " " No, I said that I would report back to you when I found something out... " " I'm only asking because they managed to get something of interest out of the security footage you removed from SEELE " " Oh? " " Well, here's a little on it... " Kim handed over a few sheets of paper and a picture " That person... He looks familiar... " " Familiar? That's Jonathon... They picked him out on the footage and gave us that picture... Seems he has something to do with all this... " " So if we can find him... " " He can tell us about the incident... He may even know what that thing is... " " So that means that we have a kid to look for... " Ritsuko sighed " Not really... We can just use the other kids to lure him here... " " Lure him with them? " " Yeah... They all seemed to have been one big happy family... " " But he just abandoned them... " " I think that maybe something to do with SEELE, why else would he be at their base? " " How did he fake his own death though, we recovered his body from the area... " " How do we know that it was his body? " " Genetically identical... There was no way that... " " What if I told you I have a report that says that SEELE had exact clones of each of them... " " SEELE had clones of them? Why were we not told about this? " " Because no one knew... I found one of the people who worked for SEELE waiting outside my office earlier... He gave me the report... " " Oh... So what else do you know about all of this? " " Gendo was forced to leave when he was threaten by SEELE, they gave him death threats asking for Rei... " " Why would they want Rei? " " They had one of the three DNA types readily available... Human, Rei has the angel DNA patterns included in her own... " " So what about the third one? " " The new kids contained them... If they were to get them to have children they would have had one that was slightly balanced to far toward humanity... " " Slightly? " " Yes one part angel, two human and one... " Kim trailed off, she looked to the side to see the figure was actually a human... A male human " What is it? " Ritsuko turned to see this, she tapped in a command to get up... " What have you found? " Kim asked nervously " That is Jonathon... " " So that's where he got to... " Kim growled " That's not all... " Ritsuko started to shiver " What? You've found something else? " " Yeah... He's your son... "